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typo fixes, translation string updates and german translation update
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jef-n committed Aug 25, 2012
1 parent 835f961 commit b72ddca
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Showing 22 changed files with 2,055 additions and 1,980 deletions.
78 changes: 39 additions & 39 deletions doc/TRANSLATORS

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

3,775 changes: 1,950 additions & 1,825 deletions i18n/qgis_de.ts

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions src/app/qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp
Expand Up @@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ void QgsRasterLayerProperties::on_pbnDefaultValues_clicked()
if ( mRasterLayer->isNoDataValueValid() )
// I dont think that noDataValue should be added to transparency list
// I don't think that noDataValue should be added to transparency list
#if 0
tableTransparency->insertRow( tableTransparency->rowCount() );
setTransparencyCell( 0, 0, mRasterLayer->noDataValue() );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@ void QgsRasterLayerProperties::pixelSelected( const QgsPoint& canvasPoint )
if ( value == tr( "null (no data)" ) || // Very bad! TODO: improve identify
mRasterLayer->dataProvider()->isNoDataValue( i ), value.toDouble() ) )
return; // Dont add nodata, transparent anyway
return; // Don't add nodata, transparent anyway
values.append( value.toDouble() );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1578,13 +1578,15 @@ void QgsRasterLayerProperties::updatePipeList()
texts << QString( "%1 ms" ).arg( interface->time() );
QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem( texts );

#if 0
// Switching on/off would be possible but problematic - drawer is not pipe
// memer so we dont know required output format
// Checkobxes are very usefel however for QgsRasterPipe debugging.
//bool on = interface->on();
//item->setCheckState( 0, on ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
// memer so we don't know required output format
// Checkboxes are very useful however for QgsRasterPipe debugging.
bool on = interface->on();
item->setCheckState( 0, on ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );

//Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
item->setFlags( flags );

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/qgsrasterdataprovider.cpp
Expand Up @@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ bool QgsRasterDataProvider::hasHistogram( int theBandNo,
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "theBandNo = %1 theBinCount = %2 theMinimum = %3 theMaximum = %4 theSampleSize = %5" ).arg( theBandNo ).arg( theBinCount ).arg( theMinimum ).arg( theMaximum ).arg( theSampleSize ) );
// histogramDefaults() needs statistics if theMinimum or theMaximum is NaN ->
// do other checks which dont need statistics before histogramDefaults()
// do other checks which don't need statistics before histogramDefaults()
if ( mHistograms.size() == 0 ) return false;

QgsRasterHistogram myHistogram;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/qgsvectorlayer.cpp
Expand Up @@ -2440,7 +2440,7 @@ int QgsVectorLayer::splitFeatures( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topolo

if ( mDataProvider )
//use default value where possible (primary key issue), otherwise the value from the original (splitted) feature
//use default value where possible (primary key issue), otherwise the value from the original (split) feature
QgsAttributeMap newAttributes = select_it->attributeMap();
QVariant defaultValue;
foreach ( int j, newAttributes.keys() )
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/raster/qgsrasterfilewriter.cpp
Expand Up @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ if ( error == NoDataConflict )
delete destProvider;

// But we dont know which band -> wider all
// But we don't know which band -> wider all
for ( int i = 0; i < nBands; i++ )
double destNoDataValue;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/raster/qgsrasterinterface.cpp
Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void QgsRasterInterface::setStatsOn( bool on )
double QgsRasterInterface::time( bool cumulative )
// We can calculate total time only, because we have to subtract time of previous
// interface(s) and we dont know how to assign bands to each other
// interface(s) and we don't know how to assign bands to each other
double t = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < mTime.size(); i++ )
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/raster/qgsrasterpipe.cpp
Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ bool QgsRasterPipe::set( QgsRasterInterface* theInterface )

Role role = interfaceRole( theInterface );

// We dont know where to place unknown interface
// We don't know where to place unknown interface
if ( role == UnknownRole ) return false;

//if ( mInterfacesMap.value ( role ) )
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/core/symbology-ng/qgsstylev2.h
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsStyleV2
* \param name is the name of the color ramp being added or updated
* \param colorRamp is the Vector color ramp
* \param update set to true when the style DB has to be updated, by default it is false
* \return sucess status of the operation
* \return success status of the operation
bool addColorRamp( QString name, QgsVectorColorRampV2* colorRamp, bool update = false );

Expand All @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsStyleV2
* \param name is the name of the symbol being added or updated
* \param symbol is the Vector symbol
* \param update set to true when the style DB has to be updated, by default it is false
* \return sucess status of the operation
* \return success status of the operation
bool addSymbol( QString name, QgsSymbolV2* symbol, bool update = false );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsStyleV2
* \param type is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
* \param symbol is the name of the symbol or colorramp
* \param tags is the list of tags that are to be removed as QStringList
* \return returns the sucess state of the operation
* \return returns the success state of the operation
bool detagSymbol( StyleEntity type, QString symbol, QStringList tags );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsStyleV2
* \param symbol is the pointer to the new QgsSymbolV2 being saved
* \param groupid is the id of the group to which the symbol belongs. Pass 0 if it doesn't belong to any group or not known.
* \param tags is a list of tags that are associated with the symbol as a QStringList.
* \return returns the sucess state of the save operation
* \return returns the success state of the save operation
bool saveSymbol( QString name, QgsSymbolV2* symbol, int groupid, QStringList tags );

