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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21339Bug reportClosedLowSpace inserted at start of legend entries for no apparent reasonNyall Dawson2019-02-24 10:49 PM
16697Bug reportClosedLowPortuguese translation fixQGIS Translation Team2019-02-24 02:47 AM
17817Bug reportClosedLowWFS vs WMS (OGR?) data types2019-02-24 01:50 AM
17204Bug reportClosedLowEdit widget properties - Range on a Integer64 - slider and dial doesn't work properly2019-02-24 01:49 AM
18456Bug reportClosedLowCrash after attempting band math2019-02-24 01:31 AM
17433Bug reportClosedLowQGIS in idle state after a while2019-02-24 01:18 AM
20183Bug reportClosedLowQGIS Backwards Incompatible Changes names incorrectYves Jacolin2019-02-23 08:37 PM
13406Bug reportClosedLowInverted polygon renderer and shapeburst fill create ghost borders in qgis server tiles2019-02-23 08:36 PM
16030Bug reportClosedLowLaTeX fails with "Undefined control sequence" when building with -DWITH_TXT2TAGS_PDF=ON2019-02-23 11:27 AM
21268Bug reportClosedLowLoading zipped shapefile throws OGR warning2019-02-15 11:23 PM
19650Bug reportClosedLowSilent installJürgen Fischer2019-02-13 12:16 PM
21066Bug reportOpenLowBlack theme in not acivated after restart QGIS2019-02-11 12:52 PM
19463Bug reportClosedLowcrash rolling back edits2019-02-11 05:05 AM
18628Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 3: vertex editor highlights features in non-visible layers2019-02-07 11:37 AM
20942Bug reportOpenLow[mesh] Time slider for non-temporal data should be disabledPeter Petrik2019-02-01 03:37 PM
21130Bug reportOpenLow"Couldn't load SIP module." with MadeiraJürgen Fischer2019-01-30 03:34 PM
11493Bug reportClosedLowDXF load: when loading files, use the name of the file in the legend2019-01-26 10:02 PM
21081Bug reportOpenLowQGIS logo not displayed on taskbar for additional windowsJürgen Fischer2019-01-23 08:31 PM
18492Bug reportClosedLowFile picker button not working in Add Action dialog2019-01-21 11:59 AM
21007Bug reportOpenLowin SVG marker style any edits returns the styling back to green stroke with red fill2019-01-17 11:42 AM
20999Bug reportClosedLowPlugin is broken2019-01-16 02:32 PM
20842Bug reportOpenLowESRI Shapefiles (*.shp, *.SHP) appears twice in the list of opening vector file types2019-01-04 02:13 AM
1170Bug reportClosedLowGPS Plugin non-functional (OS X) for Serial Bus/Com port units2019-01-02 01:28 PM
14004Bug reportClosedLowNight Mapping Theme - Small refinementsNathan Woodrow2018-12-28 09:47 AM
20860Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashing possibly during drives refresh2018-12-21 12:05 AM
20749Bug reportClosedLowAttribute form is out of sync with Source fields2018-12-07 07:06 PM
20750Bug reportOpenLowDrag and drop designer with confusing layout2018-12-07 12:28 PM
20720Bug reportClosedLow"QGIS 3 quit unexpectedly."2018-12-06 09:43 AM
19959Bug reportClosedLow"Handle Bad Layers" dialog message text unclear2018-11-28 11:48 PM
20540Bug reportOpenLow[Expressions]Function parameters display is not triggered when there's a space after the function name2018-11-18 12:03 PM
11244Bug reportClosedLowInvalid values on Date/Time widget editorDenis Rouzaud2018-11-11 04:42 AM
20365Bug reportOpenLowPython3 doctest missing in QGIS 3.4.12018-11-05 08:00 PM
20293Bug reportClosedLowcrash at closing2018-10-31 11:39 AM
20223Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect hint on textbox "refresh layer every (seconds)"2018-10-26 12:59 PM
14228Bug reportClosedLowSetting maximum labeling scale bigger than 1:1 gets resetted to 1:1000 while reopening and saving the label settings2018-10-26 09:32 AM
20219Bug reportClosedLow[invalid] Export to PostgreSQL: no datasets without geometries2018-10-26 12:11 AM
20215Bug reportOpenLowCoordinate widget on status bar doesn't display whole numbers2018-10-25 11:53 PM
8360Bug reportClosedLowodbc import fails if table name contain encodecharacters2018-10-23 11:39 AM
20184Bug reportOpenLow[Options] Missing "cap style" parameter in Options --> digitizing tab --> Curve offset tools2018-10-22 05:01 PM
20156Bug reportOpenLowQgsVectorFileWriter creates new fields with field type Integer64 instead of Integer.2018-10-18 02:06 PM
10568Bug reportOpenLowAttribute table save layer edits doesn't get inactive after successful save2018-10-16 12:03 PM
14466Bug reportRejectedLowConditional formatted table cells expressions are evaluated wrongNathan Woodrow2018-10-15 03:58 AM
20093Bug reportClosedLowSave / Load style window allows to change text Denis Rouzaud2018-10-12 04:28 PM
19424Bug reportClosedLowNot possible to add views from Add Layer window2018-10-09 08:58 AM
19984Bug reportClosedLowopencl warnings when building on ubuntu 'cosmic' 18.10Alessandro Pasotti2018-10-01 12:09 PM
19986Bug reportOpenLowObsolete VC redist version installed2018-10-01 10:33 AM
1963Bug reportClosedLow"Ghost Lines" when using Anti-aliasing, polygons with shared boundaries, and no outline/QT::NoPen2018-09-30 03:55 PM
2455Bug reportClosedLowWindows installer doesn't warn user if it can't create directoriesnobody -2018-09-24 02:52 AM
12889Bug reportClosedLowDefect #20028: Registry entry under HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\uninstall is not deleted in 64 bit environment2018-09-23 10:18 PM
3096Bug reportClosedLowSilent install is not possible when used to upgrade QGISnobody -2018-09-23 10:12 PM

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