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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21928Bug reportOpenHighediting in spatial oracle2019-05-02 10:05 AM
21927Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes2019-04-30 06:28 PM
22027Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash when deleting multiple (co-selected) objects from layout2019-05-09 12:44 PM
21580Bug reportFeedbackHighCrashing QGIS during adding new feature with snapping and advanced digitizing tool is enable2019-03-14 12:50 PM
20751Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.4.2 not capable of adding decimal coordinates when editing vertices (pl_PL locale)2018-12-07 03:21 PM
18477Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"2019-03-06 06:10 PM
20802Bug reportFeedbackHighcrashed by export2019-03-09 04:51 PM
16866Bug reportFeedbackHighRenderUnit::RenderMetersInMapUnits: no preview Image in Symbology-Dialog2019-03-09 04:28 PM
16060Bug reportOpenHighMulti geometry on oracle table2019-03-05 03:11 PM
20387Bug reportOpenHighThe call to matplotlib tricontour causes QGIS to crash2018-11-07 12:09 PM
21663Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Crashes when trying to view 3D map2019-03-24 05:43 PM
21585Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes if unsaved edits (with attribute modifications via plugin) are discarded while closing2019-03-14 03:41 PM
22050Bug reportOpenHighCrashing and general badness on reprojection to IGNF:RGNCUTM58S2019-05-13 12:23 AM
21932Bug reportOpenHighMap Composer crashes QGIS when copying mixture of elements in page layout2019-05-01 06:15 PM
22114Bug reportOpenHighAll menus and tables are magnified :/2019-05-21 02:38 PM
19707Bug reportOpenHighQGIS hangs after PC locks screen after timeout2019-01-01 06:24 PM
21657Bug reportOpenHighqgis crashes when resetting map scale in new map view2019-03-26 12:09 PM
22072Bug reportOpenHighLocked MapInfo tables2019-05-17 08:02 PM
17311Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added using the OGR drivers (not the native provider)2019-02-19 04:53 PM
21418Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo2019-03-02 11:57 AM
21427Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Server Labels character problem2019-03-02 10:11 PM
21841Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on exit2019-04-18 01:08 PM
16897Bug reportOpenHighshift rotated labels in map composer2019-05-07 09:32 AM
21123Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image2019-01-30 11:24 PM
21632Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS 3.6 crashing while editing and digitizing line features2019-03-20 10:03 PM

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