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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
19928Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for rule-based labeling in SLD styles2018-09-24 12:38 PM
19915Feature requestOpenNormalShow rubber band in print layout2018-09-21 04:31 PM
19913Feature requestOpenNormalMake Map composer grid parametrable throught the use of atlas layer attributes2018-09-21 02:21 PM
19905Feature requestOpenNormalCopy/paste attribute table conditional formatting to other columns or even projects2018-09-21 04:27 AM
19903Feature requestOpenNormalRelation reference widget : data is limited to the first 100 items, make it configurable in the widget options2018-09-21 11:43 AM
19889Feature requestOpenNormalEnable Snapping in Coordinate Capture2018-09-19 08:31 AM
19883Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Polygon feature: double (left click) to end the creation 2018-09-18 06:07 PM
19864Feature requestOpenNormalData source Manager Inconsistency between the browser and left column2018-09-17 11:45 AM
19849Feature requestFeedbackNormalConvex hull by Field, not anymore?2018-09-14 06:11 PM
19848Feature requestOpenNormalShared borders as result of processing-intersect-tool (like in ArcGIS-Basic-Version)2018-09-14 11:14 AM
19832Feature requestReopenedNormalDelete layers/files rather than remove2018-10-01 05:12 PM
19822Feature requestOpenNormalPanning/move on QGIS using WASD/keyboard buttons2018-09-11 04:25 PM
19815Feature requestOpenNormalDefault primary key identification posts2018-09-11 01:10 AM
19810Feature requestOpenNormalQGIS3: Coordinate Reference System Selector "apply to all"2018-09-10 08:03 PM
19784Feature requestOpenNormalmake the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boundaries2018-10-01 05:46 PM
19769Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a variable returning the current map theme2018-09-11 05:25 PM
19768Feature requestOpenNormal[Expression] Make translatable the help of the custom function template2018-09-04 02:42 PM
19767Feature requestOpenNormalMissing parameter in batch processing of 'Select by location' and missing scaling of fields2018-09-04 02:33 PM
19754Feature requestOpenNormalSupport for reading and processing JSON files2018-09-03 11:36 AM
19752Feature requestOpenNormal[Processing] Add fields to the "Interpolate point on line" algorithm output2018-09-02 11:09 PM
19745Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a function to list layers with features actually visible in a layout map item2018-09-01 10:39 AM
19730Feature requestOpenNormalLegend attribute sum2018-08-29 01:37 PM
19719Feature requestOpenNormalSave/load style to PostgreSQL database from Layer styling panel and from layer right-click menu2018-08-28 09:46 AM
19717Feature requestOpenNormalLegend to reflect map theme in layouts/ reports2018-08-28 06:32 AM
19715Feature requestOpenNormalSymbology option: suppress shared polygon boundaries2018-08-27 07:44 PM

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