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[processing] port service area (from layer) alg to c++
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alexbruy committed Nov 6, 2019
1 parent 5970d1c commit 26c90c8
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Showing 5 changed files with 334 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions python/plugins/processing/algs/qgis/
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
from .Ruggedness import Ruggedness
from .SelectByAttribute import SelectByAttribute
from .SelectByExpression import SelectByExpression
from .ServiceAreaFromLayer import ServiceAreaFromLayer
#from .ServiceAreaFromLayer import ServiceAreaFromLayer
#from .ServiceAreaFromPoint import ServiceAreaFromPoint
from .SetMValue import SetMValue
from .SetRasterStyle import SetRasterStyle
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ def getAlgs(self):
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/analysis/CMakeLists.txt
Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ SET(QGIS_ANALYSIS_SRCS
Expand Down
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/processing/qgsalgorithmserviceareafromlayer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
begin : July 2018
copyright : (C) 2018 by Alexander Bruy
email : alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *

#include "qgsalgorithmserviceareafromlayer.h"

#include "qgsgeometryutils.h"
#include "qgsgraphanalyzer.h"

///@cond PRIVATE

QString QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm::name() const
return QStringLiteral( "serviceareafromlayer" );

QString QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm::displayName() const
return QObject::tr( "Service area (from layer)" );

QStringList QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm::tags() const
return QObject::tr( "network,service,area,shortest,fastest" ).split( ',' );

QString QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm::shortHelpString() const
return QObject::tr( "This algorithm computes service areas from the set of start points defined by point layer using travel time or distance." );

QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm *QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm::createInstance() const
return new QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm();

void QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm::initAlgorithm( const QVariantMap & )
addParameter( new QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource( QStringLiteral( "START_POINTS" ), QObject::tr( "Vector layer with start points" ), QList< int >() << QgsProcessing::TypeVectorPoint ) );
addParameter( new QgsProcessingParameterNumber( QStringLiteral( "TRAVEL_COST" ), QObject::tr( "Travel cost (distance for 'Shortest', time for 'Fastest')" ),
QgsProcessingParameterNumber::Double, 0, false, 0 ) );

std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterBoolean > includeBounds = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterBoolean >( QStringLiteral( "INCLUDE_BOUNDS" ), QObject::tr( "Include upper/lower bound points" ), false, true );
includeBounds->setFlags( includeBounds->flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition::FlagAdvanced );
addParameter( includeBounds.release() );

std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink > outputLines = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink >( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT_LINES" ), QObject::tr( "Service area (lines)" ),
QgsProcessing::TypeVectorLine, QVariant(), true );
outputLines->setCreateByDefault( true );
addParameter( outputLines.release() );

std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink > outputPoints = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink >( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), QObject::tr( "Service area (boundary nodes)" ),
QgsProcessing::TypeVectorPoint, QVariant(), true );
outputPoints->setCreateByDefault( false );
addParameter( outputPoints.release() );

QVariantMap QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm::processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters, QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
loadCommonParams( parameters, context, feedback );

std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSource > startPoints( parameterAsSource( parameters, QStringLiteral( "START_POINTS" ), context ) );
if ( !startPoints )
throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSourceError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "START_POINTS" ) ) );

double travelCost = parameterAsDouble( parameters, QStringLiteral( "TRAVEL_COST" ), context );

bool includeBounds = true; // default to true to maintain 3.0 API
if ( parameters.contains( QStringLiteral( "INCLUDE_BOUNDS" ) ) )
includeBounds = parameterAsBool( parameters, QStringLiteral( "INCLUDE_BOUNDS" ), context );

QVector< QgsPointXY > points;
QHash< int, QgsAttributes > sourceAttributes;
loadPoints( startPoints.get(), points, sourceAttributes, context, feedback );

feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Building graph…" ) );
QVector< QgsPointXY > snappedPoints;
mDirector->makeGraph( mBuilder.get(), points, snappedPoints, feedback );

feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Calculating service areas…" ) );
QgsGraph *graph = mBuilder->graph();

QgsFields fields = startPoints->fields();
fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "type" ), QVariant::String ) );
fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "start" ), QVariant::String ) );

QString pointsSinkId;
std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSink > pointsSink( parameterAsSink( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), context, pointsSinkId, fields,
QgsWkbTypes::MultiPoint, mNetwork->sourceCrs() ) );

QString linesSinkId;
std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSink > linesSink( parameterAsSink( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT_LINES" ), context, linesSinkId, fields,
QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString, mNetwork->sourceCrs() ) );

int idxStart;
QString origPoint;
QVector< int > tree;
QVector< double > costs;

int inboundEdgeIndex;
double startVertexCost, endVertexCost;
QgsPointXY startPoint, endPoint;
QgsGraphEdge edge;

QgsFeature feat;
QgsAttributes attributes;

int step = snappedPoints.size() > 0 ? 100.0 / snappedPoints.size() : 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < snappedPoints.size(); i++ )
if ( feedback->isCanceled() )

idxStart = graph->findVertex( i ) );
origPoint = i ).toString();

QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph, idxStart, 0, &tree, &costs );

