

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
19565Feature requestOpenNormalDirectory of tool Add from layer definition file2018-08-08 11:26 AM
19529Feature requestOpenNormalAdd edit geometries with query filter2018-08-03 11:06 AM
19520Feature requestOpenNormalplease turn Geodesic Measurement tool window into a QGIS Panel2018-07-31 06:31 PM
19519Feature requestFeedbackNormalAdd buttons [Stop] / [Only LineStrings] / [Only polygons] / {All} to dialog Select vector Layers to Add...2018-12-24 09:38 AM
19516Feature requestOpenNormalLarger preview graphics of TTF-FontMarker Symbology Type in layer properties2018-07-31 09:16 AM
19507Feature requestOpenNormalenable\disable layer using shortcut QGIS 3.22018-07-29 01:23 PM
19504Feature requestOpenNormalFreehand button for Polygons an Lines2018-07-30 10:58 AM
19503Feature requestOpenNormalDistribute map format .qgd2018-07-30 11:01 AM
19497Feature requestFeedbackNormalRotate point symbols when "custom expression" is active2018-07-27 10:13 PM
19470Feature requestOpenNormalGDAL rasterize - add support for "burn in" to existing rasters, 'add' parameterGiovanni Manghi2018-08-16 09:04 AM
19456Feature requestOpenNormalNon-blocking Database Manager dialogs2018-07-20 04:54 PM
19443Feature requestFeedbackNormalmajority/minority2018-07-18 10:00 AM
19430Feature requestOpenNormalMouse icon lagging behind on remote desktop2018-07-17 09:26 AM
19427Feature requestOpenNormal[Style Manager] Add a way to abort item's tagging2018-07-16 06:21 PM
19414Feature requestOpenNormalDecoration -> Scale Bar, needs more unit selections2018-07-13 12:48 PM
19408Feature requestOpenNormalShapefile displayed layer name based on style2018-07-13 10:27 AM
19402Feature requestOpenNormal[Aggregates] Allow majority and minority statistics on non-numeric fields2018-07-12 11:09 AM
19399Feature requestOpenNormalMake status bar into two toolbars with controls as tb widgets2018-07-12 06:59 AM
19393Feature requestOpenNormalDouble click shows selected feature informations2018-07-11 05:27 PM
19389Feature requestOpenNormalKeep unavailable (defect) online ressources in QGIS when opening a qgis project file2018-07-11 09:38 AM
19379Feature requestOpenHighprecision option in vector tools select/join by location2018-09-18 09:21 AM
19375Feature requestOpenNormalhide legend classes2018-07-10 08:35 AM
19370Feature requestFeedbackNormalEnable bold for layer labels is too difficult2018-07-11 01:01 PM
19367Feature requestOpenNormalImport data sources, no names for multiple files2018-07-09 05:26 PM
19362Feature requestOpenNormalLabels hard to position by hand2018-07-09 04:43 PM

1 ... 12 13 14 15 16 ... 125 (326-350/3106) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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