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uclaros committed Dec 14, 2022
1 parent 111753a commit a0d8be3
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 15 deletions.
175 changes: 160 additions & 15 deletions tests/src/gui/testqgsvaluerelationwidgetwrapper.cpp
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include <qgsvectorlayer.h>
#include "qgseditorwidgetwrapper.h"
#include <editorwidgets/qgsvaluerelationwidgetwrapper.h>
#include <QTableWidget>
#include "qgsfilterlineedit.h"
#include <QComboBox>
#include "qgsgui.h"
#include <gdal_version.h>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ class TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper : public QObject
void testMatchLayerName();
//! Check that setFeature works correctly after regression #42003
void testRegressionGH42003();
void testAllowMultiColumns();
void testAllowMultiAndCompleter();

void TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::initTestCase()
Expand All @@ -86,24 +88,48 @@ void TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::cleanup()
void TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::testScrollBarUnlocked()
// create a vector layer
QgsVectorLayer vl1( QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=epsg:3111&field=pk:int&field=fk|:int" ), QStringLiteral( "vl1" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
QgsVectorLayer vl1( QStringLiteral( "Polygon?crs=epsg:4326&field=pk:int&field=province:int&field=municipality:string" ), QStringLiteral( "vl1" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
QgsVectorLayer vl2( QStringLiteral( "Point?crs=epsg:4326&field=pk:int&field=fk_province:int&field=fk_municipality:int" ), QStringLiteral( "vl2" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( &vl1, false, false );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( &vl2, false, false );

// build a value relation widget wrapper
QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper w( &vl1, 0, nullptr, nullptr );

QVariantMap config;
config.insert( QStringLiteral( "AllowMulti" ), true );
w.setConfig( config );
w.setEnabled( true );
// insert some features
QgsFeature f1( vl1.fields() );
f1.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "pk" ), 1 );
f1.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "province" ), 123 );
f1.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "municipality" ), QStringLiteral( "Some Place By The River" ) );
f1.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "POLYGON(( 0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0 ))" ) ) );
QVERIFY( f1.isValid() );
QgsFeature f2( vl1.fields() );
f2.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "pk" ), 2 );
f2.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "province" ), 245 );
f2.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "municipality" ), QStringLiteral( "Dreamland By The Clouds" ) );
f2.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "POLYGON(( 1 0, 1 1, 2 1, 2 0, 1 0 ))" ) ) );
QVERIFY( f2.isValid() );
QVERIFY( vl1.dataProvider()->addFeatures( QgsFeatureList() << f1 << f2 ) );

// add an item virtually
QTableWidgetItem item;
item.setText( QStringLiteral( "MyText" ) );
w.mTableWidget->setItem( 0, 0, &item );
QgsFeature f3( vl2.fields() );
f3.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "fk_province" ), 123 );
f3.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "fk_municipality" ), 1 );
f3.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "POINT( 0.5 0.5)" ) ) );
QVERIFY( f3.isValid() );
QVERIFY( f3.geometry().isGeosValid() );
QVERIFY( vl2.dataProvider()->addFeature( f3 ) );

QCOMPARE( w.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->text(), QString( "MyText" ) );
// build a value relation widget wrapper for municipality
QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper w( &vl2, vl2.fields().indexOf( QLatin1String( "fk_municipality" ) ), nullptr, nullptr );
QVariantMap cfg;
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "Layer" ), );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "Key" ), QStringLiteral( "pk" ) );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "Value" ), QStringLiteral( "municipality" ) );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "AllowMulti" ), true );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "NofColumns" ), 1 );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "AllowNull" ), false );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "OrderByValue" ), true );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "FilterExpression" ), QStringLiteral( "\"province\" = current_value('fk_province')" ) );
cfg.insert( QStringLiteral( "UseCompleter" ), false );
w.setConfig( cfg );

