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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
16583Bug reportFeedbackNormalUnexpected error message when reloading QGIS from a crash2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21812Bug reportFeedbackNormalCopy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken2019-04-10 09:34 PM
21954Bug reportFeedbackNormalchange data source and style gets overridden2019-04-30 09:21 AM
16531Bug reportFeedbackNormalDB manager/browser should not show the schemas/tables the user has no permission on2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21137Bug reportFeedbackNormalSave edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on2019-03-22 12:07 PM
21789Bug reportFeedbackNormalCan't define a RASTER_LAYER input parameter type when defining a new @decorator style processing algoritm2019-05-22 07:14 PM
16916Bug reportFeedbackNormalData Source Manager / Browser gives a message for every source that does not have crs info2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21957Bug reportFeedbackNormalGeoreferencer plugin does not work2019-05-01 05:44 PM
17542Bug reportFeedbackNormalNULL values in a character varying postgis columns are shown as if they were blank2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21448Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.42019-03-02 11:04 PM
16500Bug reportFeedbackNormalQML style is not applied to a specific raster layer2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21648Bug reportFeedbackNormalCannot open netCDF file in QGIS 3.4.52019-05-21 11:47 AM
16496Bug reportFeedbackNormal"Allow NULL values" in Date/Time widget meaningless 2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21850Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS crashed after abort a plugin process2019-04-16 12:49 AM
17682Bug reportFeedbackNormalMissing symbol in legend for heatmap rendering2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17629Bug reportFeedbackNormal3D Map : Add tooltips for options2019-03-09 04:34 PM
21808Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS can load again2019-04-13 10:49 AM
21809Bug reportFeedbackNormalwhen pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key do not have the values pasted2019-04-11 11:15 PM
17220Bug reportFeedbackNormalMetadata for a geopackage layer are not saved2019-03-20 01:59 PM
22103Bug reportFeedbackNormalGRASS module -- combobox to select label field only lists numeric fields2019-05-21 10:59 AM
21933Bug reportFeedbackNormalGPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy2019-04-26 01:47 PM
21542Bug reportFeedbackNormalCannot paste copied/cut features into temporary scratch layer (Ctrl+Alt+V) or new vector layer2019-03-15 06:17 PM
21102Bug reportFeedbackNormalProcessing plugin crashes QGIS2019-03-08 10:33 AM
21459Bug reportFeedbackNormalDB manager does not confirm anymore that the creation of a PostGIS table went ok2019-04-10 05:17 PM
16698Bug reportFeedbackNormalWhen saving project, main windows changes size2019-03-09 04:28 PM

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