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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21326Bug reportOpenHigh[GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon2019-04-23 08:46 AM
21677Bug reportOpenHighIssue loading Oracle layers2019-03-26 05:14 PM
22072Bug reportOpenHighLocked MapInfo tables2019-05-17 08:02 PM
17672Bug reportOpenHighssl error: certificate validate failed with postgis and qgis 2.18.152018-12-31 02:48 PM
16897Bug reportOpenHighshift rotated labels in map composer2019-05-07 09:32 AM
22083Bug reportOpenHighCrash when trying to save a project2019-05-17 07:36 PM
22091Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash2019-05-17 07:34 PM
22082Bug reportOpenHighPostGIS closed circle in Curved Polygon is not displayed2019-05-17 07:40 PM
22036Bug reportOpenHighZoom in/out and autorefreshing of raster doesn’t work after georeferencing2019-05-10 06:13 PM
21788Bug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste fails from one layer to another when layer has NOT NULL constraints and transaction groups are enabled2019-04-08 11:40 AM
19557Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes when adding multiple WFS layers from a geoserver instance2019-02-12 07:47 PM
21919Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crash2019-04-24 01:57 PM
17691Bug reportOpenHighApplying any file-based qml style to a postgres table results in applying its default style2019-03-09 03:34 PM
21921Bug reportFeedbackHigh3.6.2 crashes on attempring to edit bad topology2019-04-24 04:33 PM
20791Bug reportOpenHighOn the fly geometry validation doesn't work and causes QGIS to not respond2019-01-09 01:15 PM
16866Bug reportFeedbackHighRenderUnit::RenderMetersInMapUnits: no preview Image in Symbology-Dialog2019-03-09 04:28 PM
22050Bug reportOpenHighCrashing and general badness on reprojection to IGNF:RGNCUTM58S2019-05-13 12:23 AM
21927Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes2019-04-30 06:28 PM
21363Bug reportOpenHighBug with scale bar in 3.4.42019-03-24 08:44 PM
21580Bug reportFeedbackHighCrashing QGIS during adding new feature with snapping and advanced digitizing tool is enable2019-03-14 12:50 PM
21250Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3 Layer Filter error with Unicode field name2019-03-09 04:57 PM
21584Bug reportOpenHighUnion/Difference fails2019-03-14 10:37 PM
22129Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes when opening a new project2019-05-24 02:37 AM
21585Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes if unsaved edits (with attribute modifications via plugin) are discarded while closing2019-03-14 03:41 PM
20802Bug reportFeedbackHighcrashed by export2019-03-09 04:51 PM
17311Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added using the OGR drivers (not the native provider)2019-02-19 04:53 PM
21427Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Server Labels character problem2019-03-02 10:11 PM
19016Bug reportOpenHighLimits in labels for raster symbology in discrete interpolation method are not shown2019-03-09 09:27 AM
18210Bug reportOpenHighDynamic grid labels in layout doesn't update automatically2018-12-28 02:56 PM
17244Bug reportOpenHighNew node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers in the DB)2019-01-24 08:39 AM
20491Bug reportOpenHigh[Digitizing] Tracing tool does not work if snapping is other than on "Active layer"2018-11-14 02:40 PM
21822Bug reportOpenHighCannot load multivariable netcdf files2019-04-11 04:22 PM
20873Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Server 3.4 broken on Windows2019-05-03 11:43 AM
18668Bug reportOpenHighintegrated document viewer not working2018-04-09 12:07 PM
20367Bug reportOpenHigh"avoid intesection" cannot be enabled without activating snapping2018-11-07 02:26 PM
18552Bug reportOpenHighIf make new systems in units=km, then scale in view is very wrong.. 2018-03-27 06:53 AM
21616Bug reportOpenHighCRS not written to file2019-03-20 01:33 PM
19265Bug reportOpenHighCrash on open - Mac OSX High Sierra2019-03-09 04:50 PM
20772Bug reportOpenHighIf any of the "topology checks" options is enabled, then cliking on "save layer edits" toggles editing off2019-05-07 09:32 AM
18799Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash on exit from qgis 3.0.22019-04-10 04:30 PM
21999Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash on update pg layer (postgis)2019-05-07 09:39 AM
20617Bug reportOpenHighrefreshing of a layer (raster) doesn't work after georeferencing2018-11-28 07:42 PM
19270Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash at end load base application, before show work area2019-03-09 08:58 PM
21621Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed Windows when close qis2019-03-20 06:47 PM
21664Bug reportFeedbackHigh3D view crashes QGIS2019-03-26 03:38 PM
21792Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash when creating mapset2019-04-10 05:38 PM
19299Bug reportOpenHigh"Attribute Table" rows open randomly ordered? 2019-03-19 07:55 PM
20013Bug reportFeedbackHighMars projection issue 2019-03-12 04:48 PM
20703Bug reportOpenHighqgis 3.4.2 crashes on Windows 8.12018-12-09 06:56 PM
20711Bug reportOpenHighQgsTask and task manager cause crash when used in function scope2018-12-06 09:37 AM

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