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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21580Bug reportFeedbackHighCrashing QGIS during adding new feature with snapping and advanced digitizing tool is enable2019-03-14 12:50 PM
15336Bug reportFeedbackNormal(Shape file) Layer extent not updated on project load2019-03-09 04:27 PM
17700Bug reportFeedbackNormal[Regular Shape] Allow undo click when digitizing new features2019-03-09 04:34 PM
15429Bug reportFeedbackNormalSLD export does not include the feature filter2019-03-09 04:27 PM
18477Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"2019-03-06 06:10 PM
17553Bug reportFeedbackNormal[layer properties] Selected item in the Join tab is not highlighted 2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21546Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashed2019-03-11 11:43 AM
17462Bug reportFeedbackNormalLayer symbology in layer panel behaves weirdly when the legend entries for diagram size with "Separated legend items" option is updated2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17464Bug reportFeedbackNormalPreview in Data-defined size legend dialog doesn't scale symbols size when separated legend items options is selected2019-03-09 04:28 PM
22078Bug reportFeedbackNormalExport as TIFF from WMS reports success but nothing happens2019-05-17 07:56 PM
17799Bug reportFeedbackNormal[Layout] Background color from page properties should not be applied to all the composition2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17797Bug reportFeedbackNormal[Layouts] Rename "Add item" and "Items" menus2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17773Bug reportFeedbackNormalNo Retina / HiDPI support in 2.99 on osx2019-03-09 04:34 PM
18753Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS crashed2019-04-06 10:59 AM
21924Bug reportFeedbackNormalthe r.neighbors command does not work2019-05-23 06:39 AM
17220Bug reportFeedbackNormalMetadata for a geopackage layer are not saved2019-03-20 01:59 PM
17707Bug reportFeedbackNormalCustom SVG styles aren't loaded2019-03-09 04:34 PM
16916Bug reportFeedbackNormalData Source Manager / Browser gives a message for every source that does not have crs info2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17542Bug reportFeedbackNormalNULL values in a character varying postgis columns are shown as if they were blank2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17777Bug reportFeedbackNormalText goes over itself in text areas on display that has different display scaling than the main display.2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17682Bug reportFeedbackNormalMissing symbol in legend for heatmap rendering2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17062Bug reportFeedbackNormal[Data-defined Assistant] Symbols preview doesn't update if "Apply transform curve" checkbox is unchecked2019-03-09 04:28 PM
22091Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash2019-05-17 07:34 PM
22027Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash when deleting multiple (co-selected) objects from layout2019-05-09 12:44 PM
21922Bug reportFeedbackNormalshapefile to raster conversion does not work2019-05-22 03:35 PM

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