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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18022Bug reportFeedbackNormalCustom projections/transformations using a PROJ init-file fails.2019-03-09 04:34 PM
21820Bug reportFeedbackNormalafter merging selected features, which appears successful; edits will not save/commit2019-04-11 10:18 PM
22047Bug reportFeedbackHighCrashed with Field Calculator2019-05-11 05:27 PM
17462Bug reportFeedbackNormalLayer symbology in layer panel behaves weirdly when the legend entries for diagram size with "Separated legend items" option is updated2019-03-09 04:28 PM
22091Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash2019-05-17 07:34 PM
16831Bug reportFeedbackNormalSVG edit dialog will not size to screen2019-03-09 04:28 PM
22014Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed2019-05-09 09:18 AM
21975Bug reportFeedbackNormalpython support not enabled after install2019-05-02 02:12 PM
16866Bug reportFeedbackHighRenderUnit::RenderMetersInMapUnits: no preview Image in Symbology-Dialog2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21789Bug reportFeedbackNormalCan't define a RASTER_LAYER input parameter type when defining a new @decorator style processing algoritm2019-05-22 07:14 PM
18155Bug reportFeedbackNormalImportError: QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created 2019-03-26 02:12 PM
21792Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash when creating mapset2019-04-10 05:38 PM
17065Bug reportFeedbackNormalData Defined size legend: legend sizes are not fully shown in the preview area by default2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17867Bug reportFeedbackNormalStrange (Geopackage?) behaviour 2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17900Bug reportFeedbackLowRow resize in attribute table does not follow row on resort2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17348Bug reportFeedbackNormalRight clicking layer in canvas causes zoom out to 1,000,0002019-03-09 04:28 PM
21476Bug reportFeedbackNormalVertex editor panel keeps popping up2019-03-06 10:16 AM
17461Bug reportFeedbackNormalApplying the vector layer properties dialog when diagram legend is enabled should not collapse the layer symbology in the Layer Panel2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21725Bug reportFeedbackHighWhen I was saving my style it has been created by edit style, QGIS crashed2019-04-01 07:42 PM
21447Bug reportFeedbackNormalVectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count2019-03-04 02:12 PM
17777Bug reportFeedbackNormalText goes over itself in text areas on display that has different display scaling than the main display.2019-03-09 04:34 PM
22110Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash when using "Identify Features" in Ubuntu?2019-05-23 11:20 AM
21542Bug reportFeedbackNormalCannot paste copied/cut features into temporary scratch layer (Ctrl+Alt+V) or new vector layer2019-03-15 06:17 PM
20873Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Server 3.4 broken on Windows2019-05-03 11:43 AM
21855Bug reportFeedbackNormalBad Allocation - Report Composer2019-04-16 10:54 PM

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