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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20971Bug reportOpenNormalReading online csv file in a model causes QGIS to freeze2019-01-11 01:13 PM
19910Bug reportOpenNormalMarker opacity is not working on a Marker Lines2019-01-22 07:20 AM
19354Bug reportOpenNormalArrows are too long in the layer list legend2018-07-11 01:08 PM
19432Bug reportOpenNormalvertex editor showing incorrect data2018-07-17 12:59 PM
19912Bug reportOpenNormalCrash on rendering atlas map2018-09-25 11:19 AM
14170Bug reportOpenNormal<se:ElseFilter/> nor working when styling data with sld2018-07-17 04:02 PM
19371Bug reportOpenNormalCrash QGIS while Panning and Editing in Geopackage2018-07-09 07:53 PM
19997Bug reportOpenNormalZoom from mac mousepad does not work2018-10-02 01:54 PM
19391Bug reportOpenNormalGrass algorithms give incorrect output if selecting an attribute column named "cat"2018-07-13 01:10 PM
19386Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3 does not save main window size and position (after being set as default app?)2018-08-09 10:38 PM
20107Bug reportOpenNormalInconsistent number of decimal places in Identify tool2019-03-09 10:15 AM
20108Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS save project not working properly2018-11-02 10:23 PM
19434Bug reportOpenNormalSLD import interprets specific text as decimal in scientific notation2018-07-17 02:58 PM
19435Bug reportOpenNormalSLD import doesn't recognize html enconding in ttf font references 2018-07-17 04:32 PM
22104Bug reportOpenNormalzonal histogram wrong2019-05-21 10:47 AM
19450Bug reportOpenNormalEvis plugin: can't get urls to work as image locations2018-08-23 08:22 PM
20177Bug reportOpenNormal[mdal] Not possible to delete extra-dataset 2018-10-22 10:15 AM
20087Bug reportOpenNormalAxis order issue for urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::43262018-10-12 10:29 AM
20972Bug reportOpenNormalPython error when running a Processing model2019-01-25 09:38 PM
22029Bug reportOpenNormalWrong Python default path in QGIS server on macOS2019-05-09 09:14 AM
16782Bug reportOpenNormalEdited username or password details for WMS set up through browser panel not used until QGIS is closed and reopened2018-07-25 08:55 AM
21135Bug reportOpenNormalRetina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX2019-01-30 11:59 PM
19551Bug reportOpenNormalInstallation Script Failure2018-11-11 04:09 AM
20980Bug reportOpenNormalNETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS2019-02-04 01:41 PM
19475Bug reportOpenNormalOn save layer and close qgis2018-07-24 12:27 PM
20701Bug reportOpenNormalNo scroll in attribute form2019-03-09 10:53 AM
19553Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS raster calculator: better handling of optional parameters and error message2019-02-23 09:46 PM
19485Bug reportOpenNormalStyle Manager: hard to identify selected items in the "Export symbols" dialog if using "Select by group" button2019-03-15 05:17 AM
19486Bug reportOpenNormal[Style Manager] Rename "select by group" into "select by category"2018-07-25 06:23 PM
19487Bug reportOpenNormal[Style Manager] Missing Favorites category in the "select by group" dialog from "Export symbols" 2018-07-25 06:26 PM
19506Bug reportOpenNormalCompilation on Ubuntu 16.04 fail: No module named 'PyQT5.pyqtconfig'2018-07-29 12:49 PM
19530Bug reportOpenNormalbutton Set Italic or bold text for font is not usable for label on layer properties2018-08-05 12:19 AM
19501Bug reportOpenNormalCannot save a layer definition file2018-07-30 11:08 AM
19527Bug reportOpenNormalsymbol selector dialog size2018-08-02 02:08 PM
19535Bug reportOpenNormalSet Geometrie SRC on virtual layer is disabled2018-08-02 03:06 PM
19691Bug reportOpenNormalThe default crs of the project should not be overridden by the first layer added2018-08-24 07:51 PM
20050Bug reportOpenNormalGPKG and SQLite files containing raster layers are incorrectly added to the map2019-03-17 12:47 PM
20000Bug reportOpenNormalCoordinate Capture plugin geographic coordinate issue2018-10-04 10:07 PM
19563Bug reportOpenNormalScaling issue on TOC layer style legend2018-08-23 07:06 PM
20705Bug reportOpenNormalr.reclass Grass tool not working2018-12-12 03:56 PM
19593Bug reportOpenNormal"Classify" button in graduated symbology may make too small a range2018-08-10 07:36 PM
