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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4084Bug reportClosedNormalFocus is lost when doing searching in the table2011-07-17 01:55 AM
4085Bug reportClosedHighSymbols don't appear when symbol levels and size scale field are both activated2011-07-22 10:38 AM
4091Bug reportClosedLowCreate layer from delimited text (csv) does not work properly for quoted strings2013-04-15 05:44 PM
17233Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Main Window resizes itself upon saving the project to show the 'successfull save' message2018-01-24 10:05 AM
17045Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Desktop Application Closes When Using Identify Tool on a Temporary Layer2017-09-25 03:31 PM
4098Bug reportClosedNormalProblems with "Advanced Search" query results2011-07-20 03:20 AM
4107Bug reportClosedHighBad Allocation when Printing2012-09-19 03:46 PM
4108Bug reportClosedNormalSwitching from new to old polygon symbology then back again ends up with polyline symbology2015-05-22 12:58 PM
4110Bug reportClosedLoworder of layers changes when they are added to a group2015-12-13 07:39 PM
3974Bug reportClosedNormalProblem with Tile size text field in Add WMS layer dialog2011-07-20 08:32 AM
4115Bug reportClosedNormalcopy an object from a layer and insert it into a sqlite layer is not possible2015-12-03 08:56 AM
10521Bug reportClosedLoworder of reading svg paths2018-02-24 03:53 PM
4021Bug reportClosedLowEmpty composer window appear and is impossible to close2014-03-20 02:48 AM
574Bug reportClosedLowCrash when opening .tif when projection is on2009-08-22 12:51 AM
3867Bug reportClosedHighproblems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk2011-08-02 10:06 AM
4133Bug reportClosedLowIdentify results - previous state (location, docked status, size) is not saved2011-10-27 07:45 PM
14173Bug reportClosedNormalRendering order ignored for added/changed features2019-03-09 04:09 PM
4137Bug reportClosedNormalPrintout with wrong layer position (shape layer shifted off place)2011-08-04 02:06 PM
4141Bug reportClosedHighProblem installing plugins2013-04-02 07:50 AM
16727Bug reportClosedLowImporting files from GDB containing a .shp file2017-06-20 07:53 PM
4155Bug reportClosedNormalAdd feature button enable logic is incorrect 2011-09-20 06:55 AM
4156Bug reportClosedNormalPDF generated using new symbology looks different on screen and on paper2015-12-19 10:46 AM
1253Bug reportClosedLowdisable some tools when editing a GRASS vector2015-11-14 04:03 AM
4163Bug reportClosedNormalFile browser: drag & drop should work also for WMS2012-10-05 07:34 AM
4167Bug reportClosedLowmulti-band gray-scale raster style forgets band selection on edit2012-04-17 09:08 AM
4168Bug reportClosedNormalcustom CRS: stripped chars in projection_acronym2012-08-12 11:29 AM
1329Bug reportClosedLowVector Properties dialog - Labels tab - several minor problems2012-01-28 03:08 PM
4176Bug reportClosedNormalCannot edit 3D PostGIS table in QGIS2016-03-28 02:57 PM
4178Bug reportClosedNormalPlugin manager does not show c++ plugins in additional plugin path2012-01-23 10:25 AM
3866Bug reportClosedLowMeasure tool is windows is unusable2011-06-18 09:44 AM
597Bug reportClosedHighlat/lon maps should wrap around 180 longitude2011-09-02 06:56 AM
599Bug reportClosedLowLegend label not retained2009-08-22 12:51 AM
600Bug reportClosedLowRenaming layer in legend doesn't stick2009-08-22 12:51 AM
4190Bug reportClosedHighUsing latest qgis-master, PyQGIS fails to load on ubuntu oneiric development build2011-08-26 06:14 AM
4048Bug reportClosedHighRendering bug on vector layer at different scale (on Linux ONLY)2012-01-28 03:35 PM
4229Bug reportClosedHighIN operator broken in rule based renderer2011-08-29 12:34 PM
3861Bug reportClosedLowQGis cannot be started2011-07-22 09:39 AM
4216Bug reportClosedNormalerror editing dbf over ssh / sftp2014-10-12 12:37 PM
13920Bug reportClosedHighScale for Mac OS2016-10-03 06:12 PM
4230Bug reportClosedNormal"Enable topological editing" is always off after reloading a project2011-12-01 10:46 AM
