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edited GRASS/SEXTANTE algorithm descriptions
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volaya committed Jan 26, 2013
1 parent f91e9d3 commit 20e4ec5
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Showing 25 changed files with 73 additions and 125 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.los.txt
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ ParameterRaster|patt_map|Binary (1/0) raster layer to use as a mask|True
ParameterString|obs_elev|Viewing position height above the ground|1.75
ParameterString|max_dist|Maximum distance from the viewing point (meters)|10000
ParameterBoolean|-c|Consider earth curvature (current ellipsoid)|False
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ ParameterRaster|dmap|Raster layer D|True
ParameterRaster|emap|Raster layer E|True
ParameterRaster|fmap|Raster layer F|True
ParameterString|formula|Formula| A*C+B
OutputRaster|outfile|Output raster layer
OutputRaster|outfile|Output raster layer
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.plane.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
r.plane - Creates raster plane map given dip (inclination), aspect (azimuth) and one point.
r.plane - Creates raster plane layer given dip (inclination), aspect (azimuth) and one point.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterNumber|dip|Dip of plane. Value must be between -90 and 90 degrees|None|None|0.0
ParameterNumber|azimuth|Azimuth of the plane. Value must be between 0 and 360 degrees|None|None|0.0
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
r.reclass.area.greater - Reclassifies a raster layer, selecting areas larger than a user specified size
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer|False
ParameterNumber|greater|Area threshold [hectares]|0|None|1
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
r.reclass.area.lesser - Reclassifies a raster layer, selecting areas lower than a user specified size
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer|False
ParameterNumber|lesser|Area threshold [hectares]|0|None|1
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.reclass.area.txt

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.reclass.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
r.reclass - Creates a new map layer whose category values are based upon a reclassification of the categories in an existing raster map layer.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer|False
ParameterFile|rules|File containing reclass rules|False
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.recode.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
r.recode - Recodes categorical raster maps.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
ParameterRaster|input|Input layer|False
ParameterFile|rules|File containing recode rules|False
ParameterString|title|Title for output raster map|
ParameterBoolean|-a|Align the current region to the input raster map|False
ParameterBoolean|-d|Force output to 'double' raster map type (DCELL)|False
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
*ParameterBoolean|-d|Force output to 'double' raster map type (DCELL)|False
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
r.regression.line - Calculates linear regression from two raster layers : y = a + b*x.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|map1|Map for x coefficient|False
ParameterRaster|map2|Map for y coefficient|False
ParameterRaster|map1|Layer for x coefficient|False
ParameterRaster|map2|Layer for y coefficient|False
ParameterBoolean|-s|Slower but accurate|False
OutputHTML|html|Regression data
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@ - Reports statistics for raster map layers. - Reports statistics for raster layers.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterMultipleInput|map|Raster map(s) to report on|3.0|False
ParameterMultipleInput|map|Raster layer(s) to report on|3.0|False
ParameterString|null|Character representing no data cell value|*
ParameterNumber|nsteps|Number of fp subranges to collect stats from|None|None|255
ParameterNumber|nsteps|Number of fp subranges to collect stats from|1|None|255
ParameterBoolean|-h|Suppress page headers|True
ParameterBoolean|-f|Use formfeeds between pages|True
ParameterBoolean|-e|Scientific format|True
ParameterBoolean|-n|Filter out all no data cells|True
ParameterBoolean|-N|Filter out cells where all maps have no data|True
ParameterBoolean|-C|Report for cats fp ranges (fp maps only)|True
ParameterBoolean|-i|Read fp map as integer (use map's quant rules)|True
OutputHTML|output|Name of an output file to hold the report
ParameterBoolean|-N|Filter out cells where all layers have no data|True
OutputHTML|output|Output report file
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.resamp.interp.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
r.resamp.interp - Resamples raster map layers to a finer grid using interpolation.
r.resamp.interp - Resamples a raster map layer to a finer grid using interpolation.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer|False
ParameterSelection|method|Interpolation method|nearest;bilinear;bicubic
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.resamp.rst.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
r.resamp.rst - Reinterpolates and optionally computes topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension and smoothing.
r.resamp.rst - Reinterpolates using regularized spline with tension and smoothing.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
ParameterRaster|input|Raster layer|False
ParameterNumber|ew_res|Desired east-west resolution|0.0|None|1
ParameterNumber|ns_res|Desired north-south resolution|0.0|None|1
ParameterBoolean|-t|Use dnorm independent tension|False
ParameterBoolean|-d|Output partial derivatives instead of topographic parameters|False
OutputRaster|elev|Output z-file (elevation) map
OutputRaster|elev|Output layer
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.resamp.stats.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
r.resamp.stats - Resamples raster map layers to a coarser grid using aggregation.
r.resamp.stats - Resamples raster layers to a coarser grid using aggregation.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer|False
ParameterSelection|method|Aggregation method|average;median;mode;minimum;maximum;quart1;quart3;perc90;sum;variance;stddev
ParameterBoolean|-n|Propagate NULLs|False
ParameterBoolean|-w|Weight according to area (slower)|False
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.resample.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
r.resample - GRASS raster map layer data resampling capability using nearest neighbors.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer |False
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.rescale.eq.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
r.rescale.eq - Rescales histogram equalized the range of category values in a raster map layer.
r.rescale.eq - Rescales histogram equalized the range of category values in a raster layer.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
ParameterRange|from|The input data range to be rescaled (default: full range of input map)
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer|False
ParameterRange|from|The input data range to be rescaled
ParameterRange|to|The output data range
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.rescale.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
r.rescale - Rescales the range of category values in a raster map layer.
r.rescale - Rescales the range of category values in a raster layer.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|input|Name of input raster map|False
ParameterRange|from|The input data range to be rescaled (default: full range of input map)|
ParameterRange|to|The output data range|a,d
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
ParameterRaster|input|Input raster layer|False
ParameterRange|from|The input data range to be rescaled|
ParameterRange|to|The output data range|0,1
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.ros.txt

