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PG fix relation discovery with table/schema that require quotes
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Fixes #39036 #39025  (temptative, because I could not reproduce the
exact issue without project and data)
  • Loading branch information
elpaso committed Sep 25, 2020
1 parent 5b3d891 commit 5870cba
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Showing 3 changed files with 176 additions and 16 deletions.
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.cpp
Expand Up @@ -4901,6 +4901,7 @@ QList<QgsRelation> QgsPostgresProvider::discoverRelations( const QgsVectorLayer
QgsLogger::warning( "Error getting the foreign keys of " + mTableName + ": invalid connection" );
return result;

QString sql(
"WITH foreign_keys AS "
" ( SELECT c.conname, "
Expand All @@ -4919,7 +4920,11 @@ QList<QgsRelation> QgsPostgresProvider::discoverRelations( const QgsVectorLayer
" WHERE oid = c.confrelid) as constraint_schema "
" FROM pg_constraint c "
" WHERE contype = 'f' "
" AND c.conrelid::regclass = " + QgsPostgresConn::quotedValue( QString( mSchemaName + "." + mTableName ) ) + "::regclass ) "
" AND c.conrelid::regclass = " +
QgsPostgresConn::quotedValue( QgsPostgresConn::quotedIdentifier( mSchemaName ) +
'.' +
QgsPostgresConn::quotedIdentifier( mTableName ) ) +
"::regclass ) "
"SELECT fk.conname as constraint_name, "
" a.attname as column_name, "
" fk.constraint_schema, "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4947,8 +4952,17 @@ QList<QgsRelation> QgsPostgresProvider::discoverRelations( const QgsVectorLayer
const QString name = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 0 );
const QString fkColumn = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 1 );
const QString refSchema = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 2 );
const QString refTable = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 3 );
QString refSchema = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 2 );
QString refTable = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 3 );
// Strip quotes
if ( refTable.startsWith( '"' ) && refTable.endsWith( '"' ) )
refTable = refTable.mid( 1, refTable.length() - 2 );
if ( refSchema.startsWith( '"' ) && refSchema.endsWith( '"' ) )
refSchema = refSchema.mid( 1, refSchema.length() - 2 );
const QString refColumn = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 4 );
const QString position = sqlResult.PQgetvalue( row, 5 );
if ( ( position == QLatin1String( "1" ) ) || ( nbFound == 0 ) )
Expand Down
47 changes: 34 additions & 13 deletions tests/src/python/
Expand Up @@ -31,33 +31,54 @@ class TestQgsRelationPostgresql(unittest.TestCase):

def setUpClass(cls):
Setup the involved layers and relations for a n:m relation

cls.dbconn = 'service=\'qgis_test\''
if 'QGIS_PGTEST_DB' in os.environ:
cls.dbconn = os.environ['QGIS_PGTEST_DB']
# Create test layer
tables = ['c_amgmt_amgmt_lot', 'c_batiment_bat_lot', 'c_ens_immo_amgmt', 'c_ens_immo_bat', 'c_terrain_ens_immo', 't_actes', 't_adresse', 't_amgmt', 't_amgmt_lot', 't_bat', 't_bat_lot', 't_ens_immo', 't_terrain']
cls.vl_tables = ['vl_c_amgmt_amgmt_lot', 'vl_c_batiment_bat_lot', 'vl_c_ens_immo_amgmt', 'vl_c_ens_immo_bat', 'vl_c_terrain_ens_immo', 'vl_t_actes', 'vl_t_adresse', 'vl_t_amgmt', 'vl_t_amgmt_lot', 'vl_t_bat', 'vl_t_bat_lot', 'vl_t_ens_immo', 'vl_t_terrain']

for i in range(len(tables)):
cls.vl_tables[i] = QgsVectorLayer(cls.dbconn + ' sslmode=disable key=\'pk\' table="relations"."{}" sql='.format(tables[i]), tables[i], 'postgres')

cls.relMgr = QgsProject.instance().relationManager()

def setUp(self):
Setup the involved layers and relations for a n:m relation


def test_discover_relations(self):
Test the automatic discovery of relations
relations = self.relMgr.discoverRelations([], self.vl_tables)