21229Bug reportOpenNormalFile dialogs in FlatPak version of QGIS revert to default directory2019-02-11 02:42 PM
19622Bug reportOpenNormalUsing a Field Attribute (Variable) in Font Marker, Symbol appears correctly in Map, but not in Legend2018-08-14 01:02 PM
19927Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager looses target while importing more than one SHP into PostgreSQL2018-09-24 07:55 AM
19615Bug reportOpenNormalConcave hull fails for some input data2018-08-13 10:10 PM
19917Bug reportOpenNormal[symbology] Missing color ramp types in symbol selector dialog2018-09-24 10:24 AM
20006Bug reportOpenNormalWhen using map_get() in expressions referencing multiple maps in print composer, map does not refresh automatically2018-10-03 05:09 PM
20741Bug reportOpenNormalSaving project on start up2019-03-13 01:46 PM
19697Bug reportOpenNormalhuge (giant) font size in Extension description window2018-08-25 06:25 PM
21638Bug reportOpenNormalThe Grass7 processing toolbox option dialogue should include a way to specify a path to the GRASS binary, overriding Grass7Utils.command2019-03-21 11:25 AM
20864Bug reportOpenNormalRotated layout Items issue2018-12-23 10:12 PM
19937Bug reportOpenNormalStrange blurred squares in vector layers using "outer glow"2018-09-25 12:04 PM
20120Bug reportOpenNormalRemembering the last folder when loading style2018-10-16 11:44 AM
20121Bug reportOpenNormalInconsistent placement of Cancel button in Load Style window2018-10-16 11:48 AM
20560Bug reportOpenNormalInstaller/Uninstaller does not exit when done (win7)2018-11-20 01:02 PM
19734Bug reportOpenNormalCopy/paste a renderer class from the contextual menu does not work2018-08-31 03:17 PM
17141Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager only shows some type of rasters2018-09-25 06:14 PM
21768Bug reportOpenNormalWFS GetFeature fails on TypeNames parameter2019-04-28 11:42 AM
21235Bug reportOpenNormalBuild failure with sip 4.19.142019-02-11 07:00 PM
21644Bug reportOpenNormalPython Console Panel does not respect location/status across QGIS sessions2019-03-21 04:48 PM
20401Bug reportOpenNormalQgsLayoutItemLegend::adjustBoxSize does not work for legend created from pyqgis2018-11-08 08:49 AM
20239Bug reportOpenNormalRaster layer properties dialog cannot be extended2018-10-27 11:30 PM
21122Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS is not recognizing the AUTHORITY["Esri", part of the .qpj file2019-02-07 11:51 AM
20026Bug reportOpenNormalProcessing algorithms are not able to add the output layer to an exiting GPKG or SQLite container without completely overwrite it2018-10-28 02:08 PM
20229Bug reportOpenNormalWMS Legend does not show completely 2018-10-30 05:16 PM
20236Bug reportOpenNormalIdentify tool does not open feature form when used on Sqlite views (loaded as layers)2018-10-30 05:02 PM
21375Bug reportOpenNormalOrder of attributes in QGS XML is non-stable2019-02-25 02:34 PM
20091Bug reportOpenNormalWCS request for a GeoServer ImageMosaic reports invalid layer provider2019-04-12 04:44 PM
20278Bug reportOpenNormalfile names with å ä ö doesn't pickup world file2018-10-31 10:32 AM
21649Bug reportOpenNormalAdd features in WFS-T layer with snapping indexing issue2019-03-21 09:40 PM
21994Bug reportOpenNormalPrint layout legend "feature count" shows feature count for entire layer when "filter legend by map content" is on2019-05-03 07:08 PM
21843Bug reportOpenNormalAtlas coverage layer saved with absolute path when project is set to relative save paths2019-04-12 11:21 PM
21950Bug reportOpenNormallayer properties panel hides labels2019-05-01 06:01 PM
20325Bug reportOpenNormalgeoreferencing in EPSG:4674 creates an output with EPSG:41402018-11-04 11:31 PM
21952Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS Server does not well provide type for virtual field.2019-05-16 10:26 AM
20545Bug reportOpenNormalGUI bug: Layer Properties -> Attributes Form2018-11-20 06:20 PM
20388Bug reportOpenNormalQgsCompoundColorWidget instance crash when QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry() is empty2019-01-28 04:35 PM
21092Bug reportOpenNormalMarker line with custom dash2019-01-29 01:16 PM
21015Bug reportOpenNormalIn layout the theme of the map follows the scale dependency of default style, not the style used2019-01-16 09:23 PM
