

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13465Feature requestOpenHighIdentify Results panel : clicking on "Clear results" should close all feature attribute's form2017-05-01 12:46 AM
20021Feature requestOpenHighPrint Layout missing Page Properties 2018-10-05 04:40 AM
18436Feature requestOpenHighArcMap style clipping in QGIS 3.02018-11-15 05:35 PM
17768Feature requestOpenHighmake use of label placement settings even when using data defined placement2018-01-02 03:09 AM
17904Feature requestOpenHighIn the layer tree, Clicking an item from a rule-based symbolized layer should offer to edit the rule2018-09-18 08:41 AM
16946Feature requestOpenHighSplit Line Features2017-08-01 11:53 AM
7235Feature requestOpenHighAdd option to avoid users producing invalid topologies while digitising2017-05-01 12:48 AM
20550Feature requestOpenHighAdd visualization of invalid geometry Error2018-11-19 11:41 AM
11888Feature requestOpenHighWarn the user when OGR "stretched" the column width to accommodate values2017-05-01 12:47 AM
17769Feature requestOpenHighadd feature to open and read spreadsheets as layers!2018-01-05 04:38 PM
16096Feature requestOpenHighQGIS Server proxy settings2018-11-28 11:26 PM
17756Feature requestOpenHighautomatic label placement between range of distances2017-12-29 03:05 AM
17873Feature requestOpenHighmake composer item's (e.g.: attribute table) position values recallable.2018-01-17 12:01 AM
13622Feature requestOpenHighCreate the possibility to make attribute queries with mapped values using QML files2017-09-22 10:07 AM
15652Feature requestOpenHighAdd option for OGR data sources to be opened in read only modeEven Rouault2019-04-17 11:03 PM
7145Feature requestOpenHighShow layer groups in "identifiable layers" and "snapping options" panels2017-05-01 12:48 AM
18771Feature requestOpenHigh1:n relations: new entries in child layer when child has geometries2018-06-08 05:17 PM
21759Feature requestOpenHighChanging rendering behavior on zoom to prevent flashes 2019-04-29 10:55 PM
17742Feature requestOpenHighQGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index2019-02-01 03:11 PM
12058Feature requestOpenHighFunction Editor in Expression widget : a button to delete a useless functionNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:47 AM
17810Feature requestOpenHigheasy possibility to make non-geometry table to geometry layer (in cases delimited text layer opening can't solve)2018-01-05 11:50 PM
7581Feature requestOpenHighraster calculator really needs support for conditional statements (to allow reclassify rasters)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
15413Feature requestOpenHighShow printing boundary in Composer2017-09-22 09:55 AM
16315Feature requestOpenHighProper Mask Functionality 2017-05-19 03:51 PM
7706Feature requestOpenHighGeometry constructors (EWKT/EWKB)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
17710Feature requestOpenHighProvide a snap package for Linux users2017-12-20 03:34 PM
19609Feature requestOpenHighAdd color ramp item with tick and number label in print layout2018-08-13 04:40 PM
19379Feature requestOpenHighprecision option in vector tools select/join by location2018-09-18 09:21 AM
18478Feature requestOpenHighFind and Replace in Layout maker2018-03-19 08:41 AM
9737Feature requestOpenHighPartial canvas redraw2017-05-01 12:47 AM
7150Feature requestOpenNormalCreate a 'project template' via the 'Save project As' menu2017-09-22 10:06 AM
6713Feature requestOpenNormalRule based renderer gui enhancements: copy/paste; refine>use expression2017-05-01 12:48 AM
6716Feature requestOpenNormalDeleting pyramids externatly built2017-05-01 12:48 AM
8794Feature requestOpenNormalAutomatically clean NULL text from attribute edit form line edit2017-09-22 10:07 AM
20383Feature requestOpenNormalmake label and ticks rotation possible in print layout2018-11-06 02:36 PM
6674Feature requestOpenNormalCurved labels : option to draw labels even if the line is too short2017-05-01 12:48 AM
15120Feature requestOpenNormalselect all or none for snapping options window2018-06-05 02:54 PM
8739Feature requestOpenNormalWorld file created from Project->Save as image has wrong extension for various other uses2017-09-22 10:07 AM
19752Feature requestOpenNormal[Processing] Add fields to the "Interpolate point on line" algorithm output2018-09-02 11:09 PM
6670Feature requestOpenNormalAdd drag and drop from Layer Panel to DBManager2017-06-26 02:34 AM
6587Feature requestOpenNormal"Current Visible Extent" for Raster calculator2017-05-01 12:41 AM
6424Feature requestOpenNormalShow count in Identify Results dialog2017-05-01 12:48 AM
17889Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for '-tr' parameter in clip raster toolsVictor Olaya2018-02-02 10:14 AM
6650Feature requestOpenNormalLayers window, horizontal scrollbar2017-05-01 12:48 AM
17063Feature requestOpenNormalAdd some examples to the collect function2017-08-24 05:48 PM
19147Feature requestOpenNormalData-based 3D feature visualization2018-06-08 09:33 AM
5091Feature requestOpenNormalAbility to Work only with AOI2017-05-01 12:50 AM
19113Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an epsg or authid method to QgsEllipsoidUtils::EllipsoidDefinition2018-06-05 04:16 AM
6450Feature requestOpenNormalAllow QGIS to 'guess' field types for calculated fields in spatialite views2017-05-01 12:48 AM
