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elpaso committed Jan 3, 2022
1 parent 19b60d5 commit 4449598
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Showing 2 changed files with 137 additions and 6 deletions.
52 changes: 48 additions & 4 deletions src/core/expression/qgsexpressionfunction.cpp
Expand Up @@ -6650,7 +6650,7 @@ static QVariant executeGeomOverlay( const QVariantList &values, const QgsExpress
// Sixth parameter (for intersects only) is the min overlap (area or length)
// Seventh parameter (for intersects only) is the min inscribed circle radius
// Eight parameter (for intersects only) is the return_measure
// Nineth parameter (for intersects only) is the sort_by_intersection_size flag
// Ninth parameter (for intersects only) is the sort_by_intersection_size flag
double minOverlap { -1 };
double minInscribedCircleRadius { -1 };
bool returnMeasures = false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6816,12 +6816,16 @@ static QVariant executeGeomOverlay( const QVariantList &values, const QgsExpress
const QgsGeometry intersection { geometry.intersection( feat2.geometry() ) };

// overlap and inscribed circle tests must be checked both (if the values are != -1)
// Depending on the intersection geometry type and on the geometry type of
// the tested geometry we can run different tests and collect different measures
// that can be used for sorting (if required).
switch ( intersection.type() )

case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::PolygonGeometry:

// overlap and inscribed circle tests must be checked both (if the values are != -1)
bool testResult { false };
// For return measures:
QVector<double> overlapValues;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6919,6 +6923,46 @@ static QVariant executeGeomOverlay( const QVariantList &values, const QgsExpress
case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::PointGeometry:
if ( minOverlap != -1 || requireMeasures )
// Initially set this to 0 because it's a point intersection...
overlapValue = 0;
// ... but if the target geometry is not a point and the source
// geometry is a point, we must record the length or the area
// of the intersected geometry and use that as a measure for
// sorting or reporting.
if ( geometry.type() == QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::PointGeometry )
switch ( feat2.geometry().type() )
case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::UnknownGeometry:
case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::NullGeometry:
case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::PointGeometry:
case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::LineGeometry:
overlapValue = feat2.geometry().length();
case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::PolygonGeometry:
overlapValue = feat2.geometry().area();

if ( minOverlap != -1 && overlapValue < minOverlap )

case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::NullGeometry:
case QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType::UnknownGeometry:
Expand All @@ -6938,7 +6982,7 @@ static QVariant executeGeomOverlay( const QVariantList &values, const QgsExpress
// We want a list of attributes / geometries / other expression values, evaluate now
subContext.setFeature( feat2 );
const QVariant expResult { subExpression.evaluate( &subContext ) };
const QVariant expResult = subExpression.evaluate( &subContext );

if ( requireMeasures )
Expand All @@ -6947,7 +6991,7 @@ static QVariant executeGeomOverlay( const QVariantList &values, const QgsExpress
resultRecord.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), expResult );
// Overlap is always added because return measures was set
resultRecord.insert( QStringLiteral( "overlap" ), overlapValue );
// radius is only added when is different than -1 (because for linestrings is not set)
// Radius is only added when is different than -1 (because for linestrings is not set)
if ( radiusValue != -1 )
resultRecord.insert( QStringLiteral( "radius" ), radiusValue );
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91 changes: 89 additions & 2 deletions tests/src/core/testqgsoverlayexpression.cpp
Expand Up @@ -84,8 +84,35 @@ void TestQgsOverlayExpression::initTestCase()
const QFileInfo polygonsFileInfo( polygonsFileName );
mPolyLayer = new QgsVectorLayer( polygonsFileInfo.filePath(),
QStringLiteral( "polys" ), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );

// Create linestrings target layer for test
QgsVectorLayer *linestringsLayer = new QgsVectorLayer{ QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=epsg:4326" ), QStringLiteral( "linestrings" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) };

QgsFeature f1 { linestringsLayer->fields() };
f1.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LINESTRING(1 0, 2 0)" ) ) );
QgsFeature f2 { linestringsLayer->fields() };
f2.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LINESTRING(3 0, 5 0)" ) ) );

linestringsLayer->dataProvider()->addFeature( f1 );
linestringsLayer->dataProvider()->addFeature( f2 );

// Points layer for tests
QgsVectorLayer *pointsLayer = new QgsVectorLayer{ QStringLiteral( "Point?crs=epsg:4326" ), QStringLiteral( "points" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) };

QgsFeature f3 { pointsLayer->fields() };
f3.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "POINT(1 0)" ) ) );
QgsFeature f4 { pointsLayer->fields() };
f4.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "POINT(3 0)" ) ) );

pointsLayer->dataProvider()->addFeature( f3 );
pointsLayer->dataProvider()->addFeature( f4 );

QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( pointsLayer );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( linestringsLayer );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( mRectanglesLayer );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( mPolyLayer );


void TestQgsOverlayExpression::cleanupTestCase()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,6 +248,8 @@ void TestQgsOverlayExpression::testOverlayMeasure()
QVERIFY2( exp.prepare( &context ), exp.parserErrorString().toUtf8().constData() );
const QVariant result = exp.evaluate( &context );

qDebug() << "RES:" << result;
qDebug() << "EXP:" << expectedResult;
QCOMPARE( result, expectedResult );

Expand All @@ -232,7 +261,6 @@ void TestQgsOverlayExpression::testOverlayMeasure_data()
QTest::addColumn<QString>( "geometry" );
QTest::addColumn<QVariantList>( "expectedResult" );

