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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
19912Bug reportOpenNormalCrash on rendering atlas map2018-09-25 11:19 AM
19917Bug reportOpenNormal[symbology] Missing color ramp types in symbol selector dialog2018-09-24 10:24 AM
19927Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager looses target while importing more than one SHP into PostgreSQL2018-09-24 07:55 AM
19937Bug reportOpenNormalStrange blurred squares in vector layers using "outer glow"2018-09-25 12:04 PM
19955Bug reportOpenNormalWindow Position not save on Exit2018-09-26 12:46 PM
19966Bug reportOpenNormalCyrillic symbols in QGIS Server2018-10-06 10:12 AM
19968Bug reportOpenNormalVery long loading times when opening the same FileGDB the second time2018-10-09 11:06 PM
19970Bug reportOpenNormalDifferent default M values depending on the function2018-09-27 04:28 PM
19975Bug reportOpenHighcrash when enabling drop shadow on label background svg2018-11-19 11:15 AM
19986Bug reportOpenLowObsolete VC redist version installed2018-10-01 10:33 AM
19997Bug reportOpenNormalZoom from mac mousepad does not work2018-10-02 01:54 PM
20000Bug reportOpenNormalCoordinate Capture plugin geographic coordinate issue2018-10-04 10:07 PM
20006Bug reportOpenNormalWhen using map_get() in expressions referencing multiple maps in print composer, map does not refresh automatically2018-10-03 05:09 PM
20013Bug reportFeedbackHighMars projection issue 2019-03-12 04:48 PM
20018Bug reportFeedbackNormalServer and desktop too slow with Postgis views2019-05-23 08:59 PM
20022Bug reportOpenNormalPolygon style: Simple line with offset2019-02-24 01:16 AM
20026Bug reportOpenNormalProcessing algorithms are not able to add the output layer to an exiting GPKG or SQLite container without completely overwrite it2018-10-28 02:08 PM
20035Bug reportOpenNormalExpressions like `aggregate` or `layer_property` use QgsProject().instance() instead of the expression context's project2018-10-06 09:22 AM
20037Bug reportOpenNormalPolygon not visible when selected if opacity is set to 0%2018-10-08 10:09 AM
20046Bug reportOpenNormalLog Messages Panel disappears2018-10-09 11:24 AM
20050Bug reportOpenNormalGPKG and SQLite files containing raster layers are incorrectly added to the map2019-03-17 12:47 PM
20070Bug reportOpenHighIn rule based renderer, "Show feature count" returns 0 if no symbol is activated2018-10-10 03:57 PM
20071Bug reportOpenHigh"Show feature count" on a rule based renderer gives wrong result for the else statement (again)2018-10-10 11:59 PM
20072Bug reportOpenNormalField validation is not done automatically2018-10-10 06:41 PM
20077Bug reportOpenNormalgeopackage - table operations via network shares take a very long time2018-10-12 07:16 AM
20080Bug reportOpenNormalSaving Memory Layer to a file misses Scaling part of the CRS2018-10-12 11:08 AM
20082Bug reportOpenHighSplit Tool "Bursts" linestring when used on complex linestring2018-11-08 09:40 PM
20087Bug reportOpenNormalAxis order issue for urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::43262018-10-12 10:29 AM
20088Bug reportOpenNormal"Embed Layers and Groups" only allows to embed from qgs files, not qgz2019-03-16 11:50 AM
20091Bug reportOpenNormalWCS request for a GeoServer ImageMosaic reports invalid layer provider2019-04-12 04:44 PM
20092Bug reportOpenHighGeoPackage SQL issues in DB Manager2018-11-15 03:04 PM
20100Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Edit-in place "Drop geometries" algorithm from the locator bar does not show success message2018-10-13 06:08 AM
