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Rework QgsHANAExpressionCompiler to comply with tests requirements
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Maksim Rylov authored and mrylov committed Dec 7, 2020
1 parent f9ec2be commit a77ed09
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 39 deletions.
166 changes: 127 additions & 39 deletions src/providers/hana/qgshanaexpressioncompiler.cpp
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "qgssqlexpressioncompiler.h"

QgsHanaExpressionCompiler::QgsHanaExpressionCompiler( QgsHanaFeatureSource *source )
: QgsSqlExpressionCompiler( source->mFields, QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::IntegerDivisionResultsInInteger )
: QgsSqlExpressionCompiler( source->mFields, QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::IntegerDivisionResultsInInteger | QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::NoNullInBooleanLogic)
, mGeometryColumn( source->mGeometryColumn )
Expand All @@ -33,46 +33,38 @@ QString QgsHanaExpressionCompiler::quotedIdentifier( const QString &identifier )
QString QgsHanaExpressionCompiler::quotedValue( const QVariant &value, bool &ok )
ok = true;
switch ( value.type() )
case QVariant::Bool:
return value.toBool() ? "(1=1)" : "(1=0)";

return QgsHanaUtils::quotedValue( value );
return QgsHanaUtils::quotedValue( value );

static const QMap<QString, QString> FUNCTION_NAMES_SQL_FUNCTIONS_MAP
// mathematical functions
{ "sign", "sign" },
{ "abs", "abs" },
{ "round", "round" },
{ "sqrt", "SQRT" },
{ "sign", "SIGN" },
{ "abs", "ABS" },
{ "cos", "COS" },
{ "sin", "SIN" },
{ "tan", "TAN" },
{ "acos", "ACOS" },
{ "asin", "ASIN" },
{ "atan", "ATAN" },
{ "atan2", "ATAN2" },
{ "exp", "EXP" },
{ "ln", "LN" },
{ "log", "LOG" },
{ "round", "ROUND" },
{ "floor", "FLOOR" },
{ "ceil", "CEIL" },
{ "pi", "pi" },
// geometry functions
{ "x", "ST_X" },
{ "y", "ST_Y" },
{ "x_min", "ST_XMin" },
{ "y_min", "ST_YMin" },
{ "x_max", "ST_XMax" },
{ "y_max", "ST_YMax" },
{ "area", "ST_Area" },
{ "length", "ST_Length" },
{ "perimeter", "ST_Perimeter" },
{ "intersects", "ST_Intersects" },
{ "crosses", "ST_Crosses" },
{ "contains", "ST_Contains" },
{ "overlaps", "ST_Overlaps" },
{ "within", "ST_Within" },
{ "translate", "ST_Translate" },
{ "buffer", "ST_Buffer" },
{ "centroid", "ST_Centroid" },
{ "point_on_surface", "ST_PointOnSurface" },
{ "distance", "ST_Distance" },
{ "geom_from_wkt", "ST_GeomFromWKT" },
{ "lower", "lower" },
{ "trim", "trim" },
{ "upper", "upper" },
// string functions
{ "char", "CHAR" },
{ "lower", "LOWER" },
{ "upper", "UPPER" },
{ "trim", "TRIM" },
// other helper functions
{ "coalesce", "COALESCE" }

QString QgsHanaExpressionCompiler::sqlFunctionFromFunctionName( const QString &fnName ) const
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,18 +94,114 @@ QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Result QgsHanaExpressionCompiler::compileNode(
case QgsExpressionNode::ntFunction:
const QgsExpressionNodeFunction *n = static_cast<const QgsExpressionNodeFunction *>( node );
const QgsExpressionNodeFunction *nodeFunc = static_cast<const QgsExpressionNodeFunction *>( node );
QgsExpressionFunction *fd = QgsExpression::Functions()[nodeFunc->fnIndex()];

QgsExpressionFunction *fd = QgsExpression::Functions()[n->fnIndex()];
if ( fd->name() == QLatin1String( "$geometry" ) )
QString funcName = fd->name();
if ( funcName.isEmpty() )

if ( funcName == QLatin1String( "$geometry" ) )
result = quotedIdentifier( mGeometryColumn );
return Complete;
else if ( funcName.toLower() == QLatin1String( "log10" ) )
return Fail;
else if ( funcName.toLower() == QLatin1String( "pi" ) )
result = "3.141592653589793238";
return Complete;
case QgsExpressionNode::ntLiteral:
const QgsExpressionNodeLiteral *n = static_cast<const QgsExpressionNodeLiteral *>( node );

switch( n->value().type() )
case QVariant::Bool:
result = n->value().toBool() ? "(1=1)" : "(1=0)";
return Complete;
case QgsExpressionNode::ntBinaryOperator:
const QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator *binOp( static_cast<const QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator *>( node ) );

QString opLeft, opRight;
Result resLeft = compileNode( binOp->opLeft(), opLeft );
Result resRight = compileNode( binOp->opRight(), opRight );
Result compileResult;
QgsDebugMsg( "left: '" + opLeft + "'; right: '" + opRight +
QString( "'; op: %1; lr: %2; rr: %3" ).arg( binOp->op() ).arg( resLeft ).arg( resRight ) );
if ( resLeft == Fail || resRight == Fail )
return Fail;

switch ( binOp->op() )
case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boMod:
result = QStringLiteral( "MOD(%1,%2)" ).arg( opLeft, opRight );
compileResult = ( resLeft == Partial || resRight == Partial ) ? Partial : Complete;
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "MOD compile status: %1" ).arg( compileResult ) + "; " + result );
return compileResult;

case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boPow:
result = QStringLiteral( "POWER(%1,%2)" ).arg( opLeft, opRight );
compileResult = ( resLeft == Partial || resRight == Partial ) ? Partial : Complete;
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "POWER compile status: %1" ).arg( compileResult ) + "; " + result );
return compileResult;

case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boRegexp:
result = QStringLiteral( "%1 LIKE_REGEXPR %2" ).arg( opLeft, opRight );
compileResult = ( resLeft == Partial || resRight == Partial ) ? Partial : Complete;
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "LIKE_REGEXPR compile status: %1" ).arg( compileResult ) + "; " + result );
return compileResult;

// We only support IS NULL and IS NOT NULL if the operand on the left is a column
case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boIs:
case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boIsNot:
if ( "NULL" == opRight.toUpper() )
if ( binOp->opLeft()->nodeType() != QgsExpressionNode::ntColumnRef )
QgsDebugMsg( "Failing IS NULL/IS NOT NULL with non-column on left: " + opLeft );
return Fail;

case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boILike:
case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boNotILike:
if ( resLeft != Complete || resRight != Complete )
return Fail;

switch ( binOp->op() )
case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boILike:
result = QStringLiteral( "LOWER(%1) LIKE LOWER(%2)" ).arg( opLeft, opRight );
return Complete;
case QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::boNotILike:
result = QStringLiteral( "NOT LOWER(%1) LIKE LOWER(%2)" ).arg( opLeft, opRight );
return Complete;

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