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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2760Bug reportClosedLowSpatiaLite Layers Not Displaying in PPC Mac2012-04-20 09:29 AM
2766Bug reportClosedNormalQuery failed if field value contains apostrophe2012-04-18 12:15 AM
2797Bug reportClosedLowChange EPSG for a WMS Layer2010-07-01 04:14 PM
2798Bug reportClosedHighResizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (especially painful in case of WMS)2014-02-08 09:05 AM
2806Bug reportClosedLowftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons2017-05-01 01:23 AM
2812Bug reportClosedLowMissing labels with the new labeling system2014-06-02 04:46 AM
2854Bug reportClosedLowExit-call in libqgis_core2012-06-29 07:08 AM
2856Bug reportClosedLowGrass toolbox filter input isn't labelled2015-12-15 08:56 AM
2857Bug reportClosedLowAutomatically change tools and right menu issue2014-06-02 04:27 AM
2865Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes if border style differ from Solid Line and scale is very high2011-12-23 06:22 AM
2866Bug reportClosedLowPolygon looks like filled if set border style differ from Solid Line2015-11-18 06:45 AM
2880Bug reportClosedLowmakefiles not parallel building proof2011-10-16 03:29 PM
2887Bug reportClosedLowLarge dbf file with export from postgis to shape2019-03-09 04:04 PM
2947Bug reportClosedNormalGRASS plugin mapset permission blocks use if user doesn't own PERMANENT2016-02-03 06:12 AM
2949Bug reportClosedNormalLabeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for objects whose geometry in not valid (checked whith ftools)2014-10-11 08:11 AM
2951Bug reportClosedLowLayers become non-editable2013-09-30 07:35 AM
2971Bug reportClosedLowTrunk r14153 - Turning an empty layer on and off zooms the map overview in and out2014-06-02 04:31 AM
2976Bug reportClosedLowWrong properties display for GRASS Raster2012-12-30 08:30 AM
2977Bug reportClosedLowMessy uninstallation of the standalone installer2011-12-10 05:55 AM
3002Bug reportClosedLowSlow conversion to spatialite using "Save as"2012-01-23 11:30 PM
3004Bug reportClosedLowDXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work2011-06-19 07:44 AM
3036Bug reportClosedLowsave to shapefile for postgis layers with too long column names doesn't work2013-10-01 03:11 AM
3049Bug reportClosedLowGdalTools: merging images with different colormaps2017-02-07 01:21 AM
3053Bug reportClosedLowVector layer is disappeared after opening Event Browser window2019-03-09 04:04 PM
3055Bug reportClosedLow(OsX) cannot type "@" in the GRASS shell2014-06-20 03:20 AM

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