4238Bug reportClosedLowGeoserver WFS-T throws error when using QGIS Cut Spatial Objects tool2015-12-20 04:43 AM
4239Bug reportClosedNormalChopped-off labels (consider for New Generation Labeling)2011-09-30 04:57 AM
17234Bug reportClosedNormalSaving style in postgres database can't be restored when connection uses a service file2017-10-16 10:26 AM
21310Bug reportClosedNormalJSON column from a Postgresql Database is working to read information, but when editing the column and saving it, an error occurs2019-02-19 10:26 PM
3859Bug reportClosedLowsegfault on exit after using GRASS layer2011-06-01 01:30 PM
4257Bug reportClosedNormalAdd threaded loading to QBrowser2015-01-21 02:27 AM
1718Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect unique key interpretation on PostGIS view - view doesn't load as expected2012-04-18 01:13 AM
19630Bug reportClosedNormalcrash when using QThreadPool + QRunnable2018-09-03 03:42 PM
4282Bug reportClosedNormalWrong map zooming when using the "Attribute Table" zoom tool.2011-09-30 02:19 PM
4284Bug reportClosedNormalerror: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’ 2011-10-22 05:52 AM
17319Bug category value 2017-11-14 09:06 AM
4289Bug reportClosedNormalGeoreferencer missing from Mac V1.8?2015-06-16 03:31 PM
4291Bug reportClosedNormalzoom to layer extent does not work with postgis 2.0.0svn tables2011-09-20 12:46 PM
3862Bug reportClosedLowworld-readable postgresql account passwords in QGIS.conf2013-06-27 05:25 AM
14578Bug reportClosedNormalGeojson coordinates round to int value2017-09-22 10:05 AM
4301Bug reportClosedNormalComposer 'Lock Layers for map item' forgets layers when adding new layer2011-09-22 08:12 AM
4329Bug reportClosedNormalPostGIS provider - estimated metadata URI parameter not copied2011-11-24 02:09 PM
4302Bug reportClosedNormalCan't use 'Geostationary Satellite View' projection2011-11-17 08:53 AM
1589Bug reportClosedLowproblem visualizing WMS defined with a EPSG:NONE srs2014-10-12 12:33 PM
4308Bug reportClosedNormalInterpolation and Terrain core plugins: do not add custom names?2011-12-25 08:32 AM
4312Bug reportClosedNormalRaster custom NULL are not honoured2011-12-25 01:11 PM
4313Bug reportClosedNormalCustom NULL value for rasters is retained2012-10-04 04:45 PM
4331Bug reportClosedLowClassification dialog issues2011-09-30 04:56 AM
4333Bug reportClosedNormalEPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection2011-09-30 09:39 AM
4335Bug reportClosedNormalRaster legend: no values are shown for GRASS rasters2012-10-06 10:23 AM
4336Bug reportClosedNormalBuffered text results in large PDF file sizes2011-09-28 03:00 PM
4343Bug reportClosedLowShapefile, created in Qgis, encoding not recognized by Esri ArcGIS 102013-04-22 01:57 PM
10511Bug reportClosedNormalLegend item styles: always bold layer names2014-06-09 08:03 AM
4345Bug reportClosedHighPie-chart diagrams are irregularly displaced (?) in map composition output2011-12-24 06:06 AM
4347Bug reportClosedLowraster and vector rendering mismatched by 1 pixel at some zoom levels2012-10-06 02:43 AM
4363Bug reportClosedHighProblem with setGeometry() when overwrite geometry2011-10-07 03:35 AM
4370Bug reportClosedNormalCan not start QGIS2011-12-10 05:33 AM
4375Bug reportClosedNormalZoom to layer extent does not work for a point layer with a single point.2015-12-20 11:26 PM
4376Bug reportClosedLowQGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when loading CSV ones2011-11-13 03:20 AM
4381Bug reportClosedNormalSaving a shape as DXF ("save as...") leads to corrupted files2013-11-21 03:35 AM
651Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionZoom to layer does not work if layer has only one point2014-06-08 11:44 PM
4387Bug reportClosedLowNew labelling: "add direction symbol" does not make sense for polygons and points2011-10-19 05:51 AM
4388Bug reportClosedNormalgdal raster provider does not use Offset and Scale raster properties2014-03-18 10:06 AM
4395Bug reportClosedNormalMove raster commands under "Raster" menu2011-12-21 01:10 AM