17394Feature requestOpenNormalAdd other anchors to non-fixed annotations2017-11-14 08:49 PM
21337Feature requestOpenNormalGraphical Builder - Link between Expression Paramenter and Table/Vector Field2019-03-30 09:09 PM
19754Feature requestOpenNormalSupport for reading and processing JSON files2018-09-03 11:36 AM
17962Feature requestOpenNormalAdd "Add unique value field index" algorithm for multiple fields at once2018-02-24 03:20 PM
17406Feature requestOpenNormalEnable custom color (ie expression or virtual attribute) to define style of lines in attribute table2017-11-06 02:26 PM
18321Feature requestOpenNormalAllow group selected layers with one layer selected2018-03-03 03:15 PM
16708Feature requestOpenNormalSupport Postgres Range Types2017-09-08 01:35 PM
5479Feature requestOpenNormalSupport copy/paste of objects in modelerVictor Olaya2017-05-01 12:48 AM
5078Feature requestOpenNormalCreate a default GRASS location2018-02-23 07:01 PM
17459Feature requestOpenNormalBeing able to customize layer names based on applied style2017-11-14 01:04 PM
6683Feature requestOpenNormalAdd duplication option to embed layers/groups dialogLarry Shaffer2017-05-01 12:48 AM
5473Feature requestOpenNormalUse different symbols for different kinds of inputVictor Olaya2017-05-01 12:48 AM
18971Feature requestOpenNormalChange data source of a vector layer2018-05-17 03:07 PM
20248Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a $z and and $z_at expression functions2018-10-28 07:17 PM
7629Feature requestOpenNormalNumber formats in legends/symbology2017-09-22 10:06 AM
6361Feature requestOpenNormalEdit widget “Unique values”2017-05-01 12:48 AM
6365Feature requestOpenNormalRaster calculator: set extent and cell size dinamically2017-05-01 12:48 AM
17055Feature requestOpenNormalsld-reader doesn't use gap-size as interval2017-08-24 10:47 AM
20663Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Option for transparent Map Background for 3D viewer2018-11-29 11:20 AM
8141Feature requestOpenNormalquery / filter on attribute tables with external tables joined2017-09-22 10:06 AM
5455Feature requestOpenNormalSupport for group boxesVictor Olaya2017-05-01 12:48 AM
5047Feature requestOpenNormalQGIS should associate itself with SHP files2017-05-01 12:50 AM
6960Feature requestOpenNormalPossibility to set item label when using single symbol2017-09-22 10:06 AM
17465Feature requestOpenNormalBeing able to set a title for diagram categories2017-11-14 06:29 PM
6356Feature requestOpenNormalSet from parent style into categories rules2017-09-22 10:07 AM
21765Feature requestOpenNormalPage Navigation Controls for Map Composer/Printing UI2019-04-03 10:33 PM
16733Feature requestOpenNormalAdd layer-centric expression functions2017-06-20 11:11 PM
5217Feature requestOpenNormalRendering Symbol level: merge the boundary when the level is the same2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4325Feature requestOpenNormalMaking url's in WMS Query response clickable2017-05-01 12:50 AM
17396Feature requestOpenNormaladd space between grid frame and map in composer2017-11-03 03:29 PM
21315Feature requestOpenNormaladd support for editing JSON PostgreSQL datatype2019-05-17 07:26 PM
17454Feature requestOpenNormalSimplify the steps to add history to metadata2017-11-14 11:36 AM
4450Feature requestOpenNormalLegend symbols (in print composer) are ignoring the "scale size field" option in vector symbologyVincent Mora2017-05-01 12:50 AM
21901Feature requestOpenNormalcustom name for temporary output of Processing2019-04-22 03:09 AM
5446Feature requestOpenNormalSelect group from existing groupsVictor Olaya2017-05-01 12:48 AM
17135Feature requestOpenNormalCGAL in QGIS2017-09-13 06:08 PM
7868Feature requestOpenNormalIntegrate time manager plugin into core, add animation time variables to expression engine2017-09-22 10:06 AM
5471Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for undo/redo actions, such as deleting an object in modelerVictor Olaya2017-05-01 12:48 AM
4701Feature requestOpenNormalAdd tools to allow selection of rasters pixels2017-05-01 12:50 AM
17775Feature requestOpenNormalnew composer attribute table sort abilty2018-01-03 04:48 AM
4957Feature requestOpenNormalImporting vector layers the append option is disabled2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4774Feature requestOpenNormalAdd area, length etc. triggers to DB Manager2018-02-23 05:27 PM
4781Feature requestOpenNormalKeep the history in the SQL window2018-02-23 05:43 PM
4777Feature requestOpenNormalImport PostGIS raster2018-02-23 05:29 PM
4831Feature requestOpenNormalAdvanced query builder: optionally sort column names a (numeric) values in sample view2017-05-01 12:50 AM
21766Feature requestOpenNormalMap Theme Variables2019-04-03 10:36 PM
4960Feature requestOpenNormalImport rasters to SL database (Rasterlite)2017-05-01 12:50 AM
7081Feature requestOpenNormalCommand line option to read project but not actually loading the layers2017-09-22 10:06 AM
7397Feature requestOpenNormalallow measure tool to apply to existing features2017-09-22 10:06 AM
19022Feature requestOpenNormal[Layout] Add more default layout options2018-05-24 01:03 PM
21346Feature requestOpenNormalAssign different color ramps to selected classes2019-02-22 05:22 AM

1 2 3 ... 32 (1-100/3106) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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