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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13433Bug reportClosedLowHelp text for rpad and lpad in field calculator are mixed up2015-09-26 12:33 PM
13406Bug reportClosedLowInverted polygon renderer and shapeburst fill create ghost borders in qgis server tiles2019-02-23 08:36 PM
13368Bug reportClosedLowDifference tool generates invalid geometries2019-03-09 03:12 PM
13365Bug reportRejectedLowQGIS CRS works only when the planets aligns 2015-09-16 02:43 PM
13359Bug reportClosedLowmerge two polygons deletes one of them2015-09-16 07:47 AM
13358Bug reportClosedLowEliminate sliver polygons error2015-09-16 07:48 AM
13284Bug reportClosedLowBuffering using buffer distance field hangs, gives no result2017-05-01 01:21 AM
13240Bug reportClosedLowIdentify Features it`s broken by design2019-03-09 03:07 PM
13237Bug reportClosedLowDB Manager Run Vacuum Analyze provide no feedback2019-03-09 04:09 PM
13219Bug reportClosedLowAdd new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards2019-03-09 03:07 PM
12998Bug reportOpenLowWarn users when using graduated/categorized/rule-based renderer and no rules have been specified2019-03-09 03:31 PM
12933Bug reportClosedLowHeatmap generating an empty raster2019-03-09 04:09 PM
12931Bug reportClosedLow"Calendar popup" Not Populating If Today is Clicked2015-11-10 03:50 AM
12912Bug reportClosedLowSwitching line/area measure do not remove lines/areas on close2019-03-09 04:09 PM
12899Bug reportClosedLowSpatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections field2015-06-08 02:51 PM
12889Bug reportClosedLowDefect #20028: Registry entry under HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\uninstall is not deleted in 64 bit environment2018-09-23 10:18 PM
12875Bug reportClosedLowReal Centroids2015-06-04 05:37 AM
12859Bug reportClosedLowQgis layer style file not saving2015-12-19 02:19 PM
12856Bug reportClosedLowformat_number with negative argument causes error 2015-06-05 09:26 AM
12843Bug reportClosedLowSimplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry2015-06-05 08:58 AM
12834Bug reportClosedLowMeasuring tool not closed properly2015-05-27 10:43 AM
12833Bug reportClosedLowAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'port'2015-05-27 09:43 AM
12828Bug reportClosedLowQGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running2015-11-07 02:36 AM
12691Bug reportClosedLowPath names with ' and " give problems when saving projects2015-05-06 12:21 AM
12478Bug reportClosedLowEstimated extent of PostGIS layers with mixed case names2015-06-24 09:09 AM
12445Bug reportClosedLowWhen opening shp from disk, with toggled rendering OFF, qgis fetching data from dbase2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12422Bug reportClosedLowAttribute column filter turns into extended filter2016-05-23 07:27 AM
12398Bug reportOpenLowWrong sort order in symbol sharing2018-03-07 05:38 PM
12272Bug reportClosedLowShortcut for "Invert selection" in attribute table view is incorrectly labeled2015-03-19 01:49 AM
12259Bug reportClosedLowWindow for the creation of new memory layers: wrong size2018-02-25 07:25 PM
12087Bug reportClosedLowMiddle click doesn’t focus on main window2019-03-09 03:12 PM
12063Bug reportClosedLowScalebar - label "map units per bar unit" now out of date2015-10-22 02:05 PM
12039Bug reportClosedLowWrong tip text in dialog -Create a new PostGIS connection-2015-01-26 02:55 AM
12038Bug reportClosedLowWrong style from database loaded after sorting on name column2015-06-04 12:34 AM
11996Bug reportClosedLowCustom hightlight color for 'Identify Features' tool not applied when right clicking on the map canvas2015-01-21 03:35 AM
11903Bug reportClosedLowConfigure Shortcuts problem on Mac2018-08-12 01:37 PM
11897Bug reportOpenLowIn Print composer, menu Setting should open only Composer options2018-08-23 06:54 AM
11869Bug reportClosedLowMapInfo layer error when loaded from zipfile2014-12-17 07:26 AM
11810Bug reportClosedLowOk Button not showing when they are a lot of errors in Eliminate Silver Polygon2017-05-01 01:21 AM
11784Bug reportClosedLowMeasure Line behaviour when "On the fly" enabled2015-05-22 01:27 AM
11676Bug reportClosedLow"Don’t export page if frame is empty" doesn't suppress world file creation2015-09-14 03:17 AM
11493Bug reportClosedLowDXF load: when loading files, use the name of the file in the legend2019-01-26 10:02 PM
11284Bug reportClosedLowHow disable Maximum rows filter for Attribute Table in Print Composer2014-09-29 02:24 AM
11283Bug reportClosedLowQGIS displays all 65535 Unicode characters in Font Marker symbol selection window2019-03-09 04:09 PM
11282Bug reportClosedLowFont Marker symbol value 0x 173 (Unicode 00AD) not displaying in all fonts2016-10-09 09:19 PM
11196Bug reportClosedLowFiltered layers editing misbehaving2014-12-12 05:26 AM
11157Bug reportClosedLowThe overview panel's canvas's background color should be set to the project background2015-10-13 07:58 AM
11142Bug reportClosedLowAdding three shapefile layers when I add just one for QGIS 2.4.02015-05-10 02:20 AM
11128Bug reportClosedLowEdition in attribute table (form view) empties multiline text edit types field content2014-09-02 08:48 AM
11120Bug reportClosedLowCan't save legend in postgres when using charater simbol2019-03-09 04:09 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 310 (151-200/15486) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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