16699Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crash dumped2017-07-27 03:44 PM
4398Bug reportClosedNormaldiagrams do not superpose2012-09-05 05:39 AM
4399Bug reportClosedNormalBrowser does not allow to tell which layer format to load2011-10-19 05:51 AM
4404Bug reportClosedNormalNZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4396Bug reportClosedNormal(fTools) - Check geometry Validity raises exception clicking on errors with no coordinates2017-05-01 01:22 AM
4410Bug reportClosedHigh"forward transform of... failed with error: latitude or longitude exceeded limits" error2011-11-08 06:00 AM
4411Bug reportClosedNormalSilent WMS errors2011-12-02 01:21 PM
4418Bug reportClosedNormalRandom colour ramp: randomize missing2014-06-02 05:20 AM
4419Bug reportClosedNormalImprove random colour ramps2013-11-24 02:25 AM
4421Bug reportClosedHighRaster are very slow to load when calculating stats2012-05-22 02:14 AM
4422Bug reportClosedNormalTileslider not working2011-10-24 07:07 AM
4427Bug reportClosedNormalDisable options for interpretation of above/below and distancing when online labelling is selected2011-11-24 02:08 PM
4428Bug reportClosedHighDiagram overlays not displaying when render caching is on2011-12-24 01:57 AM
1449Bug reportClosedLowThe map and overview canvas resizes incorrectly2014-06-02 03:43 AM
4433Bug reportClosedHighEdit vertex tool very slow2012-01-28 02:40 PM
1451Bug reportClosedLowHigh usage of CPU when moving mouse over map canvas2015-10-19 02:56 AM
4498Bug reportClosedNormalAdd a "deprecated" tag2014-06-23 06:08 AM
4451Bug reportClosedHigh(regression) Inconsistent behavior in the table of attributes after digitizing new geometries and clicking on the "save" icon2012-02-11 02:05 PM
4452Bug reportClosedNormalEncoding issue in Metadata tab2011-12-26 09:50 AM
16191Bug reportClosedNormalZonal statistics "not a sequence" error2017-09-22 09:53 AM
4462Bug reportClosedNormalWhen drawing a new polygon it inverts existing parts of the polygon2014-10-11 07:19 AM
18178Bug reportClosedNormalGeodatabase (.gdb) Not Opening on Mac 10.13.x with ExFAT External Drives2018-03-03 09:38 PM
4468Bug reportClosedNormalProperties Window selecting OK/APPLY randomly Crashes QGIS2011-10-31 07:53 AM
4474Bug reportClosedHighRaster Calculator makes QGIS crash if output file exists2012-01-13 06:28 AM
4472Bug reportClosedNormalSingle-band Colormap color wrong on one end of color scale.2019-03-09 04:04 PM
4479Bug reportClosedNormalNew color ramp... missing at second hit2011-11-03 07:57 AM
4480Bug reportClosedNormalIncrease/decrease priority in rule-based rendering2012-05-15 01:21 AM
4486Bug reportClosedHighDiagrams: export to image or pdf (or direct printing) doesn't respect Print Composer layout when using MM as units2012-09-05 05:31 AM
4487Bug reportClosedLowCrash when splitting polygons in shp file2011-12-23 08:59 AM
4494Bug reportClosedNormalSVG icons preview not shown2014-06-23 06:08 AM
4499Bug reportClosedNormalMultiple selection of vertices during editing does not work2011-11-18 08:48 AM
3954Bug reportClosedNormalRoad Graph plugin not work with message "path not found"2011-06-09 05:36 AM
3854Bug reportClosedLowCrash when labeling layer with cyrillic name2011-07-02 03:22 AM
3842Bug reportClosedLowMissing Icons all element QGIS2012-01-28 02:42 PM
3855Bug reportClosedLowPython console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad2011-07-05 01:37 AM
3840Bug reportClosedNormal"additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator, histograms, etc.)2013-12-14 04:07 AM
3838Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionSelecting features from the table of attributes freezes QGIS2013-04-13 09:34 AM
3841Bug reportClosedLowQGis over-writing task-bar in Vista2014-06-02 05:16 AM
3857Bug reportClosedLowShapefile cannot be saved if joined table contains field names longer than 10 characters2011-06-03 05:34 AM
3960Bug reportClosedNormalQgsSearchTreeNode fails to handle regex string correctly.2011-06-08 04:29 PM