20107Bug reportOpenNormalInconsistent number of decimal places in Identify tool2019-03-09 10:15 AM
20108Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS save project not working properly2018-11-02 10:23 PM
20110Bug reportOpenHighBug with Drag and Drop Designer on QGIS 3.22018-12-07 02:17 PM
20120Bug reportOpenNormalRemembering the last folder when loading style2018-10-16 11:44 AM
20121Bug reportOpenNormalInconsistent placement of Cancel button in Load Style window2018-10-16 11:48 AM
20123Bug reportOpenNormalImport to MS SQL failed due to international characters2018-11-04 12:45 AM
20127Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Esri shapefile format is listed twice in file selector dialog when running in batch2018-10-17 01:48 PM
20135Bug reportOpenNormalDevelopment version QGIS-server crashes on Win102018-10-18 01:58 PM
20144Bug reportOpenNormal[mdal][gui] Usability issue with activating/deactivating quantities2018-10-17 09:20 PM
20145Bug reportOpenNormal[mdal][gui] Remove unused buttons for displaying contours and vectors2018-10-17 09:39 PM
20148Bug reportOpenNormalWFS layers read in QGIS 2.18 cannot be read in QGIS 32018-10-18 02:13 PM
20149Bug reportOpenNormalPostgis provider dialog does not show empty schema's2018-10-18 11:12 AM
20152Bug reportOpenNormalWCS client issues2019-01-20 02:40 PM
20156Bug reportOpenLowQgsVectorFileWriter creates new fields with field type Integer64 instead of Integer.2018-10-18 02:06 PM
20165Bug reportOpenNormalproject selection combobox initially empty when trying to open project from postresql2018-12-17 02:40 PM
20177Bug reportOpenNormal[mdal] Not possible to delete extra-dataset 2018-10-22 10:15 AM
20184Bug reportOpenLow[Options] Missing "cap style" parameter in Options --> digitizing tab --> Curve offset tools2018-10-22 05:01 PM
20185Bug reportOpenNormal[Digitizing] Inconsistencies between input dialogs from advanced digitizing tools2018-10-22 05:19 PM
20189Bug reportOpenNormalMuted colours in legend when exporting as PDF 2019-03-09 08:56 PM
20203Bug reportOpenHighCrash when opening attribute table in form mode (potentially related to relation reference widgets)Matthias Kuhn2019-02-24 08:58 PM
20213Bug reportOpenHighNetwork setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in Windows 102019-03-16 07:14 PM
20215Bug reportOpenLowCoordinate widget on status bar doesn't display whole numbers2018-10-25 11:53 PM
20229Bug reportOpenNormalWMS Legend does not show completely 2018-10-30 05:16 PM
20234Bug reportFeedbackNormalIssue: Layer styles stored in SpatialLite Database not filtering/loading/saving correctly. 2019-03-09 05:23 PM
20235Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS does not obey saved SSL server exceptionsLarry Shaffer2018-10-27 04:56 PM
20236Bug reportOpenNormalIdentify tool does not open feature form when used on Sqlite views (loaded as layers)2018-10-30 05:02 PM
20239Bug reportOpenNormalRaster layer properties dialog cannot be extended2018-10-27 11:30 PM
20243Bug reportOpenNormallosing SVG symbol elevation during DXF exportJürgen Fischer2019-02-06 07:37 PM
20251Bug reportOpenNormalvirtual fields can't be filtered2019-02-05 04:43 AM
20257Bug reportOpenNormalMake the invitation to download newer version translatable2018-10-31 03:50 PM
20266Bug reportOpenHighCopy/paste style form widget typeDenis Rouzaud2019-03-09 10:40 AM
20270Bug reportOpenHighFreeze when opening properties dialog on very large PostGIS layer2018-11-25 08:33 PM
20278Bug reportOpenNormalfile names with å ä ö doesn't pickup world file2018-10-31 10:32 AM
20283Bug reportReopenedNormalCrash when exiting program [proj_lpz_dist]2019-03-18 03:31 PM
