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Save feature form configuration in QgsEditFormConfig
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m-kuhn committed Dec 8, 2015
1 parent 0f6256e commit c56588e
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Showing 4 changed files with 253 additions and 213 deletions.
217 changes: 206 additions & 11 deletions src/core/qgseditformconfig.cpp
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ QgsEditFormConfig::QgsEditFormConfig( QObject* parent )
: QObject( parent )
, mEditorLayout( GeneratedLayout )
, mInitCodeSource( CodeSourceNone )
, mFeatureFormSuppress( SuppressDefault )
, mSuppressForm( SuppressDefault )
connect( QgsProject::instance()->relationManager(), SIGNAL( relationsLoaded() ), this, SLOT( onRelationsLoaded() ) );
Expand All @@ -28,20 +28,19 @@ QgsEditorWidgetConfig QgsEditFormConfig::widgetConfig( int fieldIdx ) const
if ( fieldIdx < 0 || fieldIdx >= mFields.count() )
return QgsEditorWidgetConfig();

return mEditorWidgetV2Configs.value( mFields[fieldIdx].name() );
return mWidgetConfigs.value( mFields[fieldIdx].name() );

QgsEditorWidgetConfig QgsEditFormConfig::widgetConfig( const QString& fieldName ) const
QgsEditorWidgetConfig QgsEditFormConfig::widgetConfig( const QString& widgetName ) const
return mEditorWidgetV2Configs.value( fieldName );
return mWidgetConfigs.value( widgetName );

void QgsEditFormConfig::setFields( const QgsFields& fields )
mFields = fields;

void QgsEditFormConfig::setWidgetType( int attrIdx, const QString& widgetType )
if ( attrIdx >= 0 && attrIdx < mFields.count() )
Expand All @@ -51,12 +50,12 @@ void QgsEditFormConfig::setWidgetType( int attrIdx, const QString& widgetType )
void QgsEditFormConfig::setWidgetConfig( int attrIdx, const QgsEditorWidgetConfig& config )
if ( attrIdx >= 0 && attrIdx < mFields.count() )
mEditorWidgetV2Configs[ attrIdx ).name()] = config;
mWidgetConfigs[ attrIdx ).name()] = config;

QString QgsEditFormConfig::uiForm() const
void QgsEditFormConfig::setWidgetConfig( const QString& widgetName, const QgsEditorWidgetConfig& config )
return mEditForm;
mWidgetConfigs[widgetName] = config;

void QgsEditFormConfig::setUiForm( const QString& ui )
Expand All @@ -69,10 +68,10 @@ void QgsEditFormConfig::setUiForm( const QString& ui )
setLayout( UiFileLayout );
mEditForm = ui;
mUiFormPath = ui;

bool QgsEditFormConfig::readOnly( int idx )
bool QgsEditFormConfig::readOnly( int idx ) const
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < mFields.count() )
Expand All @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ bool QgsEditFormConfig::readOnly( int idx )
return false;

bool QgsEditFormConfig::labelOnTop( int idx )
bool QgsEditFormConfig::labelOnTop( int idx ) const
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < mFields.count() )
return mLabelOnTop.value( idx ).name(), false );
Expand All @@ -105,6 +104,202 @@ void QgsEditFormConfig::setLabelOnTop( int idx, bool onTop )
mLabelOnTop[ idx ).name()] = onTop;

void QgsEditFormConfig::readXml( const QDomNode& node )
QDomNode editFormNode = node.namedItem( "editform" );
if ( !editFormNode.isNull() )
QDomElement e = editFormNode.toElement();
mUiFormPath = QgsProject::instance()->readPath( e.text() );

QDomNode editFormInitNode = node.namedItem( "editforminit" );
if ( !editFormInitNode.isNull() )
mInitFunction = editFormInitNode.toElement().text();

QDomNode editFormInitCodeSourceNode = node.namedItem( "editforminitcodesource" );
if ( !editFormInitCodeSourceNode.isNull() || ( !editFormInitCodeSourceNode.isNull() && !editFormInitCodeSourceNode.toElement().text().isEmpty() ) )
setInitCodeSource(( QgsEditFormConfig::PythonInitCodeSource ) editFormInitCodeSourceNode.toElement().text().toInt() );

QDomNode editFormInitCodeNode = node.namedItem( "editforminitcode" );
if ( !editFormInitCodeNode.isNull() )
setInitCode( editFormInitCodeNode.toElement().text() );

// Temporary < 2.12 b/w compatibility "dot" support patch
// @see:
// For b/w compatibility, check if there's a dot in the function name
// and if yes, transform it in an import statement for the module
// and set the PythonInitCodeSource to CodeSourceDialog
int dotPos = mInitFunction.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( dotPos >= 0 ) // It's a module
setInitCodeSource( QgsEditFormConfig::CodeSourceDialog );
setInitFunction( mInitFunction.mid( dotPos + 1 ) );
setInitCode( QString( "from %1 import %2\n" ).arg( mInitFunction.left( dotPos ), mInitFunction.mid( dotPos + 1 ) ) );

