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[feature] Add Rename action under the manage submenu for files in bro…
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Allows renaming of files directly in the browser. If the file
corresponds to a spatial dataset with multiple sidecar files then
these will all be renamed accordingly too.

Additionally, users are warned if the file is a layer which is exists
in the current project and are asked whether they want to automatically
update all the layer paths accordingly.

Refs #14611
  • Loading branch information
nyalldawson committed Aug 10, 2021
1 parent 1608547 commit 7a4fc6e
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 9 deletions.
106 changes: 97 additions & 9 deletions src/app/browser/qgsinbuiltdataitemproviders.cpp
Expand Up @@ -503,31 +503,119 @@ void QgsAppFileItemGuiProvider::populateContextMenu( QgsDataItem *item, QMenu *m

QMenu *manageFileMenu = new QMenu( tr( "Manage" ), menu );

QStringList selectedDeletableFiles;
QStringList selectedManagableFiles;
QList< QPointer< QgsDataItem > > selectedParents;
for ( QgsDataItem *selectedItem : selectedItems )
if ( selectedItem->capabilities2() & Qgis::BrowserItemCapability::ItemRepresentsFile )
selectedDeletableFiles.append( selectedItem->path() );
selectedManagableFiles.append( selectedItem->path() );
selectedParents << selectedItem->parent();
const QString deleteText = selectedDeletableFiles.count() == 1 ? tr( "Delete “%1”…" ).arg( fi.fileName() )

if ( selectedManagableFiles.size() == 1 )
const QString renameText = tr( "Rename “%1”…" ).arg( fi.fileName() );
QAction *renameAction = new QAction( renameText, menu );
connect( renameAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
const QString oldPath = selectedManagableFiles.value( 0 );
// Check if the file corresponds to paths in the project
const QList<QgsMapLayer *> layersList = QgsProjectUtils::layersMatchingPath( QgsProject::instance(), oldPath );

const QStringList existingNames = QFileInfo( oldPath ).dir().entryList();

QgsNewNameDialog dlg( tr( "file" ), QFileInfo( oldPath ).fileName(), QStringList(), existingNames, Qt::CaseInsensitive, menu );
dlg.setWindowTitle( tr( "Rename %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( oldPath ).fileName() ) );
dlg.setHintString( tr( "Rename “%1” to" ).arg( QFileInfo( oldPath ).fileName() ) );
dlg.setOverwriteEnabled( false );
dlg.setConflictingNameWarning( tr( "A file with this name already exists." ) );
if ( dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted || )

QString newName =;
if ( QFileInfo( newName ).suffix().isEmpty() )
newName = newName + '.' + QFileInfo( oldPath ).suffix();

const QString newPath = QFileInfo( oldPath ).dir().filePath( newName );

bool updateLayers = false;
if ( !layersList.empty() )
QMessageBox message( QMessageBox::Warning, tr( "Rename %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( oldPath ).fileName() ),
tr( "The file %1 exists in the current project. Are you sure you want to rename it?" ).arg( QFileInfo( oldPath ).fileName() ),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel );
message.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::Cancel );
message.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr( "Rename and Update Layer Paths" ) );
message.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr( "Rename but Leave Layer Paths" ) );

QStringList layerNames;
layerNames.reserve( layersList.size() );
for ( const QgsMapLayer *layer : std::as_const( layersList ) )
layerNames << layer->name();
const QString detailedText = tr( "The following layers will be affected:" ) + QStringLiteral( "\n\n• %1" ).arg( layerNames.join( QStringLiteral( "\n" ) ) );
message.setDetailedText( detailedText );

int res = message.exec();
if ( res == QMessageBox::Cancel )

if ( res == QMessageBox::Yes )
updateLayers = true;

QString error;
const bool result = QgsFileUtils::renameDataset( oldPath, newPath, error );

for ( const QPointer< QgsDataItem > &parent : selectedParents )
if ( parent )

if ( !layersList.empty() )
if ( updateLayers )
QgsProjectUtils::updateLayerPath( QgsProject::instance(), oldPath, newPath );
QgsProject::instance()->setDirty( true );
// we just update the layer source to get it to recognize that it's now broken in the UI
for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : std::as_const( layersList ) )
layer->setDataSource( layer->source(), layer->name(), layer->providerType() );

if ( !result )
notify( QString(), error, context, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
} );
manageFileMenu->addAction( renameAction );

const QString deleteText = selectedManagableFiles.count() == 1 ? tr( "Delete “%1”…" ).arg( fi.fileName() )
: tr( "Delete Selected Files…" );
QAction *deleteAction = new QAction( deleteText, menu );
connect( deleteAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
// Check if the files correspond to paths in the project
QList<QgsMapLayer *> layersList;
for ( const QString &path : std::as_const( selectedDeletableFiles ) )
for ( const QString &path : std::as_const( selectedManagableFiles ) )
layersList << QgsProjectUtils::layersMatchingPath( QgsProject::instance(), path );

// now expand out the list of files to include all sidecar files (e.g. .aux.xml files)
QSet< QString > allFilesWithSidecars;
for ( const QString &file : std::as_const( selectedDeletableFiles ) )
for ( const QString &file : std::as_const( selectedManagableFiles ) )
allFilesWithSidecars.insert( file );
allFilesWithSidecars.unite( QgsFileUtils::sidecarFilesForPath( file ) );
Expand All @@ -542,9 +630,9 @@ void QgsAppFileItemGuiProvider::populateContextMenu( QgsDataItem *item, QMenu *m
if ( layersList.empty() )
// generic warning
QMessageBox message( QMessageBox::Warning, sortedAllFilesWithSidecars.size() > 1 ? tr( "Delete Files" ) : tr( "Delete %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
QMessageBox message( QMessageBox::Warning, sortedAllFilesWithSidecars.size() > 1 ? tr( "Delete Files" ) : tr( "Delete %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
sortedAllFilesWithSidecars.size() > 1 ? tr( "Permanently delete %1 files?" ).arg( sortedAllFilesWithSidecars.size() )
: tr( "Permanently delete “%1”?" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
: tr( "Permanently delete “%1”?" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
message.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::No );

Expand All @@ -565,9 +653,9 @@ void QgsAppFileItemGuiProvider::populateContextMenu( QgsDataItem *item, QMenu *m
QMessageBox message( QMessageBox::Warning, sortedAllFilesWithSidecars.size() > 1 ? tr( "Delete Files" ) : tr( "Delete %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
QMessageBox message( QMessageBox::Warning, sortedAllFilesWithSidecars.size() > 1 ? tr( "Delete Files" ) : tr( "Delete %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
sortedAllFilesWithSidecars.size() > 1 ? tr( "One or more selected files exist in the current project. Are you sure you want to delete these files?" )
: tr( "The file %1 exists in the current project. Are you sure you want to delete it?" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
: tr( "The file %1 exists in the current project. Are you sure you want to delete it?" ).arg( QFileInfo( 0 ) ).fileName() ),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel );
message.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::Cancel );
message.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr( "Delete and Remove Layers" ) );
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