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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21545Bug reportOpenHighValues for PostGIS layer JSON field not saved2019-03-11 12:12 PM
21544Bug reportFeedbackHighDB Manager cannot import anymore from GeoJSON into a Spatialite table2019-05-23 03:49 PM
21532Bug reportOpenHigh[node tool] nodes on the locked item remains highlighted after toggle editing2019-03-09 07:47 AM
21524Bug reportOpenHighProcessing "iterate" does not work anymoreVictor Olaya2019-05-21 09:38 AM
21519Bug reportOpenHighProcessing "Build virtual vector" now fails in certain casesVictor Olaya2019-05-21 09:43 AM
21513Bug reportOpenHighMDAL: crashes when zooming on EPSG:4326Peter Petrik2019-03-15 11:03 AM
21506Bug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste Styles as Keyboard Shortcut no longer works2019-03-07 06:49 PM
21489Bug reportIn ProgressHighDelayed prompting for CRS datum transformationNyall Dawson2019-03-12 05:51 AM
21457Bug reportOpenHighThe "avoid intersection" operation fails with NO warnings if existing polygon has an auto intersection2019-03-03 08:19 PM
21452Bug reportOpenHighr.series broken in Processing due to wrong "range=0,0" pre-definition2019-03-08 07:22 PM
21441Bug reportOpenHighMultiple issues and deadlocks with WFSNyall Dawson2019-03-11 12:33 PM
21428Bug reportOpenHighEnabling acceleration crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 09:29 AM
21427Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Server Labels character problem2019-03-02 10:11 PM
21418Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo2019-03-02 11:57 AM
21401Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes using QSqlDatabase connecting to PostGIS2019-03-01 07:52 PM
21397Bug reportOpenHighAssigning a primary key in QgsDataSourceUri doesn't work2019-03-20 06:28 PM
21395Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes after deactivating a GDAL driver in use in the project2019-03-01 07:52 PM
21383Bug reportOpenHighCrash when editing fields2019-03-01 08:10 PM
21377Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.6 crashes Opening 3D Views with WMTS and WCS Layer in TOC 2019-02-25 08:53 PM
21363Bug reportOpenHighBug with scale bar in 3.4.42019-03-24 08:44 PM
21357Bug reportOpenHighSelect fields group text garbled when switching format in Save Vector Layer As dialog2019-03-05 04:31 PM
21352Bug reportIn ProgressHighadd geometry attributes fails on multipoint layersNyall Dawson2019-02-24 12:48 AM
21326Bug reportOpenHigh[GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon2019-04-23 08:46 AM
21325Bug reportOpenHighCrash on exit with advanced digitizing active2019-02-21 11:54 AM
21298Bug reportOpenHighQGIS flatpack crashes when opening 3d View (Ubuntu 16.04)2019-02-18 02:37 PM

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