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10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.series.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
r.series - Makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.
r.series - Makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster layers.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterMultipleInput|input|Name of input raster map(s)|3.0|False
ParameterMultipleInput|input|Input raster layer(s)|3.0|False
ParameterBoolean|-n|Propagate NULLs|True
ParameterSelection|method|Aggregate operation|average;count;median;mode;minimum;min_raster;maximum;max_raster;stddev;range;sum;threshold;variance;diversity;slope;offset;detcoeff;quart1;quart3;perc90;quantile;skewness;kurtosis
*ParameterNumber|quantile|Quantile to calculate for method=quantile|0.0|1.0|0.0
*ParameterNumber|threshold|Threshold to calculate for method=threshold|None|None|0.0
ParameterSelection|method|Aggregate operation|average;count;median;mode;minimum;min_raster;maximum;max_raster;stddev;range;sum;variance;diversity;slope;offset;detcoeff;quart1;quart3;perc90;skewness;kurtosis
*ParameterString|range|Ignore values outside this range (lo,hi)|-10000000000,10000000000
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
OutputRaster|output|Ouptut raster layer
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.shaded.relief.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
r.shaded.relief - Creates shaded relief map from an elevation map (DEM).
r.shaded.relief - Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM).
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|map|Input elevation map|False
ParameterRaster|map|Input elevation layer|False
ParameterNumber|altitude|Altitude of the sun in degrees above the horizon|None|None|30.0
ParameterNumber|azimuth|Azimuth of the sun in degrees to the east of north|None|None|270.0
ParameterNumber|zmult|Factor for exaggerating relief|None|None|1.0
ParameterNumber|scale|Scale factor for converting horizontal units to elevation units|None|None|1.0
ParameterSelection|units|et scaling factor (applies to lat./long. locations only, none: scale=1)|none;meters;feet
OutputRaster|shadedmap|Output shaded relief map name
OutputRaster|shadedmap|Output shaded relief layer
25 changes: 12 additions & 13 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.slope.aspect.txt
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
r.slope.aspect - Generates raster maps of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a elevation raster map.
r.slope.aspect - Generates raster layers of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a elevation raster layer.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|elevation|Name of elevation raster map|False
ParameterSelection|format|Format for reporting the slope|degrees;percent
ParameterSelection|prec|Type of output aspect and slope maps|float;double;int
ParameterSelection|prec|Type of output aspect and slope layer|float;double;int
ParameterNumber|zfactor|Multiplicative factor to convert elevation units to meters|None|None|1.0
ParameterNumber|min_slp_allowed|Minimum slope val. (in percent) for which aspect is computed|None|None|0.0
ParameterBoolean|-a|Do not align the current region to the elevation layer|True
OutputRaster|slope|Name for output slope raster map
OutputRaster|aspect|Name for output aspect raster map
OutputRaster|pcurv|Name for output profile curvature raster map
OutputRaster|tcurv|Name for output tangential curvature raster map
OutputRaster|dx|Name for output first order partial derivative dx (E-W slope) raster map
OutputRaster|dy|Name for output first order partial derivative dy (N-S slope) raster map
OutputRaster|dxx|Name for output second order partial derivative dxx raster map
OutputRaster|dyy|Name for output second order partial derivative dyy raster map
OutputRaster|dxy|Name for output second order partial derivative dxy raster map
OutputRaster|slope|Output slope layer
OutputRaster|aspect|Output aspect layer
OutputRaster|pcurv|Output profile curvature layer
OutputRaster|tcurv|Output tangential curvature layer
OutputRaster|dx|Output first order partial derivative dx (E-W slope) layer
OutputRaster|dy|Output first order partial derivative dy (N-S slope) layer
OutputRaster|dxx|Output second order partial derivative dxx layer
OutputRaster|dyy|Output second order partial derivative dyy layer
OutputRaster|dxy|Output second order partial derivative dxy layer
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.slope.txt

