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raycast intersection with node bounding box
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NEDJIMAbelgacem authored and wonder-sk committed Jan 13, 2021
1 parent a98ec51 commit 4f3f95a
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Showing 13 changed files with 141 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions python/core/auto_generated/geometry/
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ If the point is a 2D point (no z-coordinate), then the containment test
will be performed on the x/y extent of the box only.

float distanceFromPoint( double x, double y, double z );

QgsRectangle toRectangle() const;
Converts the box to a 2D rectangle.
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Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ Ctor


SIP_PYLIST identify( float maxErrorInMapCoords, QgsGeometry extentGeometry, const QgsDoubleRange extentZRange = QgsDoubleRange(), int pointsLimit = 1000 );
Returns the list of points of the point cloud according to a zoom level
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +87,7 @@ the number of points returned to ``pointsLimit`` points
QVector<IndexedPointCloudNode> getNodesIntersectingWithRay( const QgsPointCloudIndex *pc, IndexedPointCloudNode n, double maxError, double nodeError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx, const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection );

virtual QgsPointCloudDataProvider::Capabilities capabilities() const;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ Only providers which report the CreateRenderer capability will return a 2D rende
providers will return ``None``.

SIP_PYOBJECT metadataStatistic( const QString &attribute, QgsStatisticalSummary::Statistic statistic ) const;
Returns a statistic for the specified ``attribute``, taken only from the metadata of the point cloud
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Expand Up @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ Ownership of ``renderer`` is transferred to the layer.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`renderer`

QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection, double maxScreenError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx );
QgsPointCloudLayer( const QgsPointCloudLayer &rhs );
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/3d/chunks/qgschunkedentity_p.cpp
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,16 @@ static float screenSpaceError( float epsilon, float distance, float screenSize,
* camera
float phi = epsilon * screenSize / ( 2 * distance * tan( fov * M_PI / ( 2 * 180 ) ) );
static int k = 0;
if ( k % 20 == 0 )
qDebug() << "screenSize: " << screenSize;
qDebug() << "fov: " << fov;
qDebug() << "epsilon: " << epsilon;
return phi;

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23 changes: 20 additions & 3 deletions src/3d/qgs3dmapscene.cpp
Expand Up @@ -1099,15 +1099,32 @@ void Qgs3DMapScene::exportScene( const Qgs3DMapExportSettings &exportSettings )

void Qgs3DMapScene::onRayCasted( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, QVector3D &rayDirection )
void Qgs3DMapScene::onRayCasted( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection )
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " " << rayOrigin << " " << rayDirection;
// QVector3D point2 = rayOrigin + rayOrigin.length() * rayDirection.normalized();
qDebug() << "Origin: " << mMap.origin().x() << " " << mMap.origin().y() << " " << mMap.origin().z();
QgsVector3D originMapCoords = mMap.worldToMapCoordinates( rayOrigin );
QgsVector3D pointMapCoords = mMap.worldToMapCoordinates( rayOrigin + rayOrigin.length() * rayDirection.normalized() );
QgsVector3D directionMapCoords = pointMapCoords - originMapCoords;

QVector3D rayOriginMapCoords( originMapCoords.x(), originMapCoords.y(), originMapCoords.z() );
QVector3D rayDirectionMapCoords( directionMapCoords.x(), directionMapCoords.y(), directionMapCoords.z() );

QRect rect = mCameraController->viewport();
int screenSizePx = std::max( rect.width(), rect.height() ); // TODO: is this correct? (see _sceneState)
float fov = mCameraController->camera()->fieldOfView();

for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : mMap.layers() )
if ( layer->type() != QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer ) continue;
if ( QgsPointCloudLayer *pc = dynamic_cast<QgsPointCloudLayer *>( layer ) )
pc->getPointsOnRay( rayOrigin, rayDirection );
QgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer *renderer = dynamic_cast<QgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer *>( pc->renderer3D() );
double maxScreenError = renderer->maximumScreenError();
pc->getPointsOnRay( rayOriginMapCoords, rayDirectionMapCoords, maxScreenError, fov, screenSizePx );
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/3d/qgs3dmapscene.h
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,15 @@ class QgsPostprocessingEntity;

