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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1015Bug reportClosedLowmap legend resizenobody -2008-05-21 08:24 AM
1102Bug reportClosedLowDigitizing over an image hides image with white masknobody -2008-05-23 03:39 AM
1119Bug reportClosedLowDisplay field does not stick in general tab of layer propertiesJürgen Fischer2008-05-29 11:59 AM
1118Bug reportClosedLow"Display Field" option in layer properties greyed out for Postgis layersJürgen Fischer2008-05-29 11:59 AM
1097Bug reportClosedLowlabels should be scaled to the same size as in mapMarco Hugentobler2008-05-30 09:34 PM
1082Bug reportClosedLowMissing version 0.10.0 listed in New Ticket formnobody -2008-06-02 07:29 PM
1074Bug reportClosedLowWMS connection dialog does not see selectionTom Elwertowski2008-06-08 06:55 PM
1114Bug reportClosedLowNo digitizing when one table column is type timestamp?Jürgen Fischer2008-06-10 08:05 AM
1126Bug reportClosedLowPostGIS default Styles do not save public shemaJürgen Fischer2008-06-18 03:37 AM
1130Bug reportClosedLowQuery builder attaches sql clause to wrong entry when PostGIS table has multiple geometry columnsnobody -2008-06-23 02:15 AM
1128Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 0.10.0 crashes when using print composernobody -2008-07-02 12:58 AM
1006Bug reportClosedLowOGR provider opens multiple files per layerFrank Warmerdam -2008-07-09 12:24 AM
1229Bug reportClosedLowFindGEOS does not detect GEOS.Framework on OSX 10.5nobody -2008-08-21 01:46 PM
1234Bug reportClosedLowSuspicious retrival of active layer in dxf2shp converternobody -2008-08-21 03:51 PM
1235Bug reportClosedLowInvalid multiline string literal in dxf2shp converternobody -2008-08-21 03:52 PM
1236Bug reportClosedLowInvalid use of stream operator dxf2shp converternobody -2008-08-23 06:55 AM
1240Bug reportClosedLowInvalid preprocessor condition testing value of GEOS_VERSION_MAJORnobody -2008-08-23 07:12 AM
1469Bug reportClosedLowEnglish Workbook won't open in Acrobat 7nobody -2009-01-19 11:41 PM
1543Bug reportClosedLowopening .shp file created by pgsql2shp crashes QGIS and entire systemnobody -2009-02-15 09:34 PM
1557Bug reportClosedLowSPIT import shape in postgis multipoint -> invalid type MULTIMULTPOINTnobody -2009-02-20 08:26 AM
1560Bug reportClosedLowvirusnobody -2009-02-25 04:50 AM
1564Bug reportClosedLowCrash when changing edit widgets for vector layer attribute tablesnobody -2009-03-05 07:08 AM
1567Bug reportClosedLowWrong band order in "Identify Features"ersts -2009-03-14 12:43 PM
1544Bug reportClosedLowraster visualisationnobody -2009-03-16 10:24 AM
1562Bug reportClosedLowUnable to Open one or more project layernobody -2009-03-21 09:08 AM

1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 ... 620 (101-125/15486) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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