QDomNode editFormInitFilePathNode = node.namedItem( "editforminitfilepath" );
if ( !editFormInitFilePathNode.isNull() || ( !editFormInitFilePathNode.isNull() && !editFormInitFilePathNode.toElement().text().isEmpty() ) )
setInitFilePath( editFormInitFilePathNode.toElement().text() );

QDomNode fFSuppNode = node.namedItem( "featformsuppress" );
if ( fFSuppNode.isNull() )
mSuppressForm = QgsEditFormConfig::SuppressDefault;
QDomElement e = fFSuppNode.toElement();
mSuppressForm = ( QgsEditFormConfig::FeatureFormSuppress )e.text().toInt();

// tab display
QDomNode editorLayoutNode = node.namedItem( "editorlayout" );
if ( editorLayoutNode.isNull() )
mEditorLayout = QgsEditFormConfig::GeneratedLayout;
if ( editorLayoutNode.toElement().text() == "uifilelayout" )
mEditorLayout = QgsEditFormConfig::UiFileLayout;
else if ( editorLayoutNode.toElement().text() == "tablayout" )
mEditorLayout = QgsEditFormConfig::TabLayout;
mEditorLayout = QgsEditFormConfig::GeneratedLayout;

// tabs and groups display info
QDomNode attributeEditorFormNode = node.namedItem( "attributeEditorForm" );
QDomNodeList attributeEditorFormNodeList = attributeEditorFormNode.toElement().childNodes();

for ( int i = 0; i < attributeEditorFormNodeList.size(); i++ )
QDomElement elem = i ).toElement();

QgsAttributeEditorElement *attributeEditorWidget = attributeEditorElementFromDomElement( elem, this );
addTab( attributeEditorWidget );

void QgsEditFormConfig::writeXml( QDomNode& node ) const
QDomDocument doc( node.ownerDocument() );

QDomElement efField = doc.createElement( "editform" );
QDomText efText = doc.createTextNode( QgsProject::instance()->writePath( uiForm() ) );
efField.appendChild( efText );
node.appendChild( efField );

QDomElement efiField = doc.createElement( "editforminit" );
if ( !initFunction().isEmpty() )
efiField.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( initFunction() ) );
node.appendChild( efiField );

QDomElement eficsField = doc.createElement( "editforminitcodesource" );
eficsField.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QString::number( initCodeSource() ) ) );
node.appendChild( eficsField );

QDomElement efifpField = doc.createElement( "editforminitfilepath" );
efifpField.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QgsProject::instance()->writePath( initFilePath() ) ) );
node.appendChild( efifpField );

QDomElement eficField = doc.createElement( "editforminitcode" );
eficField.appendChild( doc.createCDATASection( initCode() ) );
node.appendChild( eficField );

QDomElement fFSuppElem = doc.createElement( "featformsuppress" );
QDomText fFSuppText = doc.createTextNode( QString::number( suppress() ) );
fFSuppElem.appendChild( fFSuppText );
node.appendChild( fFSuppElem );

// tab display
QDomElement editorLayoutElem = doc.createElement( "editorlayout" );
switch ( layout() )
case QgsEditFormConfig::UiFileLayout:
editorLayoutElem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "uifilelayout" ) );

case QgsEditFormConfig::TabLayout:
editorLayoutElem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "tablayout" ) );

case QgsEditFormConfig::GeneratedLayout:
editorLayoutElem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "generatedlayout" ) );

node.appendChild( editorLayoutElem );

// tabs and groups of edit form
if ( tabs().size() > 0 )
QDomElement tabsElem = doc.createElement( "attributeEditorForm" );

for ( QList< QgsAttributeEditorElement* >::const_iterator it = tabs().constBegin(); it != tabs().constEnd(); ++it )
QDomElement attributeEditorWidgetElem = ( *it )->toDomElement( doc );
tabsElem.appendChild( attributeEditorWidgetElem );

node.appendChild( tabsElem );

QgsAttributeEditorElement* QgsEditFormConfig::attributeEditorElementFromDomElement( QDomElement &elem, QObject* parent )
QgsAttributeEditorElement* newElement = NULL;

if ( elem.tagName() == "attributeEditorContainer" )
QgsAttributeEditorContainer* container = new QgsAttributeEditorContainer( elem.attribute( "name" ), parent );

QDomNodeList childNodeList = elem.childNodes();

for ( int i = 0; i < childNodeList.size(); i++ )
QDomElement childElem = i ).toElement();
QgsAttributeEditorElement *myElem = attributeEditorElementFromDomElement( childElem, container );
if ( myElem )
container->addChildElement( myElem );

newElement = container;
else if ( elem.tagName() == "attributeEditorField" )
QString name = elem.attribute( "name" );
int idx = mFields.fieldNameIndex( name );
newElement = new QgsAttributeEditorField( name, idx, parent );
else if ( elem.tagName() == "attributeEditorRelation" )
// At this time, the relations are not loaded
// So we only grab the id and delegate the rest to onRelationsLoaded()
QString name = elem.attribute( "name" );
newElement = new QgsAttributeEditorRelation( name, elem.attribute( "relation", "[None]" ), parent );
return newElement;

void QgsEditFormConfig::onRelationsLoaded()
Q_FOREACH ( QgsAttributeEditorElement* elem, mAttributeEditorElements )
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