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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
19580Bug reportRejectedNormalUndocked panel shifting (sometimes...)2018-08-10 03:45 PM
20924Bug reportRejectedNormalUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 5178-5179: invalid continuation byte2019-01-05 08:39 PM
20317Bug reportRejectedNormalVDI packaging of QGIS 3.4 not working. 2018-11-04 09:27 PM
5413Bug reportRejectedHighVirus in grass-6.4.2 package, QGIS 1.7.42012-04-19 03:12 AM
7158Bug reportRejectedNormalVirus in the current version 1.8.0-22013-02-15 02:20 AM
18212Bug reportRejectedNormalVoronoi creates overlapping polygonsVictor Olaya2018-02-26 08:48 AM
21380Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS GET requests default to using "hostname:80' in the host header instead of just "hostname"2019-03-21 04:53 PM
14681Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS Layer - Static Character Encoding2016-10-06 01:27 PM
15361Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS can't add multilinestring2016-10-06 01:10 PM
10577Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS data provaider crashes when "Cache Feature" is activated2014-06-13 06:51 AM
14579Bug reportRejectedNormalWeird OGR Error using MMQGIS to geocode2017-09-22 10:05 AM
15191Bug reportRejectedLowWhen cancel "script opening", occurs an error2016-07-08 01:15 AM
15585Bug reportRejectedNormalWhere can I find binaries of current stable version for OS X?2017-09-22 09:55 AM
20056Bug reportRejectedNormalWhere is Zonal Statistics?2018-10-09 09:23 AM
17820Bug reportRejectedHigh[Processing] Union algorithm does not pick attributes from the other layerVictor Olaya2018-01-15 08:20 AM
18680Bug reportRejectedNormal[Processing]"Contains" and "Does not contain" operators do no work with not string fields2018-05-06 03:09 PM
20124Bug reportRejectedLow[mdal] Refreshing the canvas does not reload the meshPeter Petrik2019-05-03 03:27 PM
12582Bug reportRejectedNormalbuildvrt causes QGIS to crash2017-01-24 03:01 AM
21650Bug reportRejectedNormalcalculator not returning correct area2019-03-22 04:31 PM
4120Bug reportRejectedNormalcannot use the plugin installer when installed using osgeo4w setup2011-08-01 01:02 AM
16772Bug reportRejectedNormalcheck validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self-intersection2017-07-01 11:01 AM
15018Bug reportRejectedHighclosing a docked attribute window crashes QGIS2017-09-22 10:05 AM
18756Bug reportRejectedNormalcrash opening a map with UTF-8 character type2018-04-18 09:18 PM
9036Bug reportRejectedNormaldb manager's spatialite node gone in latest qgis master 2014-01-23 11:31 PM
18657Bug reportRejectedNormalerror after used SCP plugin2018-05-06 12:57 PM

1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 620 (176-200/15486) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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