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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20327Bug reportOpenHighGrass crashes when try to create mapset2018-11-02 11:30 AM
20301Bug reportOpenHighOff-Line editing should NOT ask to fill manually the PK field2018-11-01 08:38 AM
20270Bug reportOpenHighFreeze when opening properties dialog on very large PostGIS layer2018-11-25 08:33 PM
20266Bug reportOpenHighCopy/paste style form widget typeDenis Rouzaud2019-03-09 10:40 AM
20213Bug reportOpenHighNetwork setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in Windows 102019-03-16 07:14 PM
20203Bug reportOpenHighCrash when opening attribute table in form mode (potentially related to relation reference widgets)Matthias Kuhn2019-02-24 08:58 PM
20110Bug reportOpenHighBug with Drag and Drop Designer on QGIS 3.22018-12-07 02:17 PM
20092Bug reportOpenHighGeoPackage SQL issues in DB Manager2018-11-15 03:04 PM
20082Bug reportOpenHighSplit Tool "Bursts" linestring when used on complex linestring2018-11-08 09:40 PM
20071Bug reportOpenHigh"Show feature count" on a rule based renderer gives wrong result for the else statement (again)2018-10-10 11:59 PM
20070Bug reportOpenHighIn rule based renderer, "Show feature count" returns 0 if no symbol is activated2018-10-10 03:57 PM
20021Feature requestOpenHighPrint Layout missing Page Properties 2018-10-05 04:40 AM
20013Bug reportFeedbackHighMars projection issue 2019-03-12 04:48 PM
19975Bug reportOpenHighcrash when enabling drop shadow on label background svg2018-11-19 11:15 AM
19881Bug reportOpenHighImpossible to choose several fields at the same time to drag and drop it (design forms by drag-and-drop)2018-09-18 08:00 PM
19804Feature requestFeedbackHighChange Legend Right to Left Reading in QGIS2018-09-12 04:19 PM
19801Bug reportOpenHighWFS not working at all2019-03-08 11:33 AM
19793Bug reportOpenHighMSSQL: Poor initial QGIS 3.2.2 starting performance when getting data from a MS SQL Server view2018-09-12 04:16 PM
19731Bug reportFeedbackHighPython error at qgis startup after changing profile folderLuigi Pirelli2019-05-01 05:59 PM
19707Bug reportOpenHighQGIS hangs after PC locks screen after timeout2019-01-01 06:24 PM
19672Bug reportOpenHighQLR files are not stored with absolute paths even though the project setting is changed to absolute paths2019-05-01 06:11 PM
19671Bug reportOpenHighThe Ok button for the form dialog is disabled for NOT NULL Postgres columns2019-01-30 03:39 PM
19609Feature requestOpenHighAdd color ramp item with tick and number label in print layout2018-08-13 04:40 PM
19557Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes when adding multiple WFS layers from a geoserver instance2019-02-12 07:47 PM
19526Bug reportOpenHighQGIS3 crashes on loading plugin manager2019-03-06 05:29 PM
19379Feature requestOpenHighprecision option in vector tools select/join by location2018-09-18 09:21 AM
19299Bug reportOpenHigh"Attribute Table" rows open randomly ordered? 2019-03-19 07:55 PM
19297Bug reportOpenHighRepeated Crash making SQL Query in DB Manager2018-11-09 09:58 AM
19270Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash at end load base application, before show work area2019-03-09 08:58 PM
19265Bug reportOpenHighCrash on open - Mac OSX High Sierra2019-03-09 04:50 PM
19259Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3. Oracle error while adding features - ORA-01861Jürgen Fischer2018-11-12 04:31 PM
19118Bug reportOpenHighCrash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget2019-05-22 11:41 AM
19101Bug reportOpenHighScale bar in Layout always opens at height of 11.9 mm2019-04-02 01:18 PM
19099Bug reportOpenHighData defined Size legend is wrong when using separated symbols2018-11-07 06:17 PM
19016Bug reportOpenHighLimits in labels for raster symbology in discrete interpolation method are not shown2019-03-09 09:27 AM
18999Bug reportFeedbackHighclick on anything in plugin manager crashes qgisBorys Jurgiel2019-03-08 11:53 AM
18973Bug reportOpenHighWrong identification of feature in a View2019-03-11 12:09 PM
18917Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3 "Meters at Scale" incorrect behavior2018-05-06 09:32 PM
18799Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash on exit from qgis 3.0.22019-04-10 04:30 PM