3830Bug reportClosedLowno tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)2011-06-27 02:40 PM
18200Bug reportClosedHighResampling rasters don't work2018-02-24 02:47 PM
3828Bug reportClosedNormaldissolve tool very slow2017-07-24 10:22 AM
3826Bug reportClosedLowUsing 100% CPU when connected to GPS2015-12-19 11:05 AM
3825Bug reportClosedLowTwo decimal places for symbology in map unit is not suited for lat-long data2011-09-30 04:58 AM
3827Bug reportClosedLowGeoref not using the defined compression2012-01-24 02:34 AM
16721Bug reportClosedNormalProblem with an empty Geopackage layer and zoom to group2017-11-12 02:56 PM
3820Bug reportClosedLowLayer postgres dont recognize unique key index2012-04-17 05:36 AM
1302Bug reportClosedLowImpossible to add more than 128 rasters in OSX2012-02-07 01:03 AM
3821Bug reportClosedLowSaving to DXF results in a file with incomplete extension2011-05-11 11:43 AM
3815Bug reportClosedLowname of the autoloaded rasters and raster calculator2015-12-03 02:47 AM
3819Bug reportClosedLowWMS layer list shows inverse order2015-12-03 03:06 AM
3846Bug reportClosedLowgrass edit: new boundary help message inconsistency2011-05-26 12:07 PM
3833Bug reportClosedLowGraduated symbols missing from exported pdf2011-12-15 10:18 PM
3965Bug reportClosedNormalWrong use of left/right offset in labels2011-07-05 01:46 AM
4023Bug reportClosedHigh[OsX] double-click 'Apply' in layer properties crashes QGIS on OSX2012-02-10 11:06 PM
3792Bug reportClosedLowWhen loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear2015-05-29 08:02 AM
3791Bug reportClosedLow(windows): qgis trunk/osgeo4w crashes if "HKCU\\Software\\QuantumGIS" is removed from registry2011-12-23 07:41 AM
3860Bug reportClosedLowCrash when setting vector area class transparency2011-12-23 08:01 AM
3788Bug reportClosedLowProblem Datum Transformation2012-09-13 01:22 PM
3786Bug reportClosedLowin the composer, map labels and symbols defined in points/mm should be scaled on-screen to match the page size2011-12-08 02:54 PM
3790Bug reportClosedLowOTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)2012-10-05 02:18 AM
17447Bug reportClosedNormal[Travis] Crash in PyQgsServerWMS2017-11-15 11:23 PM
14947Bug reportClosedNormalPlugin's syntax errors in are not reported2019-03-09 04:10 PM
17446Bug reportClosedNormalQgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat() throws errors2017-11-13 09:28 PM
3781Bug reportClosedLowDocked window Attribute Table displays 'ERROR' after save edits of a Postgis layer2012-04-17 05:32 AM
3763Bug reportClosedLowThe "other" open/save file dialog has timeouts or causes QGIS to stop responding completely2012-02-28 03:05 AM
3762Bug reportClosedLow"Cancel" does not revert a change between new and old symbology2015-07-12 04:44 PM
18754Bug reportClosedNormalEmbedded form: data stays in form when last feature in relation is removed2018-06-21 09:49 PM
16720Bug reportClosedHighPyspatialite in QGIS 3 crash2017-11-03 11:35 PM
3798Bug reportClosedLowcan't add csv files in trunk/linux, trough the "add vector" dialog2011-05-10 09:54 AM
3750Bug reportClosedLowField calaculator: $x and $y functions always return result as integer values2011-04-17 06:40 AM
3749Bug reportClosedLowlabels out of view for long straight lines2015-11-20 07:55 AM
3754Bug reportClosedLowPrinting does not render well (legend)2014-06-19 06:11 AM
3744Bug reportClosedLowDifferent behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rendering2015-11-20 08:05 AM
470Bug reportClosedLowadding a column to GRASS vector corrupts it2015-11-10 03:35 AM
3794Bug reportClosedLowRotated raster tiff freezing QGIS2015-07-12 04:45 PM
3847Bug reportClosedLowprint composer: Export image doesn't refresh window when done2013-06-01 09:00 AM
3731Bug reportClosedLowRaster stats calculated twice2012-10-05 05:54 AM
3727Bug reportClosedLowFeatures not represented with rule-based renderer still get labelled2012-08-12 01:18 AM
3737Bug reportClosedLowincorrect feature count with rule based renderer2012-10-31 10:24 AM