20289Bug reportOpenNormalDB manager: field types for GPKGs are not consistent with the ones available in attribute table2018-10-31 10:35 AM
20291Bug reportOpenNormalCannot export layer with a field "fid" which is not unique to GeoPackage2018-10-31 12:37 PM
20292Bug reportOpenNormalProject which are saved with special characters in the filename and with the qgz extension are blank2019-01-10 11:08 AM
20300Bug reportOpenNormalText annotation scale wrong in print layouts2019-02-13 03:02 PM
20301Bug reportOpenHighOff-Line editing should NOT ask to fill manually the PK field2018-11-01 08:38 AM
20309Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3.2 .SVG exports no longer compatible with Adobe Illustrator2019-03-01 08:12 PM
20313Bug reportReopenedNormalPython deprecation warning: invalid escape sequence2019-03-12 08:46 PM
20325Bug reportOpenNormalgeoreferencing in EPSG:4674 creates an output with EPSG:41402018-11-04 11:31 PM
20327Bug reportOpenHighGrass crashes when try to create mapset2018-11-02 11:30 AM
20331Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager - error editing an SQLite query - single threads2018-11-02 01:35 PM
20334Bug reportOpenNormalTable of attributes shows only 99 records for .osm datasources2018-11-08 12:10 PM
20336Bug reportFeedbackNormalInvoluntary Feature Filtering2019-03-06 12:04 AM
20337Bug reportOpenHighCrash loading layer from DB2 spatial tableDavid Adler2018-11-09 02:10 AM
20350Bug reportOpenNormalRendering 3D Lines pseudo vertex2018-11-06 01:44 AM
20365Bug reportOpenLowPython3 doctest missing in QGIS 3.4.12018-11-05 08:00 PM
20367Bug reportOpenHigh"avoid intesection" cannot be enabled without activating snapping2018-11-07 02:26 PM
20376Bug reportFeedbackNormalMap canvas whiteout on editing2019-03-09 09:49 AM
20379Bug reportOpenHighAttributes forms and problem with setting variables as defaults (QGIS 3.4.1)2018-11-07 12:12 PM
20380Bug reportOpenNormalTiny Identify Results window Denis Rouzaud2019-03-04 08:18 PM
20381Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (works ok when launched from terminal)William Kyngesburye2019-03-30 08:35 PM
20387Bug reportOpenHighThe call to matplotlib tricontour causes QGIS to crash2018-11-07 12:09 PM
20388Bug reportOpenNormalQgsCompoundColorWidget instance crash when QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry() is empty2019-01-28 04:35 PM
20398Bug reportOpenNormalNegative feature IDs = no updates possible?2018-11-07 07:44 PM
20401Bug reportOpenNormalQgsLayoutItemLegend::adjustBoxSize does not work for legend created from pyqgis2018-11-08 08:49 AM
20409Bug reportOpenNormalError on apply qml style for a raster layer in 3.4.1 and Master 0ea86bf0a52018-11-29 02:09 PM
20414Bug reportFeedbackHighMSSQL: Layer loads but does not display (Attribute Table correct)2019-03-08 11:56 AM
20417Bug reportOpenNormalAdvanced Digitizing Panel2018-11-08 06:04 PM
20427Bug reportOpenNormalPython console behaves strange2018-11-09 10:47 PM
20433Bug reportOpenHigh"Merge Selected Feature" do not works correctly with hidden fields2018-11-22 12:15 AM
20434Bug reportOpenHighCrash when reseting map view scale factor2018-11-12 12:11 PM
20439Bug reportFeedbackNormalLayers not being properly added to canvas from spatialiteJulien Cabieces2019-03-03 06:42 PM
20445Bug reportOpenNormalfails to generate virtual geometry layer based on virtual wkt field2018-11-12 01:33 PM
20448Bug reportOpenNormalThe georeferencer dialog does not remember its size2018-11-11 12:01 PM
20450Bug reportOpenNormal[Symbology] Inconsistencies in the "offset point symbols" behavior (regarding "rotate point symbols" tool)?2018-11-11 01:53 PM
