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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20453Bug reportOpenHighLabeling style options reduced for default font on Windows 102019-03-09 10:11 AM
20433Bug reportOpenHigh"Merge Selected Feature" do not works correctly with hidden fields2018-11-22 12:15 AM
16866Bug reportFeedbackHighRenderUnit::RenderMetersInMapUnits: no preview Image in Symbology-Dialog2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17315Bug reportFeedbackHigh3D Viewer: QGIS Crash when activating 3D Map view and 3D renderer2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21663Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Crashes when trying to view 3D map2019-03-24 05:43 PM
20465Bug reportOpenHigh[Layout] Crash when aborting items pasting during map rendering2018-11-12 02:50 PM
22091Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash2019-05-17 07:34 PM
18135Bug reportOpenHighPoint Pattern Fill issue in canvas rendering and exporting images2018-11-16 04:17 PM
22002Bug reportOpenHighCrash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)2019-05-17 04:13 PM
20593Bug reportOpenHighAction Toggle Editing called from QPushButton starts looping2018-11-23 12:41 PM
20607Bug reportOpenHighMSsql Invalid layer2018-11-28 01:42 PM
20594Bug reportOpenHighCan not open a shell (GRASS Shell) in QGIS 3.4.1 with GRASS 7.4.22018-11-30 11:28 AM
20791Bug reportOpenHighOn the fly geometry validation doesn't work and causes QGIS to not respond2019-01-09 01:15 PM
20270Bug reportOpenHighFreeze when opening properties dialog on very large PostGIS layer2018-11-25 08:33 PM
17691Bug reportOpenHighApplying any file-based qml style to a postgres table results in applying its default style2019-03-09 03:34 PM
20617Bug reportOpenHighrefreshing of a layer (raster) doesn't work after georeferencing2018-11-28 07:42 PM
21857Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes during map re-rendering after CRS switch2019-04-16 12:28 AM
21851Bug reportFeedbackHighqgis crashed in add field text2019-04-16 12:50 AM
21684Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed on exit2019-03-28 01:39 PM
20711Bug reportOpenHighQgsTask and task manager cause crash when used in function scope2018-12-06 09:37 AM
20740Bug reportOpenHighEditing polygons through WFS fails when editing first/last vertex2018-12-06 02:37 PM
17404Bug reportFeedbackHighWindows does not show unicode characters2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21240Bug reportOpenHighMap Compose: adding/moving legend is very slow with large projects2019-04-08 11:09 AM
22040Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashed when I use 3D View2019-05-13 04:11 PM
22047Bug reportFeedbackHighCrashed with Field Calculator2019-05-11 05:27 PM

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