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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21703Bug reportOpenHighCrash on QgsSymbolLayer call2019-04-02 12:47 PM
18442Bug reportOpenNormalTrouble with geopackage fields length settings2019-04-02 09:04 AM
21460Bug reportOpenNormalDoes not properly form SQL queries to insert or update into PostGIS2019-04-02 12:04 AM
21723Bug reportOpenHighCrash because of items deletion in print layout2019-04-01 06:04 PM
21721Bug reportOpenNormalDisconnect between raster symbology in Layers Panel and Layer Properties2019-04-01 03:50 PM
21717Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS is assuming first column from Oracle DB is the primary keyJürgen Fischer2019-04-01 06:01 AM
21711Bug reportOpenNormalQuit menu disabled in QGIS Mac2019-03-30 08:52 PM
20381Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (works ok when launched from terminal)William Kyngesburye2019-03-30 08:35 PM
21690Bug reportOpenHighQgis 3.4.6-Madeira composer crash opening layout2019-03-29 02:03 PM
21694Bug reportOpenHighHang/Crash when attempting to drag&drop multiple layers into gpkg2019-03-29 02:00 PM
21700Bug reportOpenNormalEncoding for User name authentication when using http(s) protocol for vector layersLarry Shaffer2019-03-29 01:01 PM
21575Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS doesn't work properly with WFS 2.0.0 combined with OGC HTTP URI srsName style (e.g. 11:32 AM
21693Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.4.6 crashed when I tried classifying a layer2019-03-28 11:29 PM
21683Bug reportOpenNormalSubscript and Superscript Single Labels expression bug2019-03-27 04:18 PM
21677Bug reportOpenHighIssue loading Oracle layers2019-03-26 05:14 PM
21668Bug reportOpenNormalcomposer legend feature count not correct when datasource is in a network folder2019-03-26 03:16 PM
21657Bug reportOpenHighqgis crashes when resetting map scale in new map view2019-03-26 12:09 PM
21665Bug reportOpenNormalVirtual layers are always stored with absolute paths2019-03-24 11:19 PM
21363Bug reportOpenHighBug with scale bar in 3.4.42019-03-24 08:44 PM
21663Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Crashes when trying to view 3D map2019-03-24 05:43 PM
21247Bug reportOpenHighCrash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer with inverted polygons and shapeburst symbology2019-03-23 04:10 PM
21649Bug reportOpenNormalAdd features in WFS-T layer with snapping indexing issue2019-03-21 09:40 PM
11648Bug reportOpenNormalProblems with sizes and letter-spacing in HTML-frames2019-03-21 09:13 PM
21644Bug reportOpenNormalPython Console Panel does not respect location/status across QGIS sessions2019-03-21 04:48 PM
21638Bug reportOpenNormalThe Grass7 processing toolbox option dialogue should include a way to specify a path to the GRASS binary, overriding Grass7Utils.command2019-03-21 11:25 AM

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