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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15031Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression'Advanced Digizing Panel' issue2016-06-15 04:48 AM
14551Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiongeoreferencer projective transformation2016-06-14 07:16 PM
14675Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionPolygon area calculation error when the fly reprojection is activatedNyall Dawson2016-06-14 06:11 PM
15011Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionBrowser panel is unusable2016-06-14 04:47 AM
14514Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS master forgets network cache settings2016-06-14 03:48 AM
15026Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionregression: pasting (or loading via .qml) a raster style changes layer extent 2016-06-14 01:00 AM
14909Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionregression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute tableNathan Woodrow2016-06-14 12:40 AM
14575Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionattribute table errors when spatialite primary key is text 2016-06-13 06:54 AM
14626Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionSpatiaLite layer not displaying in QGIS 2.14, works ok in QGIS 2.82016-06-13 06:54 AM
14971Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression2.5D Style dialog is not usable2016-06-12 09:09 AM
14876Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionWFS client broken in QGIS masterEven Rouault2016-06-12 06:16 AM
14740Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionDB Manager: Previews do not work and python errorSalvatore Larosa2016-06-10 09:03 AM
14378Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionMapinfo Tables cannot be opened simultaneously in QGIS > 2.8.3 and MapInfo2016-06-09 06:55 AM
13847Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionsvg markers with svg files not defining viewBox fails to properly export, wrong outline sizeNyall Dawson2016-06-07 10:15 PM
14866Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionGPS Babel does not start from GPS plugin2016-06-06 09:06 AM
14933Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionGeometry generator symbol layer crashes QGIS for invalid SpatiaLite geoms2016-06-06 04:07 AM
14814Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS crashes using 2.5D Renderer for LinesMatthias Kuhn2016-06-06 03:36 AM
14938Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionDebian build failure in master.2016-06-02 05:47 AM
14873Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionattribute table sorting fails on column named "YEAR"2016-06-02 12:12 AM
14858Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionProcessing QGIS Zonal Stats broken on WindowsVictor Olaya2016-05-24 07:45 AM
14834Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionBroken Select by Expression algorithmVictor Olaya2016-05-23 04:27 AM
14860Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionProcessing QGIS/create constant layer does not workVictor Olaya2016-05-23 02:43 AM
13419Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCreating spatial index on Shapefile with invalid geometries will make the layer disappear in map canvas when zooming and panning2016-05-22 01:09 PM
14765Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionattribute table from fresh created shp file only shows 'id' and NULL's2016-05-08 11:57 PM
14741Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionDelete Ring issue2016-04-28 07:12 PM
14006Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCan't export layers from Postgis tables with Z component geometriesHugo Mercier2016-04-27 11:18 AM
14560Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionlayers with singular osm dataset fail to properly refresh on canvas extend change2016-04-26 08:28 PM
14732Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression@user_full_name and @user_account_name causes CrashesAndreas Neumann2016-04-26 03:52 AM
10537Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionConverting offline twice within the same instance causing unusable offline stateAlessandro Pasotti2016-04-21 11:49 PM
14010Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionConverting to Offline Editing of WFS-T layer causes minidumpAlessandro Pasotti2016-04-19 10:26 AM
14649Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionpython error adding/removing schemas/tables in DB Manager on QGIS master2016-04-14 12:05 AM
14436Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionFailure to connect to postgres database defined as service in DB managerAlessandro Pasotti2016-04-12 07:31 AM
13439Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS crashes when expanding the home node (gdb debug details provided)Radim Blazek2016-04-07 06:52 AM
14517Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS 2.14 Processing filter very slow/freezeVictor Olaya2016-04-06 02:57 AM
14611Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionpolyline rendering broken when line layer draws effect(s)2016-04-04 02:23 PM
14515Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionsub form is not visible in the identify feature form in qgismaster 5ae0445 (standard relation form-widget, generated by qgis)Matthias Kuhn2016-03-17 06:24 AM
14209Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression"Save as..." does not work for rasters2016-03-14 07:15 PM
14392Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS 2.14 has a wrong projection with rasters which are not in 43262016-03-14 06:20 PM
14445Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionstyle manager: search symbols by tags does not work anymoreNathan Woodrow2016-03-08 08:23 PM
13271Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS fails to launch or hang while exiting due to thread issue with OWS serversRadim Blazek2016-03-05 04:29 AM
13209Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionarea not calculated correctly with OTF onNyall Dawson2016-02-25 08:12 PM
14259Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionAdd help for some variable functions2016-02-25 02:18 PM
13291Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressiondefault project in qgis_mapserv.fcgi's directory is no longer readAlessandro Pasotti2016-02-24 11:30 PM
14237Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionDB Manager: python error adding a SL view using d&d2016-02-23 12:53 AM
14337Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionnode tool is not enable for 3d layersHugo Mercier2016-02-22 01:43 AM
13919Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionQGIS server security patch: random crashes and performance regressionNyall Dawson2016-02-21 06:08 PM
14298Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionJoins are duplicated when duplicating layersSebastian Dietrich2016-02-20 02:39 AM
14323Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionCheckbox "Control feature rendering order" is not honored2016-02-18 03:13 PM
14318Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression[postgresql 3d] cannot create linestring if snapping enabledHugo Mercier2016-02-18 12:00 AM
14279Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionProcessing: pythn error when running model within the modellerVictor Olaya2016-02-16 01:01 PM

1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 310 (251-300/15486) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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