21182Bug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7.4.4 & QGIS 3.4.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
16795Bug reportOpenNormal[Composer Legend] Symbology of layer always follows the map canvas and breaks the composer legend2018-11-07 09:57 PM
20334Bug reportOpenNormalTable of attributes shows only 99 records for .osm datasources2018-11-08 12:10 PM
21190Bug reportOpenNormalLayer Properties 'displayed as' value shows CamelCase Layer name, but is never used?2019-02-06 10:28 PM
21018Bug reportOpenNormalLayout variables list not updated when a new variable is added programmatically.2019-01-17 10:03 AM
21847Bug reportOpenNormalPostGIS rasters do not show in the Browser and in the "add PostGIS layer" dialog in the datasource manager2019-04-14 11:34 PM
21138Bug reportOpenNormalscroll wheel does not respond until 3rd click2019-01-31 09:49 AM
20569Bug reportOpenNormalcomposer, labels in 3d map not visible2018-11-20 10:56 PM
20409Bug reportOpenNormalError on apply qml style for a raster layer in 3.4.1 and Master 0ea86bf0a52018-11-29 02:09 PM
21139Bug reportOpenNormalUpdating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols2019-01-31 11:11 AM
21027Bug reportOpenNormal[Mesh] missing arrows with Multiple blending mode when exporting to PNG 2019-01-18 10:49 AM
20417Bug reportOpenNormalAdvanced Digitizing Panel2018-11-08 06:04 PM
20574Bug reportOpenNormalBad raster resampling in QGIS2018-11-21 12:45 PM
21997Bug reportOpenNormalBrowser: dropping a view fails2019-05-05 10:13 AM
21899Bug reportOpenNormalSpatialite isn't working correctly on macOS2019-05-04 01:49 PM
21198Bug reportOpenNormalBatch processing progress bar never completes2019-03-08 10:43 AM
21105Bug reportOpenNormalArray edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table2019-01-28 06:39 PM
20450Bug reportOpenNormal[Symbology] Inconsistencies in the "offset point symbols" behavior (regarding "rotate point symbols" tool)?2018-11-11 01:53 PM
20457Bug reportOpenNormalAutogenerate fid in Geopackage doesn´t update2018-11-12 02:36 PM
20503Bug reportOpenNormalInconsistent behaviour when deleting nodes with vertex tool (all layers)2019-02-20 03:41 PM
21034Bug reportOpenNormalQgsAction "enabledOnlyWhenEditable" not available in Python2019-02-23 09:43 PM
21343Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate regarding the center used for calculation2019-02-25 05:06 PM
21035Bug reportOpenNormalExport project to dxf symbol size2019-01-19 10:59 PM
21107Bug reportOpenNormalPrint Composer: Lock layers + style and Follow map theme2019-01-28 10:56 AM
20460Bug reportOpenNormalEmbedding layers does not work for projects saved as QGZ2019-02-25 09:58 AM
21036Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS3, pasting a .shp source with 'gid' field presented into a postgis layer now doesn't ignore the source 'gid' like it seems do in 2.182019-01-21 04:58 PM
21101Bug reportOpenNormalLegend content issue when using atlas and themes2019-01-28 11:00 AM
21037Bug reportOpenNormalSpurious WMS Requests when adding a new layer2019-01-20 12:24 PM
21379Bug reportOpenNormalReport with predefined scale changes the height of the map2019-03-05 01:23 PM
21038Bug reportOpenNormal"Layer name" is actually layer title2019-01-20 12:31 PM
21039Bug reportOpenNormalManually entered "layer name" never cleared2019-01-20 12:36 PM
20476Bug reportOpenNormalText-free field names not treated correctly2018-11-13 12:13 PM
20519Bug reportOpenNormalBBoxes for label symbols are too wide2018-11-16 05:49 PM
21040Bug reportOpenNormalStyles listed as layers2019-01-20 12:42 PM
21665Bug reportOpenNormalVirtual layers are always stored with absolute paths2019-03-24 11:19 PM
21041Bug reportOpenNormalMore clarity on layers versus styles2019-01-20 12:49 PM
20487Bug reportOpenNormalGeometry type not detected when loading query to canvas using MakePoint for geometry (DBManager)2018-12-11 02:17 PM
20508Bug reportOpenNormalScreen Freezes when moving window associated with QGIS2018-11-15 04:48 PM
21048Bug reportOpenNormalRequests made for features when outside of bbox2019-01-21 12:11 PM
21050Bug reportOpenNormalWCS "always cache" not working as expected2019-01-20 02:01 PM
22001Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager > History: current_user not written when updating2019-05-06 01:12 PM
21668Bug reportOpenNormalcomposer legend feature count not correct when datasource is in a network folder2019-03-26 03:16 PM