#define SIP_NO_FILE

//! Records some bits about the scene (context for update() method)
struct CameraState
QVector3D cameraPos; //!< Camera position
float cameraFov; //!< Field of view (in degrees)
int screenSizePx; //!< Size of the viewport in pixels
QMatrix4x4 viewProjectionMatrix; //!< For frustum culling

* \ingroup 3d
* Entity that encapsulates our 3D scene - contains all other entities (such as terrain) as children.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ class _3D_EXPORT Qgs3DMapScene : public Qt3DCore::QEntity
public slots:
//! Updates the temporale entities
void updateTemporal();
void onRayCasted( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, QVector3D &rayDirection );
void onRayCasted( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection );

private slots:
void onCameraChanged();
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/app/3d/qgs3dmapcanvas.cpp
Expand Up @@ -274,5 +274,6 @@ void Qgs3DMapCanvas::mouseReleased( QMouseEvent *event )
rayWorld = rayWorld.normalized();
// qDebug() << "rayEye: " << rayEye;
// qDebug() << "rayWorld: " << rayWorld;
mScene->onRayCasted( QVector3D( rayEye ), rayWorld );
QVector4D rayOrigin = viewMatrix.inverted() * QVector4D( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
mScene->onRayCasted( QVector3D( rayOrigin ), rayWorld );
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/core/geometry/qgsbox3d.cpp
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include "qgsbox3d.h"
#include "qgspoint.h"

QgsBox3d::QgsBox3d( double xmin, double ymin, double zmin, double xmax, double ymax, double zmax )
: mBounds2d( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax )
, mZmin( zmin )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,3 +124,11 @@ bool QgsBox3d::operator==( const QgsBox3d &other ) const
qgsDoubleNear( mZmin, other.mZmin ) &&
qgsDoubleNear( mZmax, other.mZmax );

float QgsBox3d::distanceFromPoint( double x, double y, double z )
float dx = std::max( mBounds2d.xMinimum() - x, std::max( 0., x - mBounds2d.xMaximum() ) );
float dy = std::max( mBounds2d.yMinimum() - y, std::max( 0., y - mBounds2d.yMaximum() ) );
float dz = std::max( mZmin - z, std::max( 0., z - mZmax ) );
return sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz );
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/core/geometry/qgsbox3d.h
Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsBox3d
bool contains( const QgsPoint &point ) const;

float distanceFromPoint( double x, double y, double z );

* Converts the box to a 2D rectangle.
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78 changes: 74 additions & 4 deletions src/core/pointcloud/qgspointclouddataprovider.cpp
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "qgspointcloudrequest.h"
#include "qgsgeometryengine.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <QDebug>

#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentMap>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,26 +407,95 @@ QVector<IndexedPointCloudNode> QgsPointCloudDataProvider::traverseTree(

return nodes;
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> QgsPointCloudDataProvider::getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection )
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> QgsPointCloudDataProvider::getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection, double maxScreenError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx )
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> points;
qDebug() << "Ray: " << rayOrigin << " " << rayDirection;
QgsPointCloudIndex *index = this->index();
IndexedPointCloudNode root = index->root();
QgsRectangle rootNodeExtentMapCoords = index->nodeMapExtent( root );
const float rootErrorInMapCoordinates = rootNodeExtentMapCoords.width() / index->span();

QVector<IndexedPointCloudNode> nodes = getNodesIntersectingWithRay( index, root, maxScreenError, rootErrorInMapCoordinates, cameraFov, screenSizePx, rayOrigin, rayDirection );
qDebug() << "Intersected nodes: " << nodes.size();
return points;

bool __boxIntesects( const QgsBox3d &box, const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection )
double tminX = box.xMinimum() - rayOrigin.x(), tmaxX = box.xMaximum() - rayOrigin.x();
double tminY = box.yMinimum() - rayOrigin.y(), tmaxY = box.yMaximum() - rayOrigin.y();
double tminZ = box.zMinimum() - rayOrigin.z(), tmaxZ = box.zMaximum() - rayOrigin.z();
if ( rayDirection.x() < 0 ) std::swap( tminX, tmaxX );
if ( rayDirection.y() < 0 ) std::swap( tminY, tmaxY );
if ( rayDirection.z() < 0 ) std::swap( tminZ, tmaxZ );
if ( rayDirection.x() != 0 )
tminX /= rayDirection.x();
tmaxX /= rayDirection.x();
tminX = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
tmaxX = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if ( rayDirection.y() != 0 )
tminY /= rayDirection.y();
tmaxY /= rayDirection.y();
tminY = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
tmaxY = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if ( rayDirection.z() != 0 )
tminZ /= rayDirection.z();
tmaxZ /= rayDirection.z();
tminZ = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
tmaxZ = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
QgsDoubleRange tRange( qMax( qMax( tminX, tminY ), tminZ ), qMin( qMin( tmaxX, tmaxY ), tmaxZ ) );
return !tRange.isEmpty();

