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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15336Bug reportFeedbackNormal(Shape file) Layer extent not updated on project load2019-03-09 04:27 PM
17462Bug reportFeedbackNormalLayer symbology in layer panel behaves weirdly when the legend entries for diagram size with "Separated legend items" option is updated2019-03-09 04:28 PM
21496Bug reportFeedbackNormalNetwork disabled after time2019-03-06 11:29 AM
15310Bug reportOpenNormalSelecting many features in the attribute table is very slow2019-03-16 10:25 PM
18874Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3D map viewer crashes on WCS/WMTS layers in 3.0.22018-05-05 05:51 PM
20127Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Esri shapefile format is listed twice in file selector dialog when running in batch2018-10-17 01:48 PM
17461Bug reportFeedbackNormalApplying the vector layer properties dialog when diagram legend is enabled should not collapse the layer symbology in the Layer Panel2019-03-09 04:28 PM
17196Bug reportOpenNormalRubber band is not correctly displayed when map is rotated2019-01-21 10:22 AM
17445Bug reportFeedbackNormalCustom Certificate Configuration on 2.99 on Ubuntu 17.102019-03-09 04:28 PM
17437Bug reportFeedbackNormalQgsFileDownloader tests need to be rewritten with a local server2019-03-09 04:28 PM
19041Bug reportOpenNormalProblems with legend fonts for some fonts2018-05-28 12:42 AM
18933Bug reportOpenNormalVirtual layer crash when layer name not valid2018-05-10 10:33 AM
19791Bug reportOpenNormal3d map in layout shows blank screen2018-09-06 11:51 PM
21562Bug reportFeedbackNormalopening filesystem dialogs very slow on MacOS2019-03-31 10:28 PM
16766Bug reportOpenNormalData defined Assistant: closing the dialog without setting an expression invalidates the widget2018-02-28 10:27 AM
15020Bug reportOpenNormalCustomization: the widget catcher can't select icon from a toolbar when it's under a group of icons2018-02-27 07:28 PM
21327Bug reportOpenNormal[Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to select style categories (and output format)2019-02-26 06:50 PM
17362Bug reportFeedbackNormalNode Tool Selects Invisible Objects2019-03-09 04:28 PM
19783Bug reportOpenNormal< WFSLayers > not cleaned in project file when layer is removed2018-09-18 08:05 PM
19363Bug reportOpenNormalCan't lock the map scale in canvas2018-12-19 09:01 AM
21359Bug reportOpenNormalPopped Out Panels Can't be Re-docked 2019-03-04 08:23 PM
22045Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes with VNC connection2019-05-10 03:50 PM
14955Bug reportOpenNormalLayer name completion in Virtual Layer query window fails on whitespace2019-03-16 10:26 PM
17700Bug reportFeedbackNormal[Regular Shape] Allow undo click when digitizing new features2019-03-09 04:34 PM
16768Bug reportFeedbackNormalNo default application style setting (on windows?)2019-03-09 04:28 PM

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