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Working search for items when using options tree views
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nyalldawson committed Jul 29, 2021
1 parent 41c11d6 commit b932108
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Showing 5 changed files with 445 additions and 299 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions python/gui/auto_generated/
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@

class QgsOptionsDialogBase : QDialog
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ it is automatically called if a line edit has "mSearchLineEdit" as object name.


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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/app/options/qgsoptions.cpp
Expand Up @@ -115,14 +115,16 @@ QgsOptions::QgsOptions( QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl, const QList<QgsOpti
crsGroup->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Transformations" ), tr( "Coordinate transformations and operations" ), QStringLiteral( "transformation.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( crsGroup );

mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Data Sources" ), tr( "Data sources" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/attributes.svg" ) ) );
QStandardItem *dataSources = createItem( tr( "Data Sources" ), tr( "Data sources" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/attributes.svg" ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( dataSources );
dataSources->appendRow( createItem( tr( "GDAL" ), tr( "GDAL" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/gdal.svg" ) ) );

mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Rendering" ), tr( "Rendering" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/rendering.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Canvas & Legend" ), tr( "Canvas and legend" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/overlay.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Map Tools" ), tr( "Map tools" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/map_tools.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Colors" ), tr( "Colors" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/colors.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Digitizing" ), tr( "Digitizing" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/digitizing.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Layouts" ), tr( "Print layouts" ), QStringLiteral( "mIconLayout.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "GDAL" ), tr( "GDAL" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/gdal.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Variables" ), tr( "Variables" ), QStringLiteral( "mIconExpression.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Authentication" ), tr( "Authentication" ), QStringLiteral( "locked.svg" ) ) );
mTreeModel->appendRow( createItem( tr( "Network" ), tr( "Network" ), QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/network_and_proxy.svg" ) ) );
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266 changes: 192 additions & 74 deletions src/gui/qgsoptionsdialogbase.cpp
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::initOptionsBase( bool restoreUi, const QString &title
if ( mOptTreeView )
mOptTreeModel = qobject_cast< QStandardItemModel * >( mOptTreeView->model() );
mTreeProxyModel = new QgsOptionsProxyModel( this );
mTreeProxyModel->setSourceModel( mOptTreeModel );
mOptTreeView->setModel( mTreeProxyModel );

QFrame *optionsFrame = findChild<QFrame *>( QStringLiteral( "mOptionsFrame" ) );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,12 +166,12 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::initOptionsBase( bool restoreUi, const QString &title
if ( selected.isEmpty() )

const QModelIndex index = 0 );
const QModelIndex index = mTreeProxyModel->mapToSource( 0 ) );

if ( !mOptTreeModel || !mOptTreeModel->itemFromIndex( index )->isSelectable() )

mOptStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex( viewIndexToPageNumber( index ) );
mOptStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex( mTreeProxyModel->sourceIndexToPageNumber( index ) );
} );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,71 +276,10 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::setListToItemAtIndex( int index )
else if ( mOptTreeView && mOptTreeModel )
mOptTreeView->setCurrentIndex( pageNumberToTreeViewIndex( index ) );
mOptTreeView->setCurrentIndex( mTreeProxyModel->mapFromSource( mTreeProxyModel->pageNumberToSourceIndex( index ) ) );

QModelIndex QgsOptionsDialogBase::pageNumberToTreeViewIndex( int page )
if ( !mOptTreeModel )
return QModelIndex();

int pagesRemaining = page;
std::function<QModelIndex( const QModelIndex & )> traversePages;

// traverse through the model, counting all selectable items until we hit the desired page number
traversePages = [&]( const QModelIndex & parent ) -> QModelIndex
for ( int row = 0; row < mOptTreeModel->rowCount( parent ); ++row )
const QModelIndex currentIndex = mOptTreeModel->index( row, 0, parent );
if ( mOptTreeModel->itemFromIndex( currentIndex )->isSelectable() && pagesRemaining == 0 )
return currentIndex;

const QModelIndex res = traversePages( currentIndex );
if ( res.isValid() )
return res;

if ( mOptTreeModel->itemFromIndex( currentIndex )->isSelectable() )
return QModelIndex();

return traversePages( QModelIndex() );

int QgsOptionsDialogBase::viewIndexToPageNumber( const QModelIndex &index )
if ( !mOptTreeModel )
return 0;

int page = 0;

std::function<int( const QModelIndex & )> traverseModel;