QVector<IndexedPointCloudNode> QgsPointCloudDataProvider::getNodesIntersectingWithRay(
const QgsPointCloudIndex *pc, IndexedPointCloudNode n,
const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirectione )
double maxError, double nodeError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx,
const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection )
QVector<IndexedPointCloudNode> nodes;

// TODO: check if the node actually intersects with the ray
QgsRectangle n2DExtent = pc->nodeMapExtent( n );
QgsDoubleRange zRange = pc->nodeZRange( n );
QgsBox3d box( n2DExtent.xMinimum(), n2DExtent.yMinimum(), zRange.lower(), n2DExtent.xMaximum(), n2DExtent.yMaximum(), zRange.upper() );

// calculate screen space error:
float distance = box.distanceFromPoint( rayOrigin.x(), rayOrigin.y(), rayOrigin.z() );
qDebug() << "Node error: " << nodeError;
float phi = nodeError * screenSizePx / ( 2 * distance * tan( cameraFov * M_PI / ( 2 * 180 ) ) );

if ( !__boxIntesects( box, rayOrigin, rayDirection ) )
return nodes;

nodes.append( n );

float childrenError = nodeError / 2.0f;
if ( phi < maxError )
return nodes;

qDebug() << "Passed";

const QList<IndexedPointCloudNode> children = pc->nodeChildren( n );
for ( const IndexedPointCloudNode &nn : children )
nodes += getNodesIntersectingWithRay( pc, nn, rayOrigin, rayDirectione );
nodes += getNodesIntersectingWithRay( pc, nn, maxError, childrenError, cameraFov, screenSizePx, rayOrigin, rayDirection );

return nodes;
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/core/pointcloud/qgspointclouddataprovider.h
Expand Up @@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsPointCloudDataProvider: public QgsDataProvider
% End
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection ) SIP_SKIP;
QVector<IndexedPointCloudNode> getNodesIntersectingWithRay( const QgsPointCloudIndex *pc, IndexedPointCloudNode n, const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection );
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection, double maxScreenError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx ) SIP_SKIP;
QVector<IndexedPointCloudNode> getNodesIntersectingWithRay( const QgsPointCloudIndex *pc, IndexedPointCloudNode n, double maxError, double nodeError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx, const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection );

* Returns flags containing the supported capabilities for the data provider.
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11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/core/pointcloud/qgspointcloudlayer.cpp
Expand Up @@ -622,9 +622,14 @@ void QgsPointCloudLayer::setRenderer( QgsPointCloudRenderer *renderer )
emit styleChanged();

QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> QgsPointCloudLayer::getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection )
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> QgsPointCloudLayer::getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection, double maxScreenError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx )
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> points = mDataProvider->getPointsOnRay( rayOrigin, rayDirection );
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << rayOrigin << " " << rayDirection;
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> points;
QVector3D adjutedRayOrigin = QVector3D( rayOrigin.x(), rayOrigin.y(), ( rayOrigin.z() - mElevationProperties->zOffset() ) / mElevationProperties->zScale() );
QVector3D adjutedRayDirection = QVector3D( rayDirection.x(), rayDirection.y(), rayDirection.z() / mElevationProperties->zScale() );

points = mDataProvider->getPointsOnRay( adjutedRayOrigin, adjutedRayDirection, maxScreenError, cameraFov, screenSizePx );
return points;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/pointcloud/qgspointcloudlayer.h
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsPointCloudLayer : public QgsMapLayer
void setRenderer( QgsPointCloudRenderer *renderer SIP_TRANSFER );

QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection );
QVector<QMap<QString, QVariant>> getPointsOnRay( const QVector3D &rayOrigin, const QVector3D &rayDirection, double maxScreenError, double cameraFov, int screenSizePx );
private slots:
void onPointCloudIndexGenerationStateChanged( QgsPointCloudDataProvider::PointCloudIndexGenerationState state );

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