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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20793Bug reportOpenNormalField format corrupted when performing save features as... 2018-12-12 09:08 PM
19251Bug reportOpenNormal[identify] Right-click with identify features tool does not work with all selection modes2018-06-22 07:02 PM
12288Bug reportOpenNormalDrag and Drop a layer from one QGIS instance to an other2019-03-11 11:36 AM
22083Bug reportOpenHighCrash when trying to save a project2019-05-17 07:36 PM
18867Bug reportOpenLowGeoreferencer incorrectly shows last image when reopened2018-04-27 05:59 PM
22082Bug reportOpenHighPostGIS closed circle in Curved Polygon is not displayed2019-05-17 07:40 PM
22072Bug reportOpenHighLocked MapInfo tables2019-05-17 08:02 PM
20887Bug reportOpenNormalTopology Checker keep settings2019-03-08 02:56 PM
21906Bug reportOpenNormalconstraints do not work in table "form view" or "table view"2019-04-23 06:42 PM
13487Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS allows to create tables with invalid field names2019-03-09 03:24 PM
18960Bug reportOpenNormalUnpinned labels jump to wrong place when moved2018-12-27 04:56 PM
20156Bug reportOpenLowQgsVectorFileWriter creates new fields with field type Integer64 instead of Integer.2018-10-18 02:06 PM
7050Bug reportOpenLowInconsistent use of strings2019-03-09 03:25 PM
18889Bug reportOpenNormalClipping feature errors trying to clip raster file on Mac (QGIS 3.0.2)2019-04-04 11:16 AM
19198Bug reportOpenNormalNo transparency widget and no icons/classes in layer panel, QGIS 3.1.0-Master2019-04-04 11:16 AM
13918Bug reportOpenNormalCurved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling2019-04-23 12:29 PM
16897Bug reportOpenHighshift rotated labels in map composer2019-05-07 09:32 AM
20251Bug reportOpenNormalvirtual fields can't be filtered2019-02-05 04:43 AM
15310Bug reportOpenNormalSelecting many features in the attribute table is very slow2019-03-16 10:25 PM
21174Bug reportOpenNormalCreating a new map set with GRASS 7.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
21066Bug reportOpenLowBlack theme in not acivated after restart QGIS2019-02-11 12:52 PM
19543Bug reportOpenNormalSmall default size of Edit Attributes modal window.2018-08-04 12:45 PM
19246Bug reportOpenNormal[identify] Identify selection tools do not work when "layer selection" mode is active2018-06-22 01:28 PM
21344Bug reportOpenNormalpasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)2019-02-22 10:17 AM
21508Bug reportOpenNormalSaving Layer Theme discards subgroup selection2019-03-07 06:48 PM

1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 ... 52 (201-225/1287) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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