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21 changes: 0 additions & 21 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.spread.txt

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.spreadpath.txt
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ Raster (r.*)
OutputRaster|output|Name for output raster map
OutputRaster|output|Output layer
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions python/plugins/sextante/grass/description/r.statistics.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
r.statistics - Calculates category or object oriented statistics.
Raster (r.*)
ParameterRaster|base|Name of base raster map|False
ParameterRaster|cover|Name of cover raster map|False
ParameterRaster|base|Base raster layer|False
ParameterRaster|cover|Cover raster layer|False
ParameterBoolean|-c|Cover values extracted from the category labels of the cover map|False
OutputRaster|output|Resultant raster map (not used with 'distribution')
OutputRaster|output|Output raster layer
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions python/plugins/sextante/saga/description/Merging.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
Merging|Merge raster layers
Merge raster layers|Merging
ParameterMultipleInput|GRIDS|Grids to Merge|3|False
ParameterSelection|TYPE|Preferred data storage type|[0] 1 bit;[1] 1 byte unsigned integer;[2] 1 byte signed integer;[3] 2 byte unsigned integer;[4] 2 byte signed integer;[5] 4 byte unsigned integer;[6] 4 byte signed integer;[7] 4 byte floating point;[8] 8 byte floating point
ParameterSelection|INTERPOL|Interpolation|[0] Nearest Neighbor;[1] Bilinear Interpolation;[2] Inverse Distance Interpolation;[3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation;[4] B-Spline Interpolation
ParameterSelection|OVERLAP|Overlapping Cells|[0] mean value;[1] first value in order of grid list
ParameterNumber|MERGE_INFO_MESH_SIZE|Cell Size|0.0|None|1.0
OutputRaster|MERGED|Merged Grid
OutputRaster|MERGED|Merged Grid

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