// traverse through the model, counting all which correspond to pages till we hit the desired index
traverseModel = [&]( const QModelIndex & parent ) -> int
for ( int row = 0; row < mOptTreeModel->rowCount( parent ); ++row )
const QModelIndex currentIndex = mOptTreeModel->index( row, 0, parent );
if ( currentIndex == index )
return page;

const int res = traverseModel( currentIndex );
if ( res >= 0 )
return res;

if ( mOptTreeModel->itemFromIndex( currentIndex )->isSelectable() )
return -1;

return traverseModel( QModelIndex() );

void QgsOptionsDialogBase::resizeAlltabs( int index )
// Adjust size (GH issue #31449 and #32615)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,9 +361,13 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::insertPage( const QString &title, const QString &tool
else if ( mOptTreeModel )
QModelIndex sourceIndexBefore = mTreeProxyModel->pageNumberToSourceIndex( idx );
while ( sourceIndexBefore.parent().isValid() )
sourceIndexBefore = sourceIndexBefore.parent();

QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem( icon, title );
item->setToolTip( tooltip );
mOptTreeModel->insertRow( idx, item );
mOptTreeModel->insertRow( sourceIndexBefore.row(), item );

mOptStackedWidget->insertWidget( idx, widget );
Expand All @@ -447,26 +393,49 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::searchText( const QString &text )
if ( mOptButtonBox && mOptButtonBox->isHidden() )

// hide all page if text has to be search, show them all otherwise
// hide all pages if text has to be search, show them all otherwise
if ( mOptListWidget )
for ( int r = 0; r < mOptListWidget->count(); ++r )
for ( int r = 0; r < mOptStackedWidget->count(); ++r )
mOptListWidget->setRowHidden( r, text.length() >= minimumTextLength );

for ( const QPair< QgsOptionsDialogHighlightWidget *, int > &rsw : std::as_const( mRegisteredSearchWidgets ) )
if ( rsw.first->searchHighlight( text.length() >= minimumTextLength ? text : QString() ) )
for ( const QPair< QgsOptionsDialogHighlightWidget *, int > &rsw : std::as_const( mRegisteredSearchWidgets ) )
if ( mOptListWidget )
if ( rsw.first->searchHighlight( text.length() >= minimumTextLength ? text : QString() ) )
mOptListWidget->setRowHidden( rsw.second, false );
else if ( mTreeProxyModel )
QMap< int, bool > hiddenPages;
for ( int r = 0; r < mOptStackedWidget->count(); ++r )
hiddenPages.insert( r, text.length() >= minimumTextLength );

for ( const QPair< QgsOptionsDialogHighlightWidget *, int > &rsw : std::as_const( mRegisteredSearchWidgets ) )
if ( rsw.first->searchHighlight( text.length() >= minimumTextLength ? text : QString() ) )
hiddenPages.insert( rsw.second, false );
for ( auto it = hiddenPages.constBegin(); it != hiddenPages.constEnd(); ++it )
mTreeProxyModel->setPageHidden( it.key(), it.value() );
if ( mOptTreeView && text.length() >= minimumTextLength )
// auto expand out any group with children matching the search term

// if current item is hidden, move to first available...
if ( mOptListWidget && mOptListWidget->isRowHidden( mOptStackedWidget->currentIndex() ) )
for ( int r = 0; r < mOptListWidget->count(); ++r )
Expand All @@ -483,6 +452,52 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::searchText( const QString &text )
if ( mOptButtonBox )
else if ( mOptTreeView )
const QModelIndex currentSourceIndex = mTreeProxyModel->pageNumberToSourceIndex( mOptStackedWidget->currentIndex() );
if ( !mTreeProxyModel->filterAcceptsRow( currentSourceIndex.row(), currentSourceIndex.parent() ) )
std::function<QModelIndex( const QModelIndex & )> traverseModel;
traverseModel = [&]( const QModelIndex & parent ) -> QModelIndex
for ( int row = 0; row < mTreeProxyModel->rowCount(); ++row )
const QModelIndex proxyIndex = mTreeProxyModel->index( row, 0, parent );
const QModelIndex sourceIndex = mTreeProxyModel->mapToSource( proxyIndex );
if ( mOptTreeModel->itemFromIndex( sourceIndex )->isSelectable() )
return sourceIndex;
QModelIndex res = traverseModel( proxyIndex );
if ( res.isValid() )
return res;
return QModelIndex();