Expand All @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsStyleV2
* \param ramp is the pointer to the new QgsVectorColorRampV2 being saved
* \param groupid is the id of the group to which the Color Ramp belongs. Pass 0 if it doesn't belong to any group or not known.
* \param tags is a list of tags that are associated with the color ramp as a QStringList.
* \return returns the sucess state of the save operation
* \return returns the success state of the save operation
bool saveColorRamp( QString name, QgsVectorColorRampV2* ramp, int groupid, QStringList tags );

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/gui/qgsrasterlayersaveasdialog.cpp
Expand Up @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ void QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog::updateResolutionStateMsg()
msg = tr( "Resolution" ) + " (" + tr( "current" ) + ": " + msg + ")";
msg = tr( "Resolution (current: %1)" ).arg( msg );
mResolutionGroupBox->setTitle( msg );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ void QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog::updateExtentStateMsg()
msg = tr( "Extent" ) + " (" + tr( "current" ) + ": " + msg + ")";
msg = tr( "Extent (current: %1)" ).arg( msg );
mExtentGroupBox->setTitle( msg );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,13 +479,13 @@ void QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog::updateCrsGroup()
QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );

mCrsComboBox->setItemText( mCrsComboBox->findData( OriginalCrs ),
tr( "Layer" ) + " (" + mLayerCrs.description() + ", " + mLayerCrs.authid() + ")" );
tr( "Layer (%1, %2)" ).arg( mLayerCrs.description() ).arg( mLayerCrs.authid() ) );

mCrsComboBox->setItemText( mCrsComboBox->findData( CurrentCrs ),
tr( "Project" ) + " (" + mCurrentCrs.description() + ", " + mCurrentCrs.authid() + ")" );
tr( "Project (%1, %2)" ).arg( mCurrentCrs.description() ).arg( mCurrentCrs.authid() ) );

mCrsComboBox->setItemText( mCrsComboBox->findData( UserCrs ),
tr( "Selected" ) + " (" + mUserCrs.description() + ", " + mUserCrs.authid() + ")" );
tr( "Selected (%1, %2)" ).arg( mUserCrs.description() ).arg( mUserCrs.authid() ) );

QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog::outputCrs()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/gui/raster/qgsrasterhistogramwidget.cpp
Expand Up @@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ void QgsRasterHistogramWidget::histoAction( const QString actionName, bool actio
// Load actions
// TODO - seperate calculations from rendererwidget so we can do them without
// TODO - separate calculations from rendererwidget so we can do them without
else if ( actionName.left( 5 ) == "Load " && mRendererWidget )
QVector<int> myBands;
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/gui/symbology-ng/qgslayerpropertieswidget.cpp
Expand Up @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ QgsLayerPropertiesWidget::QgsLayerPropertiesWidget( QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer, con
mVectorLayer = vl;

setupUi( this );
// initalize the sub-widgets
// XXX Should this thing be here this way? Initalize all th widgets just for the sake of one layer?
// initialize the sub-widgets
// XXX Should this thing be here this way? Initialize all the widgets just for the sake of one layer?
// TODO Make this on demand creation

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/gui/symbology-ng/qgssymbolv2selectordialog.h
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class GUI_EXPORT QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialog : public QDialog, private Ui::QgsSymb
//! Slot to update tree when a new symbol from style
void symbolChanged();
//! alters tree and sets proper widget when Layer Type is changed
//! @note: The layer is recieved from the LayerPropertiesWidget
//! @note: The layer is received from the LayerPropertiesWidget
void changeLayer( QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer );

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/mapserver/qgsconfigparser.h
Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class QgsConfigParser
/**Appends service metadata to the capabilities document*/
virtual void serviceCapabilities( QDomElement& parentElement, QDomDocument& doc ) const;

/**Returns service Adress (or empty string if not defined in the configuration*/
/**Returns service address (or empty string if not defined in the configuration*/
virtual QString serviceUrl() const { return QString(); }