18771Feature requestOpenHigh1:n relations: new entries in child layer when child has geometries2018-06-08 05:17 PM
18668Bug reportOpenHighintegrated document viewer not working2018-04-09 12:07 PM
18554Bug reportOpenHighToggling Hidden Widget doesn't do anything anymore2018-12-17 08:07 PM
18552Bug reportOpenHighIf make new systems in units=km, then scale in view is very wrong.. 2018-03-27 06:53 AM
18481Bug reportFeedbackHighsegfault when closing qgis2019-03-11 11:38 AM
18478Feature requestOpenHighFind and Replace in Layout maker2018-03-19 08:41 AM
18477Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"2019-03-06 06:10 PM
18474Bug reportOpenHighLayer style effects not supported by the legend2018-03-18 09:59 PM
18436Feature requestOpenHighArcMap style clipping in QGIS 3.02018-11-15 05:35 PM
18295Bug reportOpenHighPostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow2019-05-23 09:36 PM
18210Bug reportOpenHighDynamic grid labels in layout doesn't update automatically2018-12-28 02:56 PM
18135Bug reportOpenHighPoint Pattern Fill issue in canvas rendering and exporting images2018-11-16 04:17 PM
18109Bug reportFeedbackHighOSM (OGR provider) layer pointer throws a python error when checking itNyall Dawson2019-03-09 04:34 PM
17904Feature requestOpenHighIn the layer tree, Clicking an item from a rule-based symbolized layer should offer to edit the rule2018-09-18 08:41 AM
17873Feature requestOpenHighmake composer item's (e.g.: attribute table) position values recallable.2018-01-17 12:01 AM
17810Feature requestOpenHigheasy possibility to make non-geometry table to geometry layer (in cases delimited text layer opening can't solve)2018-01-05 11:50 PM
17769Feature requestOpenHighadd feature to open and read spreadsheets as layers!2018-01-05 04:38 PM
17768Feature requestOpenHighmake use of label placement settings even when using data defined placement2018-01-02 03:09 AM
17756Feature requestOpenHighautomatic label placement between range of distances2017-12-29 03:05 AM
17742Feature requestOpenHighQGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index2019-02-01 03:11 PM
17710Feature requestOpenHighProvide a snap package for Linux users2017-12-20 03:34 PM
17691Bug reportOpenHighApplying any file-based qml style to a postgres table results in applying its default style2019-03-09 03:34 PM
17672Bug reportOpenHighssl error: certificate validate failed with postgis and qgis 2.18.152018-12-31 02:48 PM
17611Bug and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QGIS 2.18.14, GRASS 7.2.0)2019-03-09 02:56 PM
17603Bug reportOpenHighArea calculation issue changing the Coordinate Reference System2019-03-09 07:19 PM
17548Feature requestFeedbackHighAutomatically populate layer metadata for WMS layers2018-02-13 10:59 AM
17416Bug reportOpenHighCrash on enabling 3D renderer for point layerMartin Dobias2018-11-08 08:29 PM
17404Bug reportFeedbackHighWindows does not show unicode characters2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17315Bug reportFeedbackHigh3D Viewer: QGIS Crash when activating 3D Map view and 3D renderer2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17311Bug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added using the OGR drivers (not the native provider)2019-02-19 04:53 PM
17244Bug reportOpenHighNew node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers in the DB)2019-01-24 08:39 AM
17243Bug reportIn ProgressHighQGIS 3 vertex editor problems2018-12-06 09:47 AM
17124Bug reportOpenHighEditing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent2018-10-04 10:43 PM
17019Bug reportFeedbackHighOff-line editing does not work with WFS-T layers with mixed simple and multi geoms2019-03-09 04:28 PM
16992Bug reportOpenHighUnresponsive ArcGis MapServer layer makes QGIS eat CPU after being closedSandro Mani2019-03-16 10:32 PM
16985Bug reportOpenHighReshape Features can't handle resulting exclaves2019-02-25 02:37 PM
16946Feature requestOpenHighSplit Line Features2017-08-01 11:53 AM
16942Bug reportOpenHighWMS/WFS layers do not show in the OWS group of the QGIS browser2018-09-18 03:24 PM
16897Bug reportOpenHighshift rotated labels in map composer2019-05-07 09:32 AM
