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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18253Bug reportOpenNormal[Layout][Atlas]Disable the atlas tools when no coverage layer is provided or give more hints on the error message2018-02-27 06:51 PM
21168Bug reportOpenNormalDB manager's autocomplete doesn't quote layer names2019-02-07 11:44 AM
16831Bug reportFeedbackNormalSVG edit dialog will not size to screen2019-03-09 04:28 PM
5232Bug reportOpenNormal"add direction symbol" does not work with curved labels2018-02-23 04:18 PM
16724Bug reportFeedbackNormaltests/src/core/testqgsogcutils.cpp Port away from qt_qhash_seed which is going away in Qt 5.92019-03-09 04:28 PM
9896Bug reportOpenNormalWMS GetFeatureInfo search radius2018-03-06 12:44 PM
22090Bug reportFeedbackNormalDialog when removing not available layers2019-05-17 07:44 PM
16825Bug reportFeedbackNormalNULL value issue in range widget: a value of 0 is incorrectly displayed as NULL2019-03-09 04:28 PM
18401Bug reportOpenNormalAfter doing zoom, it does not show any layer2018-08-16 02:18 PM
19221Bug reportOpenNormal[Layer properties] dynamic form of join works only once2018-06-19 01:29 AM
21344Bug reportOpenNormalpasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)2019-02-22 10:17 AM
16813Bug reportFeedbackNormalChanging the setting 'Scan for valid items in browser' only works after restart of QGIS2019-03-09 04:28 PM
18322Bug reportOpenNormalZooming in causes canvas to go blank2018-03-15 01:40 PM
18330Bug reportOpenNormal"Vertex Editor" disappears from View / Panel after the panel being closed2018-03-04 08:52 PM
21342Bug reportOpenNormalCan't visualize jpg files on Windows2019-03-08 09:08 AM
22053Bug reportOpenNormalFilter on WFS only filters on title field2019-05-13 01:11 AM
6881Bug reportOpenNormalSyntax highlighting not working for raster commands2018-03-01 11:55 AM
21496Bug reportFeedbackNormalNetwork disabled after time2019-03-06 11:29 AM
21169Bug reportOpenNormalxyz tile matrix error for zoom max levels above 222019-02-05 05:47 AM
9828Bug reportOpenNormalWMS progress missing2018-02-24 02:34 PM
20448Bug reportOpenNormalThe georeferencer dialog does not remember its size2018-11-11 12:01 PM
17493Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3D uses a lot of CPU even when idle2019-03-10 12:25 AM
21215Bug reportOpenNormal[print layout] Item properties for page is hidden when layout is created2019-02-09 09:39 AM
21216Bug reportOpenNormal[print layout] resizing layout to content, when there is no item2019-02-09 09:44 AM
13487Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS allows to create tables with invalid field names2019-03-09 03:24 PM

1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 125 (176-200/3106) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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