QColor selectionColor() const { return mSelectionColor; }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/providers/wcs/qgswcscapabilities.cpp
Expand Up @@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ bool QgsWcsCapabilities::parseDescribeCoverageDom10( QByteArray const &xml, QgsW
coverage->hasSize = true;
// RectifiedGrid has also gml:origin which we dont need I think (attention however
// RectifiedGrid has also gml:origin which we don't need I think (attention however
// it should contain gml:Point but mapserver 6.0.3 / WCS 1.0.0 is using gml:pos instead)
// RectifiedGrid also contains 2 gml:offsetVector which could be used to get resolution
// but it should be sufficient to calc resolution from size
Expand Down
54 changes: 30 additions & 24 deletions src/providers/wcs/qgswcsprovider.cpp
Expand Up @@ -1367,38 +1367,40 @@ QString QgsWcsProvider::coverageMetadata( QgsWcsCoverageSummary coverage )
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Name (identifier)" ), coverage.identifier );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Title" ), coverage.title );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Abstract" ), coverage.abstract );
// We dont have size, nativeCrs, nativeBoundingBox etc. until describe coverage which would be heavy for all coverages
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Fixed Width" ), QString::number( coverage.width ) );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Fixed Height" ), QString::number( coverage.height ) );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Native CRS" ), coverage.nativeCrs );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Native Bounding Box" ), coverage.nativeBoundingBox.toString() );
#if 0
// We don't have size, nativeCrs, nativeBoundingBox etc. until describe coverage which would be heavy for all coverages
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Fixed Width" ), QString::number( coverage.width ) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Fixed Height" ), QString::number( coverage.height ) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Native CRS" ), coverage.nativeCrs );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Native Bounding Box" ), coverage.nativeBoundingBox.toString() );

metadata += htmlRow( tr( "WGS 84 Bounding Box" ), coverage.wgs84BoundingBox.toString() );

// Layer Coordinate Reference Systems
// TODO(?): supportedCrs and supportedFormat are not available in 1.0
// until coverage is described - it would be confusing to show it only if available
#if 0
for ( int j = 0; j < qMin( coverage.supportedCrs.size(), 10 ); j++ )
metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Available in CRS" ), coverage.supportedCrs.value(j) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in CRS" ), coverage.supportedCrs.value( j ) );

if ( coverage.supportedCrs.size() > 10 )
metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Available in CRS" ), tr( "(and %n more)", "crs", coverage.supportedCrs.size() - 10 ) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in CRS" ), tr( "(and %n more)", "crs", coverage.supportedCrs.size() - 10 ) );

for ( int j = 0; j < qMin( coverage.supportedFormat.size(), 10 ); j++ )
metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Available in format" ), coverage.supportedFormat.value(j) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in format" ), coverage.supportedFormat.value( j ) );

if ( coverage.supportedFormat.size() > 10 )
metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Available in format" ), tr( "(and %n more)", "crs", coverage.supportedFormat.size() - 10 ) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in format" ), tr( "(and %n more)", "crs", coverage.supportedFormat.size() - 10 ) );

// Close the nested table
metadata += "</table>";
Expand All @@ -1417,11 +1419,13 @@ QString QgsWcsProvider::metadata()
metadata += tr( "Coverages" );
metadata += "</a>";

#if 0
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x40500
//metadata += "<a href=\"#cachestats\">";
//metadata += tr( "Cache Stats" );
//metadata += "</a> ";
metadata += "<a href=\"#cachestats\">";
metadata += tr( "Cache Stats" );
metadata += "</a> ";

metadata += "</td></tr>";
Expand All @@ -1446,17 +1450,19 @@ QString QgsWcsProvider::metadata()
metadata += htmlRow(( "WCS Version" ), mCapabilities.version() );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Title" ), mCapabilities.capabilities().title );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Abstract" ), mCapabilities.capabilities().abstract );
#if 0
// TODO: probably apply stylesheet in QgsWcsCapabilities and save as html
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Keywords" ), mCapabilities.service.keywordList.join( "<br />" ) );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Online Resource" ), "-" );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Contact Person" ),
// mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPersonPrimary.contactPerson
// + "<br />" + mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPosition;
// + "<br />" + mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPersonPrimary.contactOrganization );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Fees" ), mCapabilities.service.fees );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Access Constraints" ), mCapabilities.service.accessConstraints );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "Image Formats" ), mCapabilities.capability.request.getMap.format.join( "<br />" ) );
//metadata += htmlRow ( tr( "GetCapabilitiesUrl" ), mBaseUrl );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Keywords" ), mCapabilities.service.keywordList.join( "<br />" ) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Online Resource" ), "-" );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Contact Person" ),
+ "<br />" + mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPosition;
+ "<br />" + mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPersonPrimary.contactOrganization );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Fees" ), mCapabilities.service.fees );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Access Constraints" ), mCapabilities.service.accessConstraints );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Image Formats" ), mCapabilities.capability.request.getMap.format.join( "<br />" ) );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "GetCapabilitiesUrl" ), mBaseUrl );
metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Get Coverage Url" ), mCapabilities.getCoverageUrl() + ( mIgnoreGetCoverageUrl ? tr( "&nbsp;<font color=\"red\">(advertised but ignored)</font>" ) : "" ) );

// Close the nested table
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions src/ui/qgsprojectpropertiesbase.ui
Expand Up @@ -194,11 +194,7 @@
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="btnGrpMapUnits">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;
&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
&lt;p style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:8pt;&quot;&gt;Used when CRS transformation is turned off.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<string>Used when CRS transformation is turned off</string>
<property name="title">
<string>Canvas units</string>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ui/qgsrasterformatsaveoptionswidgetbase.ui
Expand Up @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="mOptionsLineEdit">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Insert KEY=VALUE pairs seperated by spaces</string>
<string>Insert KEY=VALUE pairs separated by spaces</string>
<property name="alignment">
Expand Down

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