20453Bug reportOpenHighLabeling style options reduced for default font on Windows 102019-03-09 10:11 AM
20457Bug reportOpenNormalAutogenerate fid in Geopackage doesn´t update2018-11-12 02:36 PM
20460Bug reportOpenNormalEmbedding layers does not work for projects saved as QGZ2019-02-25 09:58 AM
20462Bug reportOpenHighPeriodically refreshing the rendering of a layer doesn't work2019-02-16 01:14 PM
20465Bug reportOpenHigh[Layout] Crash when aborting items pasting during map rendering2018-11-12 02:50 PM
20470Bug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring 2019-03-09 10:07 AM
20474Bug reportOpenNormalUnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xac in position 211: illegal multibyte sequence2018-11-13 10:58 AM
20476Bug reportOpenNormalText-free field names not treated correctly2018-11-13 12:13 PM
20479Bug reportOpenNormalNatural breaks (Jenks) classes not computed correctly from expression2018-11-13 04:26 PM
20487Bug reportOpenNormalGeometry type not detected when loading query to canvas using MakePoint for geometry (DBManager)2018-12-11 02:17 PM
20491Bug reportOpenHigh[Digitizing] Tracing tool does not work if snapping is other than on "Active layer"2018-11-14 02:40 PM
20503Bug reportOpenNormalInconsistent behaviour when deleting nodes with vertex tool (all layers)2019-02-20 03:41 PM
20508Bug reportOpenNormalScreen Freezes when moving window associated with QGIS2018-11-15 04:48 PM
20519Bug reportOpenNormalBBoxes for label symbols are too wide2018-11-16 05:49 PM
20527Bug reportOpenNormalCRASH: MainMenu->Measure->Configuration->Set Decimal units display to 62018-11-17 12:27 PM
20532Bug reportFeedbackNormalConditional formatting in Attribute Table error after filter results changed by value edits2019-03-09 05:12 PM
20533Bug reportOpenNormalDisplay name in layer properties is not automatically filled2018-11-17 09:16 PM
20535Bug reportOpenNormalQCA init crash with bundled Qt AND installed Qt2019-05-15 10:16 PM
20537Bug reportOpenNormalTesting a filter for .osm datasources shows placeholders in the message2018-11-21 12:39 PM
20539Bug reportOpenNormal[Expression] Function parameters are not shown for all functions while filling them2018-11-18 11:49 AM
20540Bug reportOpenLow[Expressions]Function parameters display is not triggered when there's a space after the function name2018-11-18 12:03 PM
20541Bug reportOpenNormal"Topology Checker" and multipart (shapefiles)2019-04-02 12:50 PM
20544Bug reportOpenNormalCrashing on snapping in meter unit when layer CRS is in degrees2018-11-19 04:04 PM
20545Bug reportOpenNormalGUI bug: Layer Properties -> Attributes Form2018-11-20 06:20 PM
20556Bug reportFeedbackNormalprocessing doesn't output a shapefile's encoding2019-03-09 05:18 PM
20559Bug reportOpenNormalCopy>paste from a grass polygon layer gives unexpected results2019-01-28 10:52 AM
20560Bug reportOpenNormalInstaller/Uninstaller does not exit when done (win7)2018-11-20 01:02 PM
20563Bug reportOpenHighMySQL connection fails2019-03-09 11:06 AM
20569Bug reportOpenNormalcomposer, labels in 3d map not visible2018-11-20 10:56 PM
20574Bug reportOpenNormalBad raster resampling in QGIS2018-11-21 12:45 PM
20576Bug reportOpenNormalSave SQL as file2018-11-21 05:50 PM
20582Bug reportOpenNormalfeature rendering order does not work for virtual fields2018-11-21 05:14 PM
20585Bug reportOpenNormalWhen handle bad layers responded to with new datasource. The layer name does not update in the layers list.2018-11-22 05:26 AM
20587Bug reportOpenNormalDecoration -> Scale Bar uses a misleading planimetric measurement2018-11-29 07:26 PM
