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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21987Feature requestClosedNormal [processing][xyz tiles] Allow TMS tiles convention when generating tiles2019-05-18 11:34 AM
21944Feature requestClosedNormalBring Preview Modes into Map Composer2019-04-30 03:34 AM
21853Feature requestClosedNormalExtending snap?2019-04-16 01:26 PM
21787Feature requestClosedNormalGetFeatureInfo responses with URLs should be clickableAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-15 04:46 PM
21687Feature requestClosedNormalQGIS Server/Desktop: Configurable thousand separators per field/widgetAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-11 11:23 PM
21606Feature requestClosedNormalAbility to rename plugins in plugin repository 2019-03-19 03:19 AM
21601Feature requestClosedNormalRotate vector polygon feature by specified vertex2019-03-27 12:49 PM
21540Feature requestClosedNormalCreate 3D Cross-sections2019-03-10 08:23 AM
21510Feature requestClosedNormalMesh layers: add absolute time2019-03-07 02:14 PM
21499Feature requestClosedNormalText alignment modes on line features2019-03-06 02:04 PM
21300Feature requestClosedNormalIt is not possible to export all frames from QGIS 3d animations as imagesPeter Petrik2019-02-27 08:59 AM
21293Feature requestClosedNormalMake Geopackage Layer Descriptions more accessible and usable2019-02-18 08:55 AM
21284Feature requestClosedNormal[Expression] Allow negative value for vertex index in angle_at_vertex/distance_at_vertex/point_n... functionsMathieu Pellerin - nIRV2019-03-13 05:49 AM
21257Feature requestClosedNormalAffiche sur des écrans 4K de PC portables2019-02-14 10:40 AM
21164Feature requestClosedNormalFind unmaintained pluginsPaolo Cavallini2019-02-08 01:17 PM
21047Feature requestClosedNormalNight Mode2019-01-20 10:24 PM
21003Feature requestClosedNormalInterface Customization - ActionMoveFeature Missing2019-01-15 02:32 PM
20992Feature requestClosedNormalSpecify project file through a FastCGI paramÉric Lemoine2019-01-15 09:02 PM
20983Feature requestClosedNormalAbility to rotate features to geometry generator2019-05-06 09:40 PM
20975Feature requestClosedNormalInstalación de QGIS2019-01-11 03:58 PM
20936Feature requestClosedNormalQad2019-01-07 05:50 PM
20903Feature requestRejectedNormalPlugins for 3.4.2 for QGISJürgen Fischer2019-01-02 09:05 AM
20849Feature requestClosedNormalGive proper layer names for ProcessingAlgorithms output layers2018-12-24 10:08 AM
20785Feature requestClosedNormalPlease add scrollbar in Symbol Selector > Gradient Fill2018-12-12 09:35 AM
20722Feature requestClosedNormalMesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel?Peter Petrik2019-02-01 03:39 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 670 (76-100/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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