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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18554Bug reportOpenHighToggling Hidden Widget doesn't do anything anymore2018-12-17 08:07 PM
20465Bug reportOpenHigh[Layout] Crash when aborting items pasting during map rendering2018-11-12 02:50 PM
21144Bug reportOpenHighSnapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding2019-03-01 08:38 PM
16060Bug reportOpenHighMulti geometry on oracle table2019-03-05 03:11 PM
21657Bug reportOpenHighqgis crashes when resetting map scale in new map view2019-03-26 12:09 PM
21247Bug reportOpenHighCrash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer with inverted polygons and shapeburst symbology2019-03-23 04:10 PM
21833Bug reportOpenHighTopological editing now working when the data CRS is different from project CRS2019-04-11 08:16 PM
21096Bug reportOpenHighMove selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved2019-05-20 12:04 PM
20906Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes after saving attribute form style (or digitising a feature) or after customising the drag and drop designer2019-05-22 11:11 AM
20082Bug reportOpenHighSplit Tool "Bursts" linestring when used on complex linestring2018-11-08 09:40 PM
19707Bug reportOpenHighQGIS hangs after PC locks screen after timeout2019-01-01 06:24 PM
21983Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crahses when exporting a template2019-05-03 08:08 PM
16942Bug reportOpenHighWMS/WFS layers do not show in the OWS group of the QGIS browser2018-09-18 03:24 PM
17672Bug reportOpenHighssl error: certificate validate failed with postgis and qgis 2.18.152018-12-31 02:48 PM
21298Bug reportOpenHighQGIS flatpack crashes when opening 3d View (Ubuntu 16.04)2019-02-18 02:37 PM
22050Bug reportOpenHighCrashing and general badness on reprojection to IGNF:RGNCUTM58S2019-05-13 12:23 AM
21545Bug reportOpenHighValues for PostGIS layer JSON field not saved2019-03-11 12:12 PM
22119Bug reportOpenHighcrashed when saving a few changes2019-05-23 11:22 AM
17244Bug reportOpenHighNew node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers in the DB)2019-01-24 08:39 AM
16985Bug reportOpenHighReshape Features can't handle resulting exclaves2019-02-25 02:37 PM
21815Bug reportOpenHighEditing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can crash QGIS2019-04-10 06:48 PM
21633Bug reportOpenHighCreate Print Layout2019-03-21 02:57 AM
20387Bug reportOpenHighThe call to matplotlib tricontour causes QGIS to crash2018-11-07 12:09 PM
17691Bug reportOpenHighApplying any file-based qml style to a postgres table results in applying its default style2019-03-09 03:34 PM
20070Bug reportOpenHighIn rule based renderer, "Show feature count" returns 0 if no symbol is activated2018-10-10 03:57 PM

1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 52 (126-150/1287) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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