21108Bug reportOpenNormalPseudocolour classification from QGIS 2.x qml is deleted by the 3.x layer properties dialog2019-01-28 10:57 AM
20152Bug reportOpenNormalWCS client issues2019-01-20 02:40 PM
20544Bug reportOpenNormalCrashing on snapping in meter unit when layer CRS is in degrees2018-11-19 04:04 PM
20585Bug reportOpenNormalWhen handle bad layers responded to with new datasource. The layer name does not update in the layers list.2018-11-22 05:26 AM
20537Bug reportOpenNormalTesting a filter for .osm datasources shows placeholders in the message2018-11-21 12:39 PM
20576Bug reportOpenNormalSave SQL as file2018-11-21 05:50 PM
20724Bug reportOpenNormal[Auxiliary storage] Labels Buffer DD options do not have fields set and do not render in map canvas2018-12-04 06:50 PM
20587Bug reportOpenNormalDecoration -> Scale Bar uses a misleading planimetric measurement2018-11-29 07:26 PM
20582Bug reportOpenNormalfeature rendering order does not work for virtual fields2018-11-21 05:14 PM
17237Bug reportOpenNormalSnap is offseted when the map is rotated2019-01-21 10:22 AM
17316Bug reportOpenNormalCurrent implementation of multiple-layer style paste doesn't work for the command menu "Layer / Paste Style".2019-01-24 12:20 PM
21205Bug reportOpenNormalno base mapping2019-04-04 11:23 AM
17358Bug reportOpenNormalDraw Effects not saved2019-02-23 10:29 PM
19512Bug reportOpenNormalCannot access to Georeferencer dialog if this was used on an external monitor2019-05-15 04:20 PM
20606Bug reportOpenNormal'\n' button in function editor generates invalid code2018-11-23 12:36 PM
22034Bug reportOpenNormalprogress bar never ends for some batch mode operations2019-05-11 06:00 PM
21852Bug reportOpenNormalIn Value Relation widget the new function current_value in filter expression is not affected by a settext of a python initialization function.2019-04-15 04:11 PM
20630Bug reportOpenNormalMissing "Opacity" and "Blend mode" options when using Transform Effect2018-11-26 12:24 PM
17679Bug reportOpenNormalLength tools doesn't honor Z2019-01-21 10:14 AM
21911Bug reportOpenNormalInvarid value for Custom Variables in "Read Me.rtf" in Mac OSX 3.4.6 dmg2019-05-15 10:15 PM
20687Bug reportOpenNormalPoints are not rendered in 3D view on systems with Intel graphics2018-11-30 04:56 PM
20690Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3.4.2 Crash on Windows with multiple monitors2018-12-01 12:48 PM
18144Bug reportOpenNormalMisleading UI on multiple layer vector dialog2019-02-24 10:23 AM
20691Bug reportOpenNormal3D without elevation layer renders badly2018-12-01 02:27 PM
20692Bug reportOpenNormal3D objects (obj) eats up memory and turns computer unresponsive2018-12-01 03:12 PM
18770Bug reportOpenNormal[Layout] Using an item variable to change its own properties dynamically does not work2019-01-21 05:17 PM
20728Bug reportOpenNormalAuxiliary storage rotation or offset fields for symbols are visible by default while labels are not2018-12-04 07:54 PM
21683Bug reportOpenNormalSubscript and Superscript Single Labels expression bug2019-03-27 04:18 PM
21148Bug reportOpenNormalSave project to PostGreSQL doesn't work with PostGreSQL 9.4 and older2019-02-01 02:00 PM
20744Bug reportOpenNormal3D Viewer Crashes QGIS Every Time I Change the View Angle2018-12-07 10:06 AM
21396Bug reportOpenNormalJP2MrSID driver missing on GDAL drivers options after being disabled2019-02-26 12:32 PM
17299Bug reportOpenNormalHistogram for graduated style in layer properties disappears when the layer properties window is too small2019-04-03 12:40 PM
18343Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly2019-01-21 10:56 AM
20753Bug reportOpenNormalWKT output is wrong for EMPTY geometries2019-01-29 09:31 AM
14640Bug reportOpenNormalPyQGIS Creating empty geometry from WKT does not work as expected2019-03-12 11:25 AM
20780Bug reportOpenNormalCannot copy text in QGIS 3.4.2 with either Ctrl-C or by context menu2018-12-11 08:36 PM
20559Bug reportOpenNormalCopy>paste from a grass polygon layer gives unexpected results2019-01-28 10:52 AM
20790Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes computer due to lack of memory2018-12-17 02:14 PM
20165Bug reportOpenNormalproject selection combobox initially empty when trying to open project from postresql2018-12-17 02:40 PM