// when the widget wrapper is enabled, the container should be enabled
// as well as items
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1672,5 +1698,124 @@ void TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::testRegressionGH42003()


void TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::testAllowMultiColumns()
// create ogr gpkg layers
const QString myFileName( TEST_DATA_DIR ); //defined in CmakeLists.txt
const QString myTempDirName = tempDir.path();
QFile::copy( myFileName + "/provider/test_json.gpkg", myTempDirName + "/test_json.gpkg" );
const QString myTempFileName = myTempDirName + "/test_json.gpkg";
const QFileInfo myMapFileInfo( myTempFileName );
QgsVectorLayer *vl_text = new QgsVectorLayer( myMapFileInfo.filePath() + "|layername=foo", "test", QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
QgsVectorLayer *vl_authors = new QgsVectorLayer( myMapFileInfo.filePath() + "|layername=author", "test", QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
QVERIFY( vl_text->isValid() );
QVERIFY( vl_authors->isValid() );

QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( vl_text, false, false );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( vl_authors, false, false );

// build a value relation widget wrapper for authors
QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper w_favoriteauthors( vl_text, vl_text->fields().indexOf( QLatin1String( "PRFEDEA" ) ), nullptr, nullptr );
QVariantMap cfg_favoriteauthors;
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "Layer" ), vl_authors->id() );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "Key" ), QStringLiteral( "fid" ) );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "Value" ), QStringLiteral( "NAME" ) );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "AllowMulti" ), true );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "NofColumns" ), 3 );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "AllowNull" ), false );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "OrderByValue" ), false );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "UseCompleter" ), false );
w_favoriteauthors.setConfig( cfg_favoriteauthors );
w_favoriteauthors.setEnabled( true );

//check if set up nice
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->rowCount(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Erich Gamma" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "1" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Richard Helm" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "2" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 2 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Ralph Johnson" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "3" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 0 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "John Vlissides" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "4" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 1 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Douglas Adams" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "5" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 2 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Ken Follett" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "6" ) );

void TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::testAllowMultiAndCompleter()
// create ogr gpkg layers
const QString myFileName( TEST_DATA_DIR ); //defined in CmakeLists.txt
const QString myTempDirName = tempDir.path();
QFile::copy( myFileName + "/provider/test_json.gpkg", myTempDirName + "/test_json.gpkg" );
const QString myTempFileName = myTempDirName + "/test_json.gpkg";
const QFileInfo myMapFileInfo( myTempFileName );
QgsVectorLayer *vl_text = new QgsVectorLayer( myMapFileInfo.filePath() + "|layername=foo", "test", QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
QgsVectorLayer *vl_authors = new QgsVectorLayer( myMapFileInfo.filePath() + "|layername=author", "test", QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
QVERIFY( vl_text->isValid() );
QVERIFY( vl_authors->isValid() );

QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( vl_text, false, false );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( vl_authors, false, false );

// build a value relation widget wrapper for authors
QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper w_favoriteauthors( vl_text, vl_text->fields().indexOf( QLatin1String( "PRFEDEA" ) ), nullptr, nullptr );
QVariantMap cfg_favoriteauthors;
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "Layer" ), vl_authors->id() );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "Key" ), QStringLiteral( "fid" ) );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "Value" ), QStringLiteral( "NAME" ) );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "AllowMulti" ), true );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "NofColumns" ), 3 );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "AllowNull" ), false );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "OrderByValue" ), false );
cfg_favoriteauthors.insert( QStringLiteral( "UseCompleter" ), true );
w_favoriteauthors.setConfig( cfg_favoriteauthors );
w_favoriteauthors.setEnabled( true );

//check if set up nice
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->rowCount(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Erich Gamma" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "1" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Richard Helm" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "2" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 2 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Ralph Johnson" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "3" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 0 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "John Vlissides" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "4" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 1 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Douglas Adams" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "5" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 2 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Ken Follett" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "6" ) );

// set a filter string and check if items are filtered
w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->mSearchWidget->setText( QStringLiteral( "john" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->rowCount(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Ralph Johnson" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "3" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "John Vlissides" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "4" ) );

// clear the filter and check that all are back
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->rowCount(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Erich Gamma" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "1" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Richard Helm" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "2" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 2 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Ralph Johnson" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 0, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "3" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 0 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "John Vlissides" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "4" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 1 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Douglas Adams" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "5" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 2 )->text(), QStringLiteral( "Ken Follett" ) );
QCOMPARE( w_favoriteauthors.mTableWidget->item( 1, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), QStringLiteral( "6" ) );
QGSTEST_MAIN( TestQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper )
#include "testqgsvaluerelationwidgetwrapper.moc"

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