16866Bug reportFeedbackHighRenderUnit::RenderMetersInMapUnits: no preview Image in Symbology-Dialog2019-03-09 04:28 PM
16315Feature requestOpenHighProper Mask Functionality 2017-05-19 03:51 PM
16096Feature requestOpenHighQGIS Server proxy settings2018-11-28 11:26 PM
16060Bug reportOpenHighMulti geometry on oracle table2019-03-05 03:11 PM
15652Feature requestOpenHighAdd option for OGR data sources to be opened in read only modeEven Rouault2019-04-17 11:03 PM
15600Bug reportOpenHighSelecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong resultsHugo Mercier2019-01-01 05:24 PM
15413Feature requestOpenHighShow printing boundary in Composer2017-09-22 09:55 AM
13622Feature requestOpenHighCreate the possibility to make attribute queries with mapped values using QML files2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13465Feature requestOpenHighIdentify Results panel : clicking on "Clear results" should close all feature attribute's form2017-05-01 12:46 AM
13283Feature requestFeedbackHighRelative paths to files and photos2017-05-01 12:46 AM
12058Feature requestOpenHighFunction Editor in Expression widget : a button to delete a useless functionNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:47 AM
11888Feature requestOpenHighWarn the user when OGR "stretched" the column width to accommodate values2017-05-01 12:47 AM
10263Bug reportOpenHighFreeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex polygon and points2019-02-12 07:43 AM
10137Bug reportOpenHighProcessing stripping out +towgs params2018-11-15 04:00 PM
9737Feature requestOpenHighPartial canvas redraw2017-05-01 12:47 AM
7706Feature requestOpenHighGeometry constructors (EWKT/EWKB)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7581Feature requestOpenHighraster calculator really needs support for conditional statements (to allow reclassify rasters)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7235Feature requestOpenHighAdd option to avoid users producing invalid topologies while digitising2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7145Feature requestOpenHighShow layer groups in "identifiable layers" and "snapping options" panels2017-05-01 12:48 AM
6894Feature requestIn ProgressHighGRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on WindowsVictor Olaya2018-12-11 10:36 AM
6255Feature requestFeedbackHighAdd button to force recalculating stats of raster layers2017-05-01 12:48 AM
22134Bug reportOpenNormalUnable to copy selected rows from attibute table while it is docked2019-05-24 08:08 AM
22133Bug reportFeedbackNormalform not loaded properly from qml file2019-05-23 07:32 PM
22132Bug reportFeedbackNormalSlow Vector Layer Line Rendering Speed2019-05-23 07:26 PM
22127Bug reportFeedbackNormalWhen clearing a field, default value is not applied, instead QGIS attepts to insert the UI text hint2019-05-23 11:26 AM
22121Feature requestOpenNormalSort inputs parameters in QGIS modeler2019-05-22 08:19 PM
22113Bug reportOpenNormalAttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'exc_type' 2019-05-21 01:05 PM
22112Feature requestOpenNormalName of layout for export2019-05-21 09:36 AM
22109Bug reportOpenNormalCrashing on Save and Exit2019-05-20 09:38 PM
22108Feature requestOpenNormalIn Print Layouts, allow spacing after groups and sub-groups in Legends2019-05-20 08:39 PM
22106Bug reportOpenNormalBrowser - "Project home" folder shortcut does not appear when a new project is savedAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-20 03:09 PM
22104Bug reportOpenNormalzonal histogram wrong2019-05-21 10:47 AM
22103Bug reportFeedbackNormalGRASS module -- combobox to select label field only lists numeric fields2019-05-21 10:59 AM
22101Feature requestOpenNormalfunction as min, max, average is not available2019-05-19 08:39 AM
22099Feature requestOpenNormalMake Designing forms in QGIS friendly2019-05-18 03:58 PM
22098Bug reportOpenNormalSource window GCP point not showing2019-05-18 12:18 AM
22096Bug reportOpenNormalPanels not docking and some invisible2019-05-17 05:16 PM
22095Bug reportOpenNormalInstaller does not honour drive selection nor provides warnings on C drive space when C drive is not the chosen driveJürgen Fischer2019-05-17 01:26 PM
22090Bug reportFeedbackNormalDialog when removing not available layers2019-05-17 07:44 PM