# Create test layer
tables = ['c_amgmt_amgmt_lot', 'c_batiment_bat_lot', 'c_ens_immo_amgmt', 'c_ens_immo_bat', 'c_terrain_ens_immo', 't_actes', 't_adresse', 't_amgmt', 't_amgmt_lot', 't_bat', 't_bat_lot', 't_ens_immo', 't_terrain']
vl_tables = ['vl_c_amgmt_amgmt_lot', 'vl_c_batiment_bat_lot', 'vl_c_ens_immo_amgmt', 'vl_c_ens_immo_bat', 'vl_c_terrain_ens_immo', 'vl_t_actes', 'vl_t_adresse', 'vl_t_amgmt', 'vl_t_amgmt_lot', 'vl_t_bat', 'vl_t_bat_lot', 'vl_t_ens_immo', 'vl_t_terrain']

for i in range(len(tables)):
vl_tables[i] = QgsVectorLayer(self.dbconn + ' sslmode=disable key=\'pk\' table="relations"."{}" sql='.format(tables[i]), tables[i], 'postgres')

relations = self.relMgr.discoverRelations([], vl_tables)
self.assertEqual(len(relations), 10)
self.assertEqual(sum([len(r.referencingFields()) for r in relations]), 18)
self.assertEqual(sum([len(r.referencedFields()) for r in relations]), 18)

def test_discover_relations_spaced(self):
"""Test regression and"""

vl_parent = QgsVectorLayer(self.dbconn + ' sslmode=disable key=\'pk\' table="spaced schema"."spaced parent" sql=', 'parent', 'postgres')
vl_child = QgsVectorLayer(self.dbconn + ' sslmode=disable key=\'pk\' table="spaced schema"."spaced child" sql=', 'child', 'postgres')

QgsProject.instance().addMapLayers([vl_child, vl_parent])

relations = self.relMgr.discoverRelations([], [vl_child, vl_parent])
self.assertEqual(len(relations), 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions tests/testdata/provider/testdata_pg_relations.sql
Expand Up @@ -838,3 +838,128 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY relations.t_terrain
ALTER TABLE ONLY relations.t_terrain
ADD CONSTRAINT t_terrain_fk1 FOREIGN KEY (fk_acte) REFERENCES relations.t_actes(cnumero);

-- Spaced schema and table

ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced child" DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS parent_fk;
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced parent" DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS "spaced parent_pkey";
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced child" DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS "spaced child_pkey";
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS "spaced schema"."spaced parent" ALTER COLUMN id DROP DEFAULT;
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS "spaced schema"."spaced child" ALTER COLUMN id DROP DEFAULT;
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "spaced schema"."spaced parent_id_seq";
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "spaced schema"."spaced parent";
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "spaced schema"."spaced child_id_seq";
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "spaced schema"."spaced child";
DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "spaced schema";
-- Name: spaced schema; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: -

CREATE SCHEMA "spaced schema";

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: spaced child; Type: TABLE; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

CREATE TABLE "spaced schema"."spaced child" (
id integer NOT NULL,
name character varying,
parent_id integer

-- Name: spaced child_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

CREATE SEQUENCE "spaced schema"."spaced child_id_seq"
AS integer

-- Name: spaced child_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

ALTER SEQUENCE "spaced schema"."spaced child_id_seq" OWNED BY "spaced schema"."spaced child".id;

-- Name: spaced parent; Type: TABLE; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

CREATE TABLE "spaced schema"."spaced parent" (
id integer NOT NULL,
name character varying

-- Name: spaced parent_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

CREATE SEQUENCE "spaced schema"."spaced parent_id_seq"
AS integer

-- Name: spaced parent_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

ALTER SEQUENCE "spaced schema"."spaced parent_id_seq" OWNED BY "spaced schema"."spaced parent".id;

-- Name: spaced child id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

ALTER TABLE ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced child" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('"spaced schema"."spaced child_id_seq"'::regclass);

-- Name: spaced parent id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

ALTER TABLE ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced parent" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('"spaced schema"."spaced parent_id_seq"'::regclass);

-- Name: spaced child spaced child_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

ALTER TABLE ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced child"
ADD CONSTRAINT "spaced child_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: spaced parent spaced parent_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

ALTER TABLE ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced parent"
ADD CONSTRAINT "spaced parent_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: spaced child parent_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: spaced schema; Owner: -

ALTER TABLE ONLY "spaced schema"."spaced child"
ADD CONSTRAINT parent_fk FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES "spaced schema"."spaced parent"(id);

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