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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
17416Bug reportOpenHighCrash on enabling 3D renderer for point layerMartin Dobias2018-11-08 08:29 PM
22000Bug reportOpenHighWrong text orientation when importing DWGJürgen Fischer2019-05-06 10:26 AM
19259Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3. Oracle error while adding features - ORA-01861Jürgen Fischer2018-11-12 04:31 PM
21595Bug reportOpenHighvulnerability in QGISJürgen Fischer2019-03-15 05:12 PM
15600Bug reportOpenHighSelecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong resultsHugo Mercier2019-01-01 05:24 PM
15652Feature requestOpenHighAdd option for OGR data sources to be opened in read only modeEven Rouault2019-04-17 11:03 PM
21863Bug reportOpenHighissues with embedded layersDenis Rouzaud2019-04-19 08:54 AM
20266Bug reportOpenHighCopy/paste style form widget typeDenis Rouzaud2019-03-09 10:40 AM
20337Bug reportOpenHighCrash loading layer from DB2 spatial tableDavid Adler2018-11-09 02:10 AM
21986Bug reportOpenHighCan not save data of type "array of characters (StringList / JSONSTRINGLIST) "on a layer connected to a spatialLite base : error : Type 5 of the x attribute of the entity y is unknownAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 04:45 PM
21428Bug reportOpenHighEnabling acceleration crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 09:29 AM
15149Bug reportOpenNormalDigitizing: Reshape tool doesn't take into account selection2019-03-09 03:30 PM
18253Bug reportOpenNormal[Layout][Atlas]Disable the atlas tools when no coverage layer is provided or give more hints on the error message2018-02-27 06:51 PM
18971Feature requestOpenNormalChange data source of a vector layer2018-05-17 03:07 PM
6881Bug reportOpenNormalSyntax highlighting not working for raster commands2018-03-01 11:55 AM
17482Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB column types2018-12-03 10:42 AM
13537Feature requestOpenNormalCreate Analysis menu as combination of GRASS and Processing2018-03-06 06:22 PM
18330Bug reportOpenNormal"Vertex Editor" disappears from View / Panel after the panel being closed2018-03-04 08:52 PM
17906Feature requestOpenNormalAllow to delete user-defined CRS from Python2018-01-22 03:42 PM
20448Bug reportOpenNormalThe georeferencer dialog does not remember its size2018-11-11 12:01 PM
18285Feature requestOpenNormalXYZ tiles - add possibility to import/export saved connections2018-03-01 11:14 AM
20890Bug reportOpenNormalStarting the Application creates automatic a shortcut "QGIS3" in users startmenue "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"2018-12-28 12:29 PM
7463Feature requestOpenNormalAdd indexing support for attributes selections2017-05-01 12:48 AM
8560Feature requestOpenNormalCreating User-defined CRS codes --save them in PostGIS or SpatiaLite DBs2017-05-01 12:48 AM
18593Feature requestOpenNormalAdd default shortcuts to copy and paste layers/group actions in Layer menu2018-03-30 04:58 PM
19503Feature requestOpenNormalDistribute map format .qgd2018-07-30 11:01 AM
20836Bug reportOpenNormalDeactivate "Open ""... entry in "Recent projects" list for unavailable projects2019-03-02 09:19 AM
9531Feature requestOpenNormalAllow QGIS Relations to use composite keys2018-10-24 06:22 PM
20447Feature requestOpenNormal[Georeferencer] Add a setting to remember that user will use map canvas to add points2019-05-18 12:09 AM
7404Feature requestOpenNormalallow new feature to copy segment from existing feature2017-09-22 10:06 AM
5091Feature requestOpenNormalAbility to Work only with AOI2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5090Feature requestOpenNormalOffline editing plugin - Work only with AOI2017-05-01 12:50 AM
19290Feature requestOpenNormalAdd option for extended cross hair in Georeferencer2018-06-27 10:37 PM
18387Feature requestOpenNormalAdd csvt files when csv files are used as algorithm output2018-03-08 01:20 PM
20818Bug reportOpenNormalAdvanced digitizing keeps position of removed vertex2018-12-15 12:45 PM
18322Bug reportOpenNormalZooming in causes canvas to go blank2018-03-15 01:40 PM
21342Bug reportOpenNormalCan't visualize jpg files on Windows2019-03-08 09:08 AM
18582Feature requestOpenNormalMap Canvas 'Save As' as SVG format2018-06-08 01:46 PM
16193Bug reportOpenNormalThe new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization of the icons left panel2019-03-02 11:14 AM
7471Feature requestOpenNormal[composer] Option to avoid drawing overlapping grid coordinates2017-05-01 12:48 AM
16744Feature requestOpenNormalVariables: extend map/canvas extent related variables to other parts2017-06-22 02:35 PM
18119Feature requestOpenNormalQGIS calculate radius of an arc to attributes2018-02-16 07:52 AM
8454Feature requestOpenNormalQgsFields: Implement container methods2017-09-22 10:06 AM
16781Feature requestOpenNormalRotated labels bounding box when editing2017-07-02 11:48 AM
5217Feature requestOpenNormalRendering Symbol level: merge the boundary when the level is the same2017-05-01 12:50 AM
18592Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a Paste layer action in Layers contextual menu2018-03-30 04:57 PM
9533Feature requestOpenNormalRotate feature2017-05-01 12:47 AM
7300Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Printer Margins to Print Compose2018-03-19 05:28 PM
5088Feature requestOpenNormalOffline editing plugin - Geometry and attributes conflict control2017-05-01 12:50 AM
17487Bug reportOpenNormalrotate labels tool does not work properly when canvas is rotated2019-01-28 06:52 PM

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