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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4040Bug reportClosedNormal'settings' and 'project properties' doubled in menu's2011-07-07 03:09 AM
4065Bug reportRejectedNormalPostGIS connection from PGAdmin - troublesome on win7?2011-07-10 12:43 AM
3574Bug reportClosedLowMap overview and composer show vertex markers for layers in editing mode2011-07-12 02:26 AM
4008Bug reportClosedNormalMSVC: INSTALL fails because zonalstatistics plugin is not built2011-07-14 07:45 PM
4089Bug reportClosedHighHandle NULL numeric values 1.72011-07-15 07:25 AM
4024Bug reportClosedLowexport: no warning when overwriting a file2011-07-15 10:24 AM
4081Bug reportClosedNormalAbout text not selectable (for copy&paste)2011-07-15 10:25 AM
4084Bug reportClosedNormalFocus is lost when doing searching in the table2011-07-17 01:55 AM
4090Bug reportClosedNormalhelp text is invisible for xat(n) and yat(n)2011-07-19 04:27 PM
4072Bug reportClosedLowWindow title: project name is cut off at the first dot2011-07-19 08:23 PM
4098Bug reportClosedNormalProblems with "Advanced Search" query results2011-07-20 03:20 AM
3974Bug reportClosedNormalProblem with Tile size text field in Add WMS layer dialog2011-07-20 08:32 AM
3861Bug reportClosedLowQGis cannot be started2011-07-22 09:39 AM
3995Bug reportClosedNormalSegfault during use of interpolation plugin2011-07-22 09:45 AM
4085Bug reportClosedHighSymbols don't appear when symbol levels and size scale field are both activated2011-07-22 10:38 AM
4027Bug reportRejectedNormalIcon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 20092011-07-29 01:23 AM
4120Bug reportRejectedNormalcannot use the plugin installer when installed using osgeo4w setup2011-08-01 01:02 AM
4121Bug reportClosedNormalMSVC: build fails due to "'fabs' : ambiguous call to overloaded function"2011-08-01 02:45 AM
3867Bug reportClosedHighproblems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk2011-08-02 10:06 AM
4137Bug reportClosedNormalPrintout with wrong layer position (shape layer shifted off place)2011-08-04 02:06 PM
4113Bug reportClosedNormalList of recently used coord systems is growing2011-08-05 06:04 AM
4043Bug reportClosedHighwrong alignment - both vertical and horizontal - of marker symbol in composer legend2011-08-14 05:34 AM
4166Bug reportClosedNormalNew labelling does not display some labels2011-08-15 03:21 AM
4182Bug reportClosedHighSymbol levels don't work with Rule Based Renderer2011-08-16 12:24 PM
4177Bug reportClosedLowrestart needed to hide some disabled plugins2011-08-17 03:36 AM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 620 (51-75/15485) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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