20593Bug reportOpenHighAction Toggle Editing called from QPushButton starts looping2018-11-23 12:41 PM
20594Bug reportOpenHighCan not open a shell (GRASS Shell) in QGIS 3.4.1 with GRASS 7.4.22018-11-30 11:28 AM
20601Bug reportReopenedNormalbug: Raster calculator produces empty results layer and no error message if input layer is one that has been renamed in QGIS layers panelAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-21 11:34 AM
20606Bug reportOpenNormal'\n' button in function editor generates invalid code2018-11-23 12:36 PM
20607Bug reportOpenHighMSsql Invalid layer2018-11-28 01:42 PM
20615Bug reportFeedbackNormalMac OS QGis installer cannot find python 3.6Denis Rouzaud2019-03-09 10:34 AM
20617Bug reportOpenHighrefreshing of a layer (raster) doesn't work after georeferencing2018-11-28 07:42 PM
20619Bug reportFeedbackHighSLD load problem2019-05-23 01:59 PM
20621Bug reportOpenNormalReport doesn't seem to allow attribute tables to be linked to the current atlas2019-03-09 10:48 AM
20630Bug reportOpenNormalMissing "Opacity" and "Blend mode" options when using Transform Effect2018-11-26 12:24 PM
20637Bug reportOpenNormalVertex Tool: Please make the "Current Layer" the default2018-11-27 08:15 AM
20651Bug reportOpenNormalIncorrect WMS/Mapserver Extent after UpgradeSandro Mani2018-11-28 03:39 AM
20654Bug reportOpenNormalChange of language only works partiallyQGIS Translation Team2018-11-28 10:08 AM
20678Bug reportOpenNormalMissing detached panels on hide2019-01-25 02:11 PM
20687Bug reportOpenNormalPoints are not rendered in 3D view on systems with Intel graphics2018-11-30 04:56 PM
20690Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3.4.2 Crash on Windows with multiple monitors2018-12-01 12:48 PM
20691Bug reportOpenNormal3D without elevation layer renders badly2018-12-01 02:27 PM
20692Bug reportOpenNormal3D objects (obj) eats up memory and turns computer unresponsive2018-12-01 03:12 PM
20694Bug reportOpenNormalQgsVectorLayer 's addFeatures function crashes the app2018-12-02 01:14 PM
20701Bug reportOpenNormalNo scroll in attribute form2019-03-09 10:53 AM
20703Bug reportOpenHighqgis 3.4.2 crashes on Windows 8.12018-12-09 06:56 PM
20705Bug reportOpenNormalr.reclass Grass tool not working2018-12-12 03:56 PM
20711Bug reportOpenHighQgsTask and task manager cause crash when used in function scope2018-12-06 09:37 AM
20712Bug reportIn ProgressHighCrash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on MacPeter Petrik2019-02-01 04:03 PM
20719Bug reportOpenHighCrash when deleting data defined auxiliary storage configuration2018-12-04 03:35 PM
20724Bug reportOpenNormal[Auxiliary storage] Labels Buffer DD options do not have fields set and do not render in map canvas2018-12-04 06:50 PM
20728Bug reportOpenNormalAuxiliary storage rotation or offset fields for symbols are visible by default while labels are not2018-12-04 07:54 PM
20730Bug reportOpenNormalNetcdf mesh aligned, or not?Peter Petrik2018-12-05 11:59 AM
20734Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes on "Create new location" in GRASS New Mapset window2019-03-09 10:07 AM
20735Bug reportOpenHighQgis Madeira closing with Pendriveou external HD2018-12-07 02:18 PM
20739Bug reportOpenNormalQgis3 imports DATE type colum in oracle Database as QDate, losing hh:mm:ssJürgen Fischer2019-04-09 08:43 PM
20740Bug reportOpenHighEditing polygons through WFS fails when editing first/last vertex2018-12-06 02:37 PM
20741Bug reportOpenNormalSaving project on start up2019-03-13 01:46 PM
20744Bug reportOpenNormal3D Viewer Crashes QGIS Every Time I Change the View Angle2018-12-07 10:06 AM
20750Bug reportOpenLowDrag and drop designer with confusing layout2018-12-07 12:28 PM