22085Feature requestFeedbackNormalUse Z and M values at vertex and/or Attribute Value at feature for 3D Rendering2019-05-21 07:25 AM
22084Bug reportFeedbackNormalTool Icons disappear from menu2019-05-18 12:25 PM
22081Feature requestOpenNormalAdd option to zoom to extent of saved bookmark in Map composer2019-05-15 10:20 AM
22079Bug reportFeedbackNormalWeekly snapshot issueJürgen Fischer2019-05-17 08:50 PM
22078Bug reportFeedbackNormalExport as TIFF from WMS reports success but nothing happens2019-05-17 07:56 PM
22073Bug reportFeedbackNormalData defined size does not block the normal size menu2019-05-21 08:39 AM
22068Bug reportOpenNormalLayer Properties- Attributes Form (Width)2019-05-14 09:14 AM
22066Bug reportOpenNormalValid file URL link fails in Identify window2019-05-14 09:18 AM
22065Bug reportOpenNormalQGis crashes due to conflicting versions of HDF5 libraries when importing h5py module from python plugin2019-05-13 06:32 PM
22064Bug reportOpenNormal[Qgis 3.6 - composer] Qgis crashed with a map type's object wich have been rotated2019-05-13 03:36 PM
22062Bug reportOpenNormalvalue relation widget - drive down lists, wrong saved values2019-05-13 03:19 PM
22061Feature requestOpenNormalSelect visible layers (blocks) from tiff2019-05-13 10:32 AM
22060Bug reportOpenNormalWMS - Zoom to native resolution2019-05-13 09:52 AM
22059Bug reportOpenNormalWMS "Add Default Servers" button removal2019-05-13 09:20 AM
22058Bug reportOpenNormalCheck for update suggests wrong option2019-05-13 01:57 AM
22057Bug reportOpenNormal"Load/Save" connections2019-05-13 01:41 AM
22056Feature requestOpenNormalConsistent layer adding for services2019-05-13 01:28 AM
22055Bug reportOpenNormalName/title field wrong way around for ArcGIS MapServerSandro Mani2019-05-13 01:10 AM
22054Feature requestOpenNormalWFS - show and filter the keywords field2019-05-13 10:41 AM
22053Bug reportOpenNormalFilter on WFS only filters on title field2019-05-13 01:11 AM
22052Bug reportOpenNormalBad error message on WFS connection fail2019-05-13 09:14 AM
22045Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes with VNC connection2019-05-10 03:50 PM
22041Feature requestIn ProgressNormalMSSQL: Add support for v2 geometries (MSSQL2012+)Tamas Szekeres2019-05-09 10:56 PM
22038Bug reportOpenNormalInconsistent intervals for similar labels in graduated classification2019-05-10 10:54 AM
22034Bug reportOpenNormalprogress bar never ends for some batch mode operations2019-05-11 06:00 PM
22032Feature requestOpenNormalAllow join fields to use expressions2019-05-09 01:07 PM
22030Bug reportFeedbackNormalError importing cover from Geoserver WFS service2019-05-09 12:38 PM
22029Bug reportOpenNormalWrong Python default path in QGIS server on macOS2019-05-09 09:14 AM
22024Bug reportFeedbackNormalFeature edits dont save - temp layer 2019-05-09 12:45 PM
22023Bug reportOpenNormalUbuntu: apt-get update can no longer verify gpg key at 09:35 PM
22021Bug reportFeedbackNormalGeoReferencer crash2019-05-09 12:46 PM
22020Feature requestOpenNormal[processing][xyz tiles] append zoom levels to an existing mbtiles2019-05-08 01:44 PM
22019Feature requestOpenNormalAdd GRASS "turntable" parameters to modulesGiovanni Manghi2019-05-09 01:36 PM
22015Bug reportFeedbackNormalCrash on export image2019-05-09 12:50 PM
22012Feature requestOpenNormalAdd "point on surface" to label placement options2019-05-13 10:42 AM
22008Bug reportOpenNormalBatch processing error in r.mapcalc.simple2019-05-07 09:30 AM
22006Bug reportOpenNormalVertex tool not working on lines when style assigned2019-05-13 09:33 AM
22003Bug reportFeedbackNormalAlmost Instant Crash2019-05-07 06:45 PM
22001Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager > History: current_user not written when updating2019-05-06 01:12 PM
21997Bug reportOpenNormalBrowser: dropping a view fails2019-05-05 10:13 AM
21994Bug reportOpenNormalPrint layout legend "feature count" shows feature count for entire layer when "filter legend by map content" is on2019-05-03 07:08 PM
21984Bug reportOpenNormalThe composer export functions don't remember last used path on mapped network drives2019-05-03 10:01 AM
21982Feature requestOpenNormalMaking virtual fields more visible 2019-05-03 09:01 AM
