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test for Single & Multi Column PK
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MorriganR authored and nyalldawson committed Jun 29, 2021
1 parent 7be85fe commit 5872ada
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 0 deletions.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/python/
Expand Up @@ -2637,6 +2637,95 @@ def testReadCustomSRID(self):
self.assertEqual(, 'my_projection')

def testSingleMultiColumnPkSmallData(self):
"""Test Single and Multi Column PK, `Small` Data"""
from itertools import combinations

def test_for_pk_combinations(test_type_list, pk_column_name_list, fids_get_count):
pk_column_name = ','.join(pk_column_name_list)
set_new_pk = '''
ALTER TABLE qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table DROP CONSTRAINT multi_column_pk_small_data_pk;
ALTER TABLE qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table
ADD CONSTRAINT multi_column_pk_small_data_pk PRIMARY KEY ({});'''
set_new_layer = ' sslmode=disable key=\'{}\' srid=3857 type=POLYGON table="qgis_test"."multi_column_pk_small_data_{}" (geom) sql='
error_string = 'from {} with PK - {} : expected {}, got {}'

if 'table' in test_type_list:
for test_type in test_type_list:
vl = QgsVectorLayer(self.dbconn + set_new_layer.format(pk_column_name, test_type), 'test_multi_column_pk_small_data', 'postgres')
fids = [ for f in vl.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setLimit(fids_get_count))]
fids2 = [ for f in vl.getFeatures(fids)]
self.assertEqual(fids_get_count, len(fids), "Get with limit " +
error_string.format(test_type, pk_column_name, fids_get_count, len(fids)))
self.assertEqual(fids_get_count, len(fids2), "Get by fids " +
error_string.format(test_type, pk_column_name, fids_get_count, len(fids2)))

self.execSQLCommand('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table CASCADE;')
CREATE TABLE qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table (
id_serial serial NOT NULL,
id_uuid uuid NOT NULL,
id_int int NOT NULL,
id_bigint bigint NOT NULL,
id_str character varying(20) NOT NULL,
id_inet4 inet NOT NULL,
id_inet6 inet NOT NULL,
id_cidr4 cidr NOT NULL,
id_cidr6 cidr NOT NULL,
id_macaddr macaddr NOT NULL,
id_macaddr8 macaddr8 NOT NULL,
id_timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
id_half_null_uuid uuid,
id_all_null_uuid uuid,
geom geometry(Polygon,3857),
CONSTRAINT multi_column_pk_small_data_pk
PRIMARY KEY (id_serial, id_uuid, id_int, id_bigint, id_str) );''')
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_view AS
SELECT * FROM qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table;
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_mat_view;
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_mat_view AS
SELECT * FROM qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table;''')
TRUNCATE qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table;
INSERT INTO qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_table(
id_uuid, id_int, id_bigint, id_str, id_inet4, id_inet6, id_cidr4, id_cidr6,
id_macaddr, id_macaddr8, id_timestamp, id_half_null_uuid, id_all_null_uuid, geom)
( (10000000)::text || (100000000000 + dy)::text || (100000000000 + dx)::text )::uuid,
dx + 1000000 * dy, --id_int
dx + 1000000 * dy, --id_bigint
dx || E\' ot\\'her \' || dy, --id_str
(\'\'::inet + dx + 100 * dy )::inet, --id_inet4
(\'2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1\'::inet + dx + 100 * dy )::inet, --id_inet6
(\'\'::cidr + dx + 100 * dy )::cidr, --id_cidr4
(\'2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1\'::cidr + dx + 100 * dy )::cidr, --id_cidr6
((112233445566 + dx + 100 * dy)::text)::macaddr, --id_macaddr
((1122334455667788 + dx + 100 * dy)::text)::macaddr8, --id_macaddr8
now() - ((dx||\' hour\')::text)::interval - ((dy||\' day\')::text)::interval,
NULLIF( ( (10000000)::text || (100000000000 + dy)::text || (100000000000 + dx)::text )::uuid,
( (10000000)::text || (100000000000 + dy + dy%2)::text || (100000000000 + dx)::text )::uuid ),
ST_GeomFromText(\'POLYGON((3396900.0 6521800.0,3396900.0 6521870.0,
3396830.0 6521870.0,3396830.0 6521800.0,3396900.0 6521800.0))\', 3857 ),
100.0 * dx,
100.0 * dy )
FROM generate_series(1,3) dx, generate_series(1,3) dy;
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW qgis_test.multi_column_pk_small_data_mat_view;''')

pk_col_list = ("id_serial", "id_uuid", "id_int", "id_bigint", "id_str", "id_inet4", "id_inet6", "id_cidr4", "id_cidr6", "id_macaddr", "id_macaddr8")
test_type_list = ["table", "view", "mat_view"]
for n in [1, 2, len(pk_col_list)]:
pk_col_set_list = list(combinations(pk_col_list, n))
for pk_col_set in pk_col_set_list:
test_for_pk_combinations(test_type_list, pk_col_set, 7)

for col_name in ["id_serial", "id_uuid", "id_int", "id_bigint", "id_str", "id_inet4"]:
test_for_pk_combinations(["view", "mat_view"], ["id_half_null_uuid", col_name], 7)
test_for_pk_combinations(["view", "mat_view"], ["id_all_null_uuid", col_name], 7)

class TestPyQgsPostgresProviderCompoundKey(unittest.TestCase, ProviderTestCase):

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