20751Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.4.2 not capable of adding decimal coordinates when editing vertices (pl_PL locale)2018-12-07 03:21 PM
20753Bug reportOpenNormalWKT output is wrong for EMPTY geometries2019-01-29 09:31 AM
20754Bug reportFeedbackNormalfromWKT should fail if neither EMPTY or coordinates are supplied2019-03-09 04:58 PM
20760Bug reportOpenHighEdits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore2019-05-24 03:49 AM
20772Bug reportOpenHighIf any of the "topology checks" options is enabled, then cliking on "save layer edits" toggles editing off2019-05-07 09:32 AM
20773Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes on loading message2018-12-11 10:23 PM
20776Bug reportOpenNormalSymmetric classification collapsible group in symbology --> graduated renderer behaves weirdly2018-12-11 04:22 PM
20777Bug reportOpenHighQGIS Crash - Creating 3D Map View2018-12-11 04:51 PM
20780Bug reportOpenNormalCannot copy text in QGIS 3.4.2 with either Ctrl-C or by context menu2018-12-11 08:36 PM
20790Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes computer due to lack of memory2018-12-17 02:14 PM
20791Bug reportOpenHighOn the fly geometry validation doesn't work and causes QGIS to not respond2019-01-09 01:15 PM
20792Bug reportOpenNormalEdit line make the project crash2018-12-12 07:16 PM
20793Bug reportOpenNormalField format corrupted when performing save features as... 2018-12-12 09:08 PM
20802Bug reportFeedbackHighcrashed by export2019-03-09 04:51 PM
20809Bug reportOpenNormalMerge connected lines and Line orentation dependant position error2018-12-14 06:57 AM
20817Bug reportOpenNormalAdvanced digitizing doesn't accept mathematical operations when QGIS uses language other than EN2019-02-13 11:56 AM
20818Bug reportOpenNormalAdvanced digitizing keeps position of removed vertex2018-12-15 12:45 PM
20824Bug reportOpenNormalRepresentation for NULL values inconsistent use/display2018-12-17 03:04 PM
20836Bug reportOpenNormalDeactivate "Open ""... entry in "Recent projects" list for unavailable projects2019-03-02 09:19 AM
20839Bug reportOpenNormalQgsCheckableComboBox single item selection bug2018-12-18 02:34 PM
20842Bug reportOpenLowESRI Shapefiles (*.shp, *.SHP) appears twice in the list of opening vector file types2019-01-04 02:13 AM
20845Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes after duplicating a layout and working for a short while with the duplicatedWerner Macho2018-12-19 10:44 AM
20852Bug reportOpenNormalEaster eggs don't stackNyall Dawson2019-03-09 08:55 PM
20853Bug reportOpenNormalMesh or raster layer with 0-360 extent2018-12-22 05:49 PM
20855Bug reportOpenNormalDublicating a layer with pushing the ctrl-key while dragging, results in a layer that can't be renamed individually2019-01-14 11:38 AM
20859Bug reportOpenNormalqgis uninstalled from debian buster after routine update/upgrade due to bad dependency on libhdf5-1002019-03-10 12:31 AM
20864Bug reportOpenNormalRotated layout Items issue2018-12-23 10:12 PM
20866Bug reportFeedbackHighQgis 3.4.2 crash when applied draw effects2019-03-09 09:42 AM
20871Bug reportOpenNormalStyle "Meters at scale" hogs CPU2019-02-21 08:41 PM
20872Bug reportReopenedHighQGIS 3.5 not loading or saving multi-dimensional arrays properly from PostGIS layersJulien Cabieces2019-03-22 10:34 AM
20873Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Server 3.4 broken on Windows2019-05-03 11:43 AM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (601-800/1287) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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