const QModelIndex firstVisibleSourceIndex = traverseModel( QModelIndex() );

if ( firstVisibleSourceIndex.isValid() )
mOptTreeView->setCurrentIndex( mTreeProxyModel->mapFromSource( firstVisibleSourceIndex ) );
// if no page can be shown, hide stack widget
if ( mOptButtonBox )
// make sure item stays current
mOptTreeView->setCurrentIndex( mTreeProxyModel->mapFromSource( currentSourceIndex ) );

void QgsOptionsDialogBase::registerTextSearchWidgets()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,7 +559,7 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::showEvent( QShowEvent *e )
else if ( mOptTreeView )
optionsStackedWidget_CurrentChanged( viewIndexToPageNumber( mOptTreeView->currentIndex() ) );
optionsStackedWidget_CurrentChanged( mTreeProxyModel->sourceIndexToPageNumber( mTreeProxyModel->mapToSource( mOptTreeView->currentIndex() ) ) );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -639,7 +654,7 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::optionsStackedWidget_CurrentChanged( int index )
else if ( mOptTreeView )
mOptTreeView->blockSignals( true );
mOptTreeView->setCurrentIndex( pageNumberToTreeViewIndex( index ) );
mOptTreeView->setCurrentIndex( mTreeProxyModel->mapFromSource( mTreeProxyModel->pageNumberToSourceIndex( index ) ) );
mOptTreeView->blockSignals( false );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -678,3 +693,106 @@ void QgsOptionsDialogBase::warnAboutMissingObjects()
QMessageBox::Ok );

///@cond PRIVATE
QgsOptionsProxyModel::QgsOptionsProxyModel( QObject *parent )
: QSortFilterProxyModel( parent )
setDynamicSortFilter( true );

void QgsOptionsProxyModel::setPageHidden( int page, bool hidden )
mHiddenPages[ page ] = hidden;

QModelIndex QgsOptionsProxyModel::pageNumberToSourceIndex( int page ) const
QStandardItemModel *itemModel = qobject_cast< QStandardItemModel * >( sourceModel() );
if ( !itemModel )
return QModelIndex();

int pagesRemaining = page;
std::function<QModelIndex( const QModelIndex & )> traversePages;

// traverse through the model, counting all selectable items until we hit the desired page number
traversePages = [&]( const QModelIndex & parent ) -> QModelIndex
for ( int row = 0; row < itemModel->rowCount( parent ); ++row )
const QModelIndex currentIndex = itemModel->index( row, 0, parent );
if ( itemModel->itemFromIndex( currentIndex )->isSelectable() )
if ( pagesRemaining == 0 )
return currentIndex;

else pagesRemaining--;

const QModelIndex res = traversePages( currentIndex );
if ( res.isValid() )
return res;
return QModelIndex();

return traversePages( QModelIndex() );

int QgsOptionsProxyModel::sourceIndexToPageNumber( const QModelIndex &index ) const
QStandardItemModel *itemModel = qobject_cast< QStandardItemModel * >( sourceModel() );
if ( !itemModel )
return 0;

int page = 0;

std::function<int( const QModelIndex & )> traverseModel;

// traverse through the model, counting all which correspond to pages till we hit the desired index
traverseModel = [&]( const QModelIndex & parent ) -> int
for ( int row = 0; row < itemModel->rowCount( parent ); ++row )
const QModelIndex currentIndex = itemModel->index( row, 0, parent );
if ( currentIndex == index )
return page;

if ( itemModel->itemFromIndex( currentIndex )->isSelectable() )

const int res = traverseModel( currentIndex );
if ( res >= 0 )
return res;
return -1;

return traverseModel( QModelIndex() );

bool QgsOptionsProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow( int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent ) const
QStandardItemModel *itemModel = qobject_cast< QStandardItemModel * >( sourceModel() );
if ( !itemModel )
return true;

const QModelIndex sourceIndex = sourceModel()->index( source_row, 0, source_parent );

const int pageNumber = sourceIndexToPageNumber( sourceIndex );
if ( !mHiddenPages.value( pageNumber, false ) )
return true;

if ( sourceModel()->hasChildren( sourceIndex ) )
// this is a group -- show if any children are visible
for ( int row = 0; row < sourceModel()->rowCount( sourceIndex ); ++row )
if ( filterAcceptsRow( row, sourceIndex ) )
return true;
return false;

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