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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5413Bug reportRejectedHighVirus in grass-6.4.2 package, QGIS 1.7.42012-04-19 03:12 AM
5863Bug reportRejectedSevere/RegressionQGIS doesn't start2012-06-25 09:21 AM
5900Bug reportRejectedHighQGIS 1.8.0 windows standalone ships with GDAL version that causes new attribute data loss in Shapefiles2012-06-30 04:36 AM
6636Bug reportRejectedNormalLatest gdal update leads to crash with mrsid-layer2012-11-06 03:38 AM
6623Bug reportRejectedNormalSorting of columns wrong2012-11-05 03:43 AM
6851Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS Master displays error message when a raster is loaded2012-12-11 03:41 AM
6936Bug reportRejectedNormalGRASS plugin missing from qgis 1.8/osgeo4w2013-01-03 12:23 PM
7088Bug reportRejectedNormalPolygonizer plug-in not working in Master2013-03-11 04:09 AM
7106Bug reportRejectedNormalError when running python functions / plugins2013-02-06 07:34 AM
16772Bug reportRejectedNormalcheck validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self-intersection2017-07-01 11:01 AM
7326Bug reportRejectedNormalGeoCoding Plugin2013-03-11 11:48 PM
8162Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS master error matplotlib2013-06-26 04:29 AM
17492Bug reportRejectedHighQGIS master: action names do not show2018-01-15 05:43 AM
8684Bug reportRejectedNormalsearching for help and documentation in the QGIS site - search tool bug (any lowercase and uppercase distinction) ?2013-09-26 06:10 AM
18393Bug reportRejectedHighGRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 is installed2018-03-09 12:54 AM
8915Bug reportRejectedNormalNewline character of Python output is forced to LF only2014-03-24 09:01 AM
8980Bug reportRejectedNormalsvg fill issue: lines not rendered correctly2014-05-19 07:52 AM
9056Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS Userlist Mailinglist reject my reply2013-11-12 02:06 PM
21161Bug reportRejectedHighscipy import in PyQGIS throws traceback2019-02-04 01:02 PM
9891Bug reportRejectedHighQGIS hub has bad performance2014-03-27 10:57 AM
9997Bug reportRejectedNormalCommit changes to database creates invalid geometry2014-10-02 09:39 AM
10105Bug reportRejectedNormalHow to sent coordinates in the right projection to PostGIS2014-06-21 02:36 AM
10139Bug reportRejectedNormalSaving queries option missing?2016-05-24 10:53 PM
9860Bug reportRejectedNormalopenlayers plugin crashes qgis master2014-03-24 01:53 PM
4065Bug reportRejectedNormalPostGIS connection from PGAdmin - troublesome on win7?2011-07-10 12:43 AM

1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 620 (76-100/15486) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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