19276Bug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7 digitising bug 'Could not Commit changes' 2019-01-28 10:53 AM
21046Bug reportOpenNormalUnable to add WCS - bad error reporting2019-01-21 12:18 PM
21453Bug reportOpenNormalSplit features tool behaves unpredictably when split line is snapped on a segment2019-03-03 07:24 PM
20809Bug reportOpenNormalMerge connected lines and Line orentation dependant position error2018-12-14 06:57 AM
20824Bug reportOpenNormalRepresentation for NULL values inconsistent use/display2018-12-17 03:04 PM
20880Bug reportOpenNormalCurved labels disappear when rendering across multiple vertices2018-12-24 11:29 PM
18873Bug reportOpenNormalXYZ Tile Server with custom CRS not working in 2.18 LTS2019-01-21 01:38 PM
21673Bug reportOpenNormalUnable to add new features in QGIS for PostGIS table using sequence for gid. Not providing nextval('sequencename'::regclass) in editor form or attribute table2019-05-23 10:56 AM
21058Bug reportOpenNormalClose error2019-01-21 01:08 PM
19073Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' doesn't exist"2019-01-29 06:01 PM
20874Bug reportOpenNormalField filter in the attribute table not working for numbers as the value gets enclosed as a string2018-12-24 08:41 AM
21061Bug reportOpenNormalfreeze upon save when project is saved into Postgres2019-01-21 07:00 PM
21117Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS works incorectly with SRS 55132019-01-29 10:43 AM
21118Bug reportOpenNormalWromg definition SRS 5514 in shapefile2019-01-29 12:52 PM
21861Bug reportOpenNormalOGR Warning cannot open OUTPUT.file2019-04-16 06:17 PM
20879Bug reportOpenNormalCan't load a report2018-12-24 03:11 PM
20871Bug reportOpenNormalStyle "Meters at scale" hogs CPU2019-02-21 08:41 PM
19071Bug reportOpenNormalDiscard Empty Fields: behaviour, default status, name2018-12-24 09:45 AM
20878Bug reportOpenNormalMultiprocessing with QGis2018-12-25 12:40 AM
20888Bug reportOpenNormalvertex tool + topological editing2018-12-28 09:52 AM
18731Bug reportOpenNormal[Layouts] Removing a page of the layout moves its content to first page and breaks that page layout2018-12-28 12:06 PM
21713Bug reportOpenNormalunvisible mouse cursor on specific backgrounds2019-05-01 11:19 AM
21575Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS doesn't work properly with WFS 2.0.0 combined with OGC HTTP URI srsName style (e.g. 11:32 AM
21721Bug reportOpenNormalDisconnect between raster symbology in Layers Panel and Layer Properties2019-04-01 03:50 PM
13885Bug reportOpenNormalRephrase the option "Select at ID" and make it easier to find2018-03-07 04:37 PM
19564Bug reportOpenNormalPostgreSQL sequences not always used when adding feature2019-05-22 06:40 PM
21455Bug reportOpenNormalmacOS: Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager2019-03-04 07:58 PM
21282Bug reportOpenNormal[Expression] point_n function should be coherent with other vertex based functions and algorithms2019-03-13 05:22 AM
21711Bug reportOpenNormalQuit menu disabled in QGIS Mac2019-03-30 08:52 PM
21285Bug reportOpenNormalSVG icon size and position in MAC2019-02-15 03:15 PM
21322Bug reportOpenNormalDocumentation file grass7.txt is not up-to-date2019-02-21 11:51 AM
21727Bug reportOpenNormalFeature attribute selection design bug2019-04-02 01:29 PM
21867Bug reportOpenNormalcan't change value in vertex editor if "locale" settings use commas as decimal separator2019-05-10 06:20 PM
22006Bug reportOpenNormalVertex tool not working on lines when style assigned2019-05-13 09:33 AM
21460Bug reportOpenNormalDoes not properly form SQL queries to insert or update into PostGIS2019-04-02 12:04 AM
21302Bug reportOpenNormalExcessive vertical padding of categories in legend2019-03-04 12:55 AM
21473Bug reportOpenNormalexport project with arrows to dxf bug Arrows2019-03-04 10:25 PM
21487Bug reportOpenNormalDefault project CRS is overridden by data2019-03-06 10:20 AM
21868Bug reportOpenNormaldefault value + "apply default value on update" does not work when using the "split features" tool2019-04-17 08:59 AM
21869Bug reportOpenNormal"Advanced digitizing" panel doesn’t update itself to the active point of origin2019-04-18 08:25 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (601-800/1287) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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