19028Bug reportClosedNormalValue relation widget with multiple selection checkbox disappeared2018-05-25 04:10 PM
1704Bug reportClosedLowLabel buffer doesn't work in map units2012-08-20 03:48 AM
3723Bug reportClosedLowTransparency settings are not applied from *.qml2011-12-10 02:50 AM
3743Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression[OsX] Georeferencer: can't set map coords from map canvas, and other odd behavior2013-06-01 03:46 PM
3761Bug reportClosedLow"Cancel" button in Symbol properties dialogue has the same effect as "OK" button.2015-08-21 12:03 PM
3803Bug reportClosedLowProblems with merge tool2015-11-14 05:22 AM
3698Bug reportClosedLowkml import skipping lines2015-11-20 06:21 AM
3696Bug reportClosedLowclassification keeps remembering a removed feature class2011-11-12 05:08 AM
3705Bug reportClosedLowGraduated symbol style not loaded correctly2014-06-23 05:58 AM
3690Bug reportClosedLowLanguage Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH2015-11-20 06:15 AM
3686Bug reportClosedLowinfinite loop2012-12-14 09:06 AM
3694Bug reportClosedLowWMS quality worse on QGIS server compared to QGIS desktop2011-10-01 02:22 AM
3733Bug reportClosedLowDummy transparency and nodata values2012-10-04 04:53 PM
3673Bug reportClosedHighOffline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers2017-08-08 08:39 AM
1380Bug reportClosedHighNo Data values are counted as values in the histogram2012-10-05 07:10 AM
3676Bug reportClosedLowAdd option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile2015-11-20 06:12 AM
3667Bug reportClosedLowWhen opening a Version 1.4.0 project file (*.qgs) with Version 1.6.0 QGIS crashes2011-12-23 07:38 AM
3659Bug reportClosedNormalSize scale field does not work with symbol levels2015-05-24 04:35 AM
3672Bug reportClosedLowregion error when creating a GRASS location?2014-06-20 03:34 AM
3684Bug reportClosedLowCategorized renderer can't handle trailing spaces2015-10-10 12:49 AM
3713Bug reportClosedLowMemory layer's fields not shown in attribute table (and layer properties) unless refreshed by entering the edit mode2011-04-09 05:50 AM
3634Bug reportClosedLowGRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings2015-11-20 05:47 AM
3633Bug reportClosedLowCan't classifiy a joined column with the same name than a column of the layer2014-03-28 06:20 AM
3641Bug reportClosedLowBug in ShapeFile to postgis import Tool2011-03-19 02:55 PM
17776Bug reportClosedHigh[Processing] Clip raster crashes QGIS2018-02-22 10:58 AM
3618Bug reportClosedLowAnnotations are not reprojected correctly2015-12-12 05:11 PM
3621Bug reportClosedLowProjecting not working in MacOS2015-07-12 04:39 PM
3644Bug reportClosedLowToolbars loose their position after crash2014-06-12 03:03 PM
3607Bug reportClosedLowGDALTools: Inconsistent behaviour on windows standalone in QGIS 1.62014-06-29 10:13 AM
3732Bug reportClosedLowStatistics missing in metadata2012-10-04 05:04 PM
3609Bug reportClosedHighin a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work2015-10-16 07:46 AM
3595Bug reportClosedLowKML files do not show in "add vector layer" dialog2011-03-11 12:50 PM
3604Bug reportClosedLowpaste doesn't convert geometry or give error on incompatible geometry2014-03-03 12:38 AM
3613Bug reportClosedLowmap units not honored for line offset2015-07-13 12:50 AM
3648Bug reportClosedHighQgis 1.6/trunk, osgeo4w/standalone hangs/crashes when adding GRASS vectors in a QGIS project2011-09-11 04:58 AM
19027Bug reportClosedNormalZonal statistics not working when raster and vector in different CRS2018-06-05 03:04 PM
3809Bug reportClosedLow[QGIS1.7] Crash when saving shp layer as .mif2011-12-23 07:53 AM
4024Bug reportClosedLowexport: no warning when overwriting a file2011-07-15 10:24 AM
3635Bug reportClosedLowv.db.what.connect does not work2015-11-20 08:39 AM
3568Bug reportClosedLowBad Allocation when zooming2014-06-21 02:07 PM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 78 (401-600/15486) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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