21981Bug reportOpenNormalGraduated symbology classes in histogram tab2019-05-03 08:58 AM
21979Bug reportOpenNormal"Order by expression" doesn't order anything2019-05-02 05:44 PM
21977Feature requestOpenNormalMore control over font style in composer labels and legend2019-05-02 04:30 PM
21976Feature requestOpenNormalData loader2019-05-02 01:09 PM
21975Bug reportFeedbackNormalpython support not enabled after install2019-05-02 02:12 PM
21970Feature requestOpenNormalMarker line, more options for placement and size2019-05-02 08:47 AM
21968Feature requestOpenNormalMore styling options for custom NULL representation2019-05-01 08:31 PM
21965Bug reportFeedbackNormalDifferent length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.42019-05-02 10:06 AM
21962Bug reportFeedbackNormalJPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box2019-05-02 01:37 PM
21961Bug reportFeedbackNormalLayer Panel display for point data layer unusable.2019-05-02 03:27 PM
21957Bug reportFeedbackNormalGeoreferencer plugin does not work2019-05-01 05:44 PM
21954Bug reportFeedbackNormalchange data source and style gets overridden2019-04-30 09:21 AM
21952Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS Server does not well provide type for virtual field.2019-05-16 10:26 AM
21950Bug reportOpenNormallayer properties panel hides labels2019-05-01 06:01 PM
21947Bug reportFeedbackNormalHeatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer2019-05-02 01:21 PM
21945Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for more color blindness types to Preview Modes2019-04-26 06:30 PM
21942Feature requestOpenNormalGlobal Settings for Decorations (across projects/sessions)2019-04-26 06:19 PM
21941Feature requestOpenNormalScaleBar text needs to be able to be changed/modified for rounding/precision changes2019-04-26 05:08 PM
21940Feature requestOpenNormalBrowser file copying and moving capabilities2019-04-26 04:48 PM
21939Feature requestOpenNormalBrowser refresh with F5 keystroke2019-04-26 04:47 PM
21938Feature requestOpenNormalAutoupdater for QGIS2019-04-26 08:16 PM
21933Bug reportFeedbackNormalGPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy2019-04-26 01:47 PM
21926Bug reportOpenNormal"with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when saving the style to SLD2019-05-03 08:04 PM
21925Bug reportOpenNormalGRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS2019-05-03 08:20 PM
21924Bug reportFeedbackNormalthe r.neighbors command does not work2019-05-23 06:39 AM
21922Bug reportFeedbackNormalshapefile to raster conversion does not work2019-05-22 03:35 PM
21918Bug reportOpenNormalQgsCollapsibleGroupBox - QtEditor - Editing of child widgets fails when box is collapsed2019-04-24 12:07 PM
21913Bug reportOpenNormalattribute header names are not saved2019-04-24 03:45 PM
21911Bug reportOpenNormalInvarid value for Custom Variables in "Read Me.rtf" in Mac OSX 3.4.6 dmg2019-05-15 10:15 PM
21908Bug reportOpenNormalconstraints: "expression" and "expression description" are swapped upon reopening the vector properties2019-04-23 10:10 AM
21907Feature requestOpenNormalthe "not null" constraint works if the attribute shows literally "NULL" while does not work if the cell is empty2019-04-23 06:38 PM
21906Bug reportOpenNormalconstraints do not work in table "form view" or "table view"2019-04-23 06:42 PM
21901Feature requestOpenNormalcustom name for temporary output of Processing2019-04-22 03:09 AM
21899Bug reportOpenNormalSpatialite isn't working correctly on macOS2019-05-04 01:49 PM
21897Bug reportOpenNormalMissing CP949 (Korean) encoding at GRASS processing2019-04-23 08:53 AM
21896Bug reportOpenNormalAttribute Form keeping settings after column deletion2019-04-23 09:20 AM
21895Bug reportOpenNormalDefault values and expression calculator not working together2019-04-23 09:13 AM
21894Bug reportOpenNormalSelected sub-item of Join doesn't count for editing2019-04-23 08:58 AM
21893Bug reportOpenNormalSelected join isn't visually selectedMatthias Kuhn2019-04-23 08:52 AM
21892Feature requestOpenNormalDefault value for empty JoinMatthias Kuhn2019-04-21 12:52 PM

1 2 3 4 ... 16 (201-400/3106) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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