QgsMultiPointXY areaPoints;
QgsMultiPolylineXY lines;
QSet< int > vertices;

for ( int j = 0; j < costs.size(); j++ )
inboundEdgeIndex = j );

if ( inboundEdgeIndex == -1 and j != idxStart )
// unreachable vertex

startVertexCost = j );
if ( startVertexCost > travelCost )
// vertex is too expensive, discard

vertices.insert( j );
startPoint = graph->vertex( j ).point();

// find all edges coming from this vertex
for ( int edgeId : graph->vertex( j ).outgoingEdges() )
edge = graph->edge( edgeId );
endVertexCost = startVertexCost + edge.cost( 0 ).toDouble();
endPoint = graph->vertex( edge.toVertex() ).point();
if ( endVertexCost <= travelCost )
// end vertex is cheap enough to include
vertices.insert( edge.toVertex() );
lines.push_back( QgsPolylineXY() << startPoint << endPoint );
// travelCost sits somewhere on this edge, interpolate position
QgsPointXY interpolatedEndPoint = QgsGeometryUtils::interpolatePointOnLineByValue( startPoint.x(), startPoint.y(), startVertexCost,
endPoint.x(), endPoint.y(), endVertexCost, travelCost );

areaPoints.push_back( interpolatedEndPoint );
lines.push_back( QgsPolylineXY() << startPoint << interpolatedEndPoint );
} // edges
} // costs

// convert to list so he have same order of points between algorithm runs
QList< int > verticesList = vertices.toList();
std::sort( verticesList.begin(), verticesList.end() );
for ( int v : verticesList )
areaPoints.push_back( graph->vertex( v ).point() );
// this produces correct results, but order of point is not the same, so tests failed
//QSet< int >::const_iterator it = vertices.constBegin();
//while ( it != vertices.constEnd() )
// areaPoints.push_back( graph->vertex( *it ).point() );
// it++;

if ( pointsSink )
QgsGeometry geomPoints = QgsGeometry::fromMultiPointXY( areaPoints );
feat.setGeometry( geomPoints );
attributes = sourceAttributes.value( i + 1 );
attributes << QStringLiteral( "within" ) << origPoint;
feat.setAttributes( attributes );
pointsSink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

if ( includeBounds )
QgsMultiPointXY upperBoundary, lowerBoundary;
QVector< int > nodes;

int vertexId;
for ( int v = 0; v < costs.size(); v++ )
if ( v ) > travelCost and v ) != -1 )
vertexId = graph->edge( v ) ).fromVertex();
if ( vertexId ) <= travelCost )
nodes.push_back( v );
} // costs

for ( int n : nodes )
upperBoundary.push_back( graph->vertex( graph->edge( n ) ).toVertex() ).point() );
lowerBoundary.push_back( graph->vertex( graph->edge( n ) ).fromVertex() ).point() );
} // nodes

QgsGeometry geomUpper = QgsGeometry::fromMultiPointXY( upperBoundary );
QgsGeometry geomLower = QgsGeometry::fromMultiPointXY( lowerBoundary );

feat.setGeometry( geomUpper );
attributes = sourceAttributes.value( i + 1 );
attributes << QStringLiteral( "upper" ) << origPoint;
feat.setAttributes( attributes );
pointsSink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

feat.setGeometry( geomLower );
attributes = sourceAttributes.value( i + 1 );
attributes << QStringLiteral( "lower" ) << origPoint;
feat.setAttributes( attributes );
pointsSink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );
} // includeBounds

if ( linesSink )
QgsGeometry geomLines = QgsGeometry::fromMultiPolylineXY( lines );
feat.setGeometry( geomLines );
attributes = sourceAttributes.value( i + 1 );
attributes << QStringLiteral( "lines" ) << origPoint;
feat.setAttributes( attributes );
linesSink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

feedback->setProgress( i * step );
} // snappedPoints

QVariantMap outputs;
if ( pointsSink )
outputs.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), pointsSinkId );
if ( linesSink )
outputs.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT_LINES" ), linesSinkId );

return outputs;

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/processing/qgsalgorithmserviceareafromlayer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
begin : JUly 2018
copyright : (C) 2018 by Alexander Bruy
email : alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *


#define SIP_NO_FILE

#include "qgis.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmnetworkanalysisbase.h"

///@cond PRIVATE

* Native service area (from layer) algorithm.
class QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm : public QgsNetworkAnalysisAlgorithmBase


QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm() = default;
void initAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &configuration = QVariantMap() ) override;
QString name() const override;
QString displayName() const override;
QStringList tags() const override;
QString shortHelpString() const override;
QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm *createInstance() const override SIP_FACTORY;


QVariantMap processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters,
QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback ) override;


///@endcond PRIVATE

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/processing/qgsnativealgorithms.cpp
Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
#include "qgsalgorithmrotate.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmsaveselectedfeatures.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmsegmentize.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmserviceareafromlayer.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmserviceareafrompoint.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmshortestpathlayertopoint.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmshortestpathpointtolayer.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ void QgsNativeAlgorithms::loadAlgorithms()
addAlgorithm( new QgsSegmentizeByMaximumAngleAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsSegmentizeByMaximumDistanceAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsSelectByLocationAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsServiceAreaFromLayerAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsServiceAreaFromPointAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsShortestPathLayerToPointAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsShortestPathPointToLayerAlgorithm() );
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