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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15579Bug reportRejectedNormalCopy & Paste Issue Attibute table2017-05-13 10:19 AM
16397Bug reportRejectedHigh"hidden" edit widget does not work on QGIS 2.18 (and master)Matthias Kuhn2017-05-12 03:55 PM
16519Bug reportRejectedHighProcessing: error when to trying to reproject layerVictor Olaya2017-05-05 09:52 AM
13936Bug reportRejectedNormalR script and data type qlonglong the output was always emptyVictor Olaya2017-05-03 07:37 PM
13563Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing: R plots are too smallVictor Olaya2017-05-03 07:35 PM
16126Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing: Tools for LiDAR data2017-05-03 07:28 PM
15654Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing: TrainImagesClassifier (libvm) returns an error messageVictor Olaya2017-05-03 07:18 PM
16211Bug reportRejectedNormalRandom Extract within Subsets saving only one subsetVictor Olaya2017-05-03 02:59 PM
14669Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing: Kriging rscripts/Kriging_with_model_selection.rsx problem with solutionVictor Olaya2017-05-01 11:06 AM
16069Bug reportRejectedNormalRandom extract Processing test fails2017-04-27 04:28 AM
16442Bug reportRejectedNormalNavigationToolbar2Qt symbols missing?2017-04-19 06:10 AM
13080Bug reportRejectedHighQT Forms. Opening two forms using IdentifyFeatures crashes2017-03-08 06:36 AM
12582Bug reportRejectedNormalbuildvrt causes QGIS to crash2017-01-24 03:01 AM
14681Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS Layer - Static Character Encoding2016-10-06 01:27 PM
15361Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS can't add multilinestring2016-10-06 01:10 PM
15564Bug reportRejectedNormalChange default value in Vector | Research Tools | Grid | Parameters2016-09-15 01:15 AM
15480Bug reportRejectedNormalprocessing modeler: 'run model' and 'edit model help' does not workVictor Olaya2016-08-23 05:04 AM
15366Bug reportRejectedSevere/RegressionAttribute table sorts numeric values like text2016-08-01 05:55 AM
15191Bug reportRejectedLowWhen cancel "script opening", occurs an error2016-07-08 01:15 AM
15121Bug reportRejectedNormalJoin Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributesVictor Olaya2016-06-24 12:08 AM
14993Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing not compatible with QGIS 2.8 or 2.10Victor Olaya2016-06-10 03:32 AM
14948Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing creategridVictor Olaya2016-06-10 01:07 AM
14937Bug reportRejectedLowExpose "Featured" plugins in plugin managerBorys Jurgiel2016-06-01 02:47 AM
14150Bug reportRejectedNormaltuple index out of range when trying to launch Command: load from commander 2016-05-26 05:50 AM
10139Bug reportRejectedNormalSaving queries option missing?2016-05-24 10:53 PM

1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 620 (126-150/15486) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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