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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20819Feature requestOpenNormalPanoramic 3d maps (make field of view parametrable)2018-12-16 02:03 PM
10837Feature requestOpenNormalEnable multi core rendering in Print Composer2017-05-01 12:47 AM
18971Feature requestOpenNormalChange data source of a vector layer2018-05-17 03:07 PM
10806Feature requestOpenNormalAttribute table: add option to allow only "correct" name of the head tables2017-05-01 12:47 AM
21207Feature requestOpenNormalInclude a script to launch command line with current Python installation configured to bin folderJürgen Fischer2019-02-08 02:02 PM
10743Feature requestOpenNormalwavelength support for hyperspectral images2017-05-01 12:47 AM
19300Feature requestOpenNormalCould there be a way to default "Show Feature Count" to on for all layers?2018-06-29 02:46 AM
10789Feature requestOpenNormalPrint preview2017-05-01 12:47 AM
17482Feature requestOpenNormalAdd support for PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB column types2018-12-03 10:42 AM
9458Feature requestOpenNormalAdd more shortcuts buttons to field calculator and expression builder2017-05-01 12:48 AM
10884Feature requestOpenNormalOSM data loaded with "Add Vector layer" can be incomplete2017-05-01 12:47 AM
10886Feature requestOpenNormalrelative color tables for raster data2017-05-01 12:47 AM
7564Feature requestOpenNormalautoload form when stored with .shpNathan Woodrow2017-09-22 10:06 AM
5217Feature requestOpenNormalRendering Symbol level: merge the boundary when the level is the same2017-05-01 12:50 AM
16781Feature requestOpenNormalRotated labels bounding box when editing2017-07-02 11:48 AM
18603Feature requestOpenNormalQGIS3: inform, which geometries have been fixedVictor Olaya2018-04-04 09:12 PM
16744Feature requestOpenNormalVariables: extend map/canvas extent related variables to other parts2017-06-22 02:35 PM
17328Feature requestOpenNormalOpen and display "complex type" GeoTIFF2017-10-25 12:06 PM
7471Feature requestOpenNormal[composer] Option to avoid drawing overlapping grid coordinates2017-05-01 12:48 AM
7463Feature requestOpenNormalAdd indexing support for attributes selections2017-05-01 12:48 AM
9531Feature requestOpenNormalAllow QGIS Relations to use composite keys2018-10-24 06:22 PM
22054Feature requestOpenNormalWFS - show and filter the keywords field2019-05-13 10:41 AM
17360Feature requestOpenNormalAdd possibility to define default values in DB Manager2017-10-30 03:03 PM
10533Feature requestOpenNormalfield calculator bar: Output Preview2018-03-19 06:27 PM
17372Feature requestOpenNormalSUpport for multi-geometry WFS2017-11-02 12:18 PM

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