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Add unit test for PYQGIS_STARTUP environment variable
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- Make PyQgsAppStartup test more general and PEP8 compliant
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dakcarto committed Sep 24, 2013
1 parent 4c1b95b commit 87163c6
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 30 deletions.
113 changes: 83 additions & 30 deletions tests/src/python/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""QGIS Unit tests for QgsApplication.
From build dir: ctest -R PyQgsAppStartup -V
.. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
Expand All @@ -16,7 +18,7 @@
import sys
import os
import time
import locale
# import locale
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
Expand All @@ -38,63 +40,113 @@ def setUpClass(cls):
def tearDownClass(cls):
shutil.rmtree(cls.TMP_DIR, ignore_errors=True)

def doTestOptionsPath(self, option, testDir, testFile, timeOut, env = {}):
"""Run QGIS with the given option. Wait for testFile to be created. If time runs out, fail.
# TODO: refactor parameters to **kwargs to handle all startup combinations
def doTestStartup(self, option='', testDir='', testFile='',
loadPlugins=False, customization=False,
timeOut=10, env=None):
"""Run QGIS with the given option. Wait for testFile to be created.
If time runs out, fail.
myTestFile = testFile

# from unicode to local
testDir = str(QtCore.QString( testDir ).toLocal8Bit())
if not os.path.exists(testDir):
myTestFile = os.path.join(testDir, testFile)
if testDir:
testDir = str(QtCore.QString(testDir).toLocal8Bit())
if not os.path.exists(testDir):
myTestFile = os.path.join(testDir, testFile)

# print 'myTestFile: ', myTestFile

if os.path.exists( myTestFile ):
os.remove( myTestFile )
if os.path.exists(myTestFile):

# whether to load plugins
plugins = '' if loadPlugins else '--noplugins'

# whether to enable GUI customization
customize = '' if customization else '--nocustomization'

# environnement variables = system variables + provided 'env'
myenv = os.environ.copy()
myenv.update( env )
if env is not None:

p = subprocess.Popen( [ QGIS_BIN, "--nologo", option, testDir ], env = myenv )
p = subprocess.Popen(
[QGIS_BIN, "--nologo", plugins, customize, option, testDir],

s = 0
ok = True
while not os.path.exists( myTestFile ):
while not os.path.exists(myTestFile):
s = s+1
s += 1
if s > timeOut:
ok = False

return ok

def testOptionsPath( self ):
def testOptionsPath(self):
subdir = 'QGIS' # Linux
if sys.platform[:3] == 'dar': # Mac
subdir = ''
ini = os.path.join(subdir, 'QGIS2.ini')
for p in [ 'test_opts', 'test opts', 'test_optsé€' ]:
assert self.doTestOptionsPath( "--optionspath", os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, p), ini, 5 ), "options path %s" % p

def testConfigPath( self ):
for p in [ 'test_config', 'test config', 'test_configé€' ]:
assert self.doTestOptionsPath( "--configpath", os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, p), "qgis.db", 30 ), "config path %s" % p

def testPluginPath( self ):
for t in ['test_plugins', 'test plugins', 'test_pluginsé€' ]:
for p in ['test_opts', 'test opts', 'test_optsé€']:
assert self.doTestStartup(option="--optionspath",
testDir=os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, p),
timeOut=5), "options path %s" % p

def testConfigPath(self):
for p in ['test_config', 'test config', 'test_configé€']:
assert self.doTestStartup(option="--configpath",
testDir=os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, p),
timeOut=30), "config path %s" % p

def testPluginPath(self):
for t in ['test_plugins', 'test plugins', 'test_pluginsé€']:

# get a unicode test dir
testDir = (os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, t)).decode('utf-8')

# copy from testdata
shutil.rmtree( testDir, ignore_errors = True )
shutil.copytree( os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'test_plugin_path'), testDir )

# we use here a minimal plugin that writes to 'plugin_started.txt' when it is started
# if QGIS_PLUGINPATH is correctly parsed, this plugin is executed and the file is created
assert self.doTestOptionsPath( "--optionspath", testDir, "plugin_started.txt", 10,
{ 'QGIS_PLUGINPATH' : str(QtCore.QString(testDir).toLocal8Bit()) } )
shutil.rmtree(testDir, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'test_plugin_path'),

# we use here a minimal plugin that writes to 'plugin_started.txt'
# when it is started. if QGIS_PLUGINPATH is correctly parsed, this
# plugin is executed and the file is created
assert self.doTestStartup(

def testPyQgisStartupEnvVar(self):
# verify PYQGIS_STARTUP env variable file is run by embedded interpreter
# create a temp python module that writes out test file
testfile = 'pyqgis_startup.txt'
testfilepath = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, testfile)
testcode = [
"f = open('{0}', 'w')\n".format(testfilepath),
"f.write('This is a test')\n",
testmod = os.path.join(self.TMP_DIR, '')
f = open(testmod, 'w')
msg = 'Failed to create test file from executing PYQGIS_STARTUP file'
assert self.doTestStartup(
env={'PYQGIS_STARTUP': testmod}), msg

if __name__ == '__main__':
Expand All @@ -117,6 +169,7 @@ def testPluginPath( self ):

print ''
print 'QGIS_BIN: ', QGIS_BIN
assert 'qgis' in QGIS_BIN.lower() and os.path.exists(QGIS_BIN), \
'QGIS binary not found, skipping test suite'
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