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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21948Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashing while using Advanced Digitizing with snapping enabled2019-05-01 06:08 PM
22027Bug reportFeedbackHighCrash when deleting multiple (co-selected) objects from layout2019-05-09 12:44 PM
21841Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on exit2019-04-18 01:08 PM
21927Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes2019-04-30 06:28 PM
21363Bug reportOpenHighBug with scale bar in 3.4.42019-03-24 08:44 PM
17691Bug reportOpenHighApplying any file-based qml style to a postgres table results in applying its default style2019-03-09 03:34 PM
17315Bug reportFeedbackHigh3D Viewer: QGIS Crash when activating 3D Map view and 3D renderer2019-03-09 04:28 PM
18477Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"2019-03-06 06:10 PM
20563Bug reportOpenHighMySQL connection fails2019-03-09 11:06 AM
20387Bug reportOpenHighThe call to matplotlib tricontour causes QGIS to crash2018-11-07 12:09 PM
18474Bug reportOpenHighLayer style effects not supported by the legend2018-03-18 09:59 PM
17019Bug reportFeedbackHighOff-line editing does not work with WFS-T layers with mixed simple and multi geoms2019-03-09 04:28 PM
19099Bug reportOpenHighData defined Size legend is wrong when using separated symbols2018-11-07 06:17 PM
21928Bug reportOpenHighediting in spatial oracle2019-05-02 10:05 AM
21250Bug reportOpenHighQGIS 3 Layer Filter error with Unicode field name2019-03-09 04:57 PM
18554Bug reportOpenHighToggling Hidden Widget doesn't do anything anymore2018-12-17 08:07 PM
21919Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crash2019-04-24 01:57 PM
20414Bug reportFeedbackHighMSSQL: Layer loads but does not display (Attribute Table correct)2019-03-08 11:56 AM
21570Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashed opening output composition2019-03-12 09:58 PM
19557Bug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes when adding multiple WFS layers from a geoserver instance2019-02-12 07:47 PM
20434Bug reportOpenHighCrash when reseting map view scale factor2018-11-12 12:11 PM
21788Bug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste fails from one layer to another when layer has NOT NULL constraints and transaction groups are enabled2019-04-08 11:40 AM
19801Bug reportOpenHighWFS not working at all2019-03-08 11:33 AM
21557Bug reportOpenHighCan't delete vertexes without removing the ones of an adjacent feature2019-03-12 05:27 PM
21920Bug reportFeedbackHighPoints Geometry Become Cluster2019-04-30 06:29 PM

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