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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
16282Bug reportOpenNormalBrowser drag and drop issues 2018-02-25 10:43 PM
21997Bug reportOpenNormalBrowser: dropping a view fails2019-05-05 10:13 AM
21301Bug reportOpenNormalBuffer layer styling with geometry generator2019-03-06 10:43 AM
20110Bug reportOpenHighBug with Drag and Drop Designer on QGIS 3.22018-12-07 02:17 PM
21363Bug reportOpenHighBug with scale bar in 3.4.42019-03-24 08:44 PM
16448Bug reportFeedbackNormalBuild Globe Plugin in QGIS Master v2.99.0r806d225rrrPirmin Kalberer2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21235Bug reportOpenNormalBuild failure with sip 4.19.142019-02-11 07:00 PM
19522Bug reportOpenNormalBuilding QGIS3 against qt-5.11.x2018-08-10 03:37 PM
18626Bug reportOpenNormalCALCULATE AREA IN VIRTUAL FIELD2018-04-04 05:14 PM
20527Bug reportOpenNormalCRASH: MainMenu->Measure->Configuration->Set Decimal units display to 62018-11-17 12:27 PM
17884Bug reportFeedbackNormalCRS differences2019-03-09 04:34 PM
21616Bug reportOpenHighCRS not written to file2019-03-20 01:33 PM
17718Bug reportOpenNormalCRS selector: Extent is not displayed for all CRS2019-03-09 07:39 PM
19048Bug reportOpenNormalCan not export geojson include z-dimesion when save as GeoJSON Layer2018-05-28 07:52 PM
20594Bug reportOpenHighCan not open a shell (GRASS Shell) in QGIS 3.4.1 with GRASS 7.4.22018-11-30 11:28 AM
21986Bug reportOpenHighCan not save data of type "array of characters (StringList / JSONSTRINGLIST) "on a layer connected to a spatialLite base : error : Type 5 of the x attribute of the entity y is unknownAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 04:45 PM
21789Bug reportFeedbackNormalCan't define a RASTER_LAYER input parameter type when defining a new @decorator style processing algoritm2019-05-22 07:14 PM
21557Bug reportOpenHighCan't delete vertexes without removing the ones of an adjacent feature2019-03-12 05:27 PM
20879Bug reportOpenNormalCan't load a report2018-12-24 03:11 PM
19363Bug reportOpenNormalCan't lock the map scale in canvas2018-12-19 09:01 AM
21342Bug reportOpenNormalCan't visualize jpg files on Windows2019-03-08 09:08 AM
19512Bug reportOpenNormalCannot access to Georeferencer dialog if this was used on an external monitor2019-05-15 04:20 PM
20780Bug reportOpenNormalCannot copy text in QGIS 3.4.2 with either Ctrl-C or by context menu2018-12-11 08:36 PM
22044Bug reportOpenHighCannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache2019-05-10 12:28 PM
20291Bug reportOpenNormalCannot export layer with a field "fid" which is not unique to GeoPackage2018-10-31 12:37 PM
22005Bug reportOpenHighCannot load GPX file automatically after creating it QGIS 3.4.7 QGIS 3.6.22019-05-09 09:17 AM
21822Bug reportOpenHighCannot load multivariable netcdf files2019-04-11 04:22 PM
21648Bug reportFeedbackNormalCannot open netCDF file in QGIS 3.4.52019-05-21 11:47 AM
21542Bug reportFeedbackNormalCannot paste copied/cut features into temporary scratch layer (Ctrl+Alt+V) or new vector layer2019-03-15 06:17 PM
19501Bug reportOpenNormalCannot save a layer definition file2018-07-30 11:08 AM
17970Bug reportFeedbackNormalCartographic point labeling should take symbol bounds into account by default2019-03-09 04:34 PM
21748Bug reportOpenHighCategorized style do not works with NULL value2019-04-05 09:58 AM
20654Bug reportOpenNormalChange of language only works partiallyQGIS Translation Team2018-11-28 10:08 AM
18891Bug reportOpenNormalChanged Ruler distance units do not "stick" - instead always revert to Meters when Ruler Tool is re-selectedDenis Rouzaud2019-05-15 11:25 PM
21435Bug reportOpenLowChanging page size in layout editor display2019-03-01 09:56 PM
16813Bug reportFeedbackNormalChanging the setting 'Scan for valid items in browser' only works after restart of QGIS2019-03-09 04:28 PM
22058Bug reportOpenNormalCheck for update suggests wrong option2019-05-13 01:57 AM
21619Bug reportFeedbackHighCheck geometries crashing QGIS 3.62019-04-02 01:49 PM
17883Bug reportFeedbackNormalCheck that all options in QGIS Server tabs are correct2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17270Bug reportOpenNormalCircular string : after finishing digitizing a circular string, the tool (in the toolbar) gets deselected. but it's still active in the canvas.2019-01-21 10:15 AM
17269Bug reportOpenNormalCircular string doesn't honor the coordinate system2019-01-21 10:17 AM
21935Bug reportFeedbackHighClear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration causes crash2019-05-02 01:22 PM
21883Bug reportOpenNormalClearing Multiple QGIS Warnings takes inordinately long2019-04-18 04:41 PM
19491Bug reportOpenLowClick in inactive QGIS window triggers actions!2018-08-01 09:54 AM
18889Bug reportOpenNormalClipping feature errors trying to clip raster file on Mac (QGIS 3.0.2)2019-04-04 11:16 AM
21212Bug reportOpenNormalClose and Restore buttons in panel windows look "too bold"2019-03-20 01:25 AM
21058Bug reportOpenNormalClose error2019-01-21 01:08 PM
21271Bug reportIn ProgressNormalComments in SQL query in DB Manager breaks the query2019-02-18 08:13 AM
19506Bug reportOpenNormalCompilation on Ubuntu 16.04 fail: No module named 'PyQT5.pyqtconfig'2018-07-29 12:49 PM
21246Bug reportOpenHighComposer Crashes QGIS when memory required is somewhat above 1500 MB2019-03-08 10:40 AM

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