// Check return measures
QVariantMap expected3;
expected3.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 3LL );
expected3.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 3LL );
Expand All @@ -258,10 +286,27 @@ void TestQgsOverlayExpression::testOverlayMeasure_data()

QTest::newRow( "intersects multi match return sorted limit " ) << "overlay_intersects('polys', sort_by_intersection_size:=true, limit:=1, expression:=$id)" << "POLYGON((-107.37 33.75, -102.76 33.75, -102.76 36.97, -107.37 36.97, -107.37 33.75))" << ( QVariantList() << 3LL ) ;

QTest::newRow( "intersects multi match points" ) << "overlay_intersects('polys', expression:=$id)" << "MULTIPOINT((-107.37 33.75), (-102.8 36.97))" << ( QVariantList() << 1LL << 3LL ) ;

QTest::newRow( "intersects multi match points sorted" ) << "overlay_intersects('polys', sort_by_intersection_size:=true, expression:=$id)" << "MULTIPOINT((-107.37 33.75), (-102.8 36.97))" << ( QVariantList() << 3LL << 1LL );

// Check returned values from point intersection
QVariantMap expected3;
expected3.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 3LL );
expected3.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 3 );
expected3.insert( QStringLiteral( "overlap" ), 19.049688572712284 );
QVariantMap expected1;
expected1.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 1LL );
expected1.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 1 );
expected1.insert( QStringLiteral( "overlap" ), 18.569843123334977 );

QTest::newRow( "intersects multi match points return sorted" ) << "overlay_intersects('polys', sort_by_intersection_size:=true, return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "MULTIPOINT((-107.37 33.75), (-102.8 36.97))" << ( QVariantList() << expected3 << expected1 ) ;


// Linestring tests!

// Check return measures
QVariantMap expectedLine3;
expectedLine3.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 3LL );
expectedLine3.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 3LL );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,6 +334,48 @@ void TestQgsOverlayExpression::testOverlayMeasure_data()
QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring multi match measure sorted" ) << "overlay_intersects('polys', return_measure:=true, sort_by_intersection_size:=true, expression:=$id)" << "LINESTRING(-102.76 33.74, -102.76 36.44)" << ( QVariantList() << expectedLine3 << expectedLine1 );

// Test linestring intersections
QVariantMap expectedLine1;
expectedLine1.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 1LL );
expectedLine1.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 1 );
expectedLine1.insert( QStringLiteral( "overlap" ), 0 );
QVariantMap expectedLine2;
expectedLine2.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 2LL );
expectedLine2.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 2 );
expectedLine2.insert( QStringLiteral( "overlap" ), 0 );

QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring single match" ) << "overlay_intersects('linestrings', return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "LINESTRING(1.5 1, 1.5 -1)" << ( QVariantList() << expectedLine1 );
QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring single match fail overlap" ) << "overlay_intersects('linestrings', min_overlap:=0.5, return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "LINESTRING(1.5 1, 1.5 -1)" << ( QVariantList() );
QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring no match" ) << "overlay_intersects('linestrings', return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "LINESTRING(1.5 2, 1.5 1)" << ( QVariantList() );
QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring multi match" ) << "overlay_intersects('linestrings', return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "LINESTRING(1.5 1, 1.5 -1, 4 -1, 4 1)" << ( QVariantList() << expectedLine1 << expectedLine2 );
expectedLine2[QStringLiteral( "overlap" )] = 0.5;
QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring multi match sorted" ) << "overlay_intersects('linestrings', return_measure:=true, sort_by_intersection_size:=true, expression:=$id)" << "LINESTRING(1.5 1, 1.5 -1, 4 -1, 4 0, 4.5 0)" << ( QVariantList() << expectedLine2 << expectedLine1 );

// Full length of targets is expected
expectedLine2[QStringLiteral( "overlap" )] = 2.0;
expectedLine1[QStringLiteral( "overlap" )] = 1.0;

QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring multi match points" ) << "overlay_intersects('linestrings', return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "MULTIPOINT((1.5 0), (3.5 0))" << ( QVariantList() << expectedLine1 << expectedLine2 );
QTest::newRow( "intersects linestring multi match points sorted" ) << "overlay_intersects('linestrings', sort_by_intersection_size:=true, return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "MULTIPOINT((1.5 0), (3.5 0))" << ( QVariantList() << expectedLine2 << expectedLine1 );


// Test point target layer (no sorting supported)
QVariantMap expectedPoint1;
expectedPoint1.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 1LL );
expectedPoint1.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 1 );
expectedPoint1.insert( QStringLiteral( "overlap" ), 0 );
QVariantMap expectedPoint2;
expectedPoint2.insert( QStringLiteral( "id" ), 2LL );
expectedPoint2.insert( QStringLiteral( "result" ), 2 );
expectedPoint2.insert( QStringLiteral( "overlap" ), 0 );

QTest::newRow( "intersects points single match" ) << "overlay_intersects('points', return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "POLYGON((0 -1, 1.5 -1, 1.5 1, 0 1, 0 -1))" << ( QVariantList() << expectedPoint1 );
QTest::newRow( "intersects points multi match" ) << "overlay_intersects('points', return_measure:=true, expression:=$id)" << "POLYGON((0 -1, 3.5 -1, 3.5 1, 0 1, 0 -1))" << ( QVariantList() << expectedPoint1 << expectedPoint2 );


void TestQgsOverlayExpression::testOverlayExpression()
Expand Down

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