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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3539Bug allow selecting 2/3 columns2016-02-03 05:26 AM
3505Bug reportClosedHighCrash when GPSD goes away and trying to connect again2013-09-22 03:11 AM
3497Bug reportClosedHigh[OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X2013-05-29 09:43 AM
3507Bug reportClosedLowbuilt-in spatialindex conflicts with external libspatialindex2015-11-20 02:52 AM
3542Bug reportClosedLowTable edits cause loss of geometry2011-03-08 03:05 PM
9667Bug reportClosedNormalUsing PostGIS over a slow connection unfeasible: unnecessary loading of data?2018-02-24 05:25 PM
9747Bug reportClosedNormaldata defined properties2019-03-09 03:11 PM
19538Bug reportClosedNormalParser Errors: Function is not known2018-09-03 10:39 AM
3479Bug reportClosedLowNew Symbology does not print2014-06-02 04:53 AM
3487Bug reportClosedLowSelect features by rectangle does not work properly2015-12-19 10:50 AM
3455Bug reportClosedLowOTF or save as in another projection not work no more2012-10-31 02:56 AM
14853Bug reportClosedNormalHistogram min/max values markers and graph are always the ones for values computed as "estimated"2019-03-09 04:10 PM
3480Bug reportClosedLowComposer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed2014-06-03 03:30 AM
19021Bug reportClosedNormal[Layout] Exporting an atlas does not bring back the map item to its initial extent at the end of the process2018-05-25 01:13 AM
20578Bug reportClosedNormalEmbed layers and groups does not work with compressed projects2018-11-21 10:09 AM
3489Bug reportClosedLowMissing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning2016-06-20 03:18 PM
747Bug reportClosedLowimporting 3D geom into PostGIS via SPIT plugin2011-12-09 09:01 AM
3501Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 1.6.0 fails to install on Windows 7 with cannot access the file because it is being used by another process2014-06-24 02:13 PM
13920Bug reportClosedHighScale for Mac OS2016-10-03 06:12 PM
3511Bug reportClosedLowOnly one sub-level of symbols is saved2015-11-20 12:21 AM
3527Bug reportClosedLowCrash when removing layers from project2011-12-23 07:35 AM
3517Bug reportClosedNormalnew labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons2016-06-16 02:29 AM
3544Bug reportClosedLowSave Selection as Shapefile changes database field info2015-11-20 04:15 AM
3550Bug reportClosedLowLabels scale dependency not saved2013-05-21 01:53 AM
3562Bug reportClosedLowQGIS incompatible with QWT 6.0.02012-02-02 02:00 PM
3568Bug reportClosedLowBad Allocation when zooming2014-06-21 02:07 PM
14878Bug reportClosedNormalSetting feature rendering order in 2.5D styling always gets back to default expression and doesn’t really apply2019-03-09 04:10 PM
3574Bug reportClosedLowMap overview and composer show vertex markers for layers in editing mode2011-07-12 02:26 AM
651Bug reportClosedSevere/RegressionZoom to layer does not work if layer has only one point2014-06-08 11:44 PM
3580Bug reportClosedLowNew symbols go wild for lines2015-11-05 01:00 PM
574Bug reportClosedLowCrash when opening .tif when projection is on2009-08-22 12:51 AM
1045Bug reportClosedLowRenaming layer in legend requires layer name change to cancel it's renaming2009-07-04 01:34 PM
3607Bug reportClosedLowGDALTools: Inconsistent behaviour on windows standalone in QGIS 1.62014-06-29 10:13 AM
3609Bug reportClosedHighin a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work2015-10-16 07:46 AM
17776Bug reportClosedHigh[Processing] Clip raster crashes QGIS2018-02-22 10:58 AM
3621Bug reportClosedLowProjecting not working in MacOS2015-07-12 04:39 PM
3634Bug reportClosedLowGRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings2015-11-20 05:47 AM
3641Bug reportClosedLowBug in ShapeFile to postgis import Tool2011-03-19 02:55 PM
3672Bug reportClosedLowregion error when creating a GRASS location?2014-06-20 03:34 AM
3673Bug reportClosedHighOffline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers2017-08-08 08:39 AM
3684Bug reportClosedLowCategorized renderer can't handle trailing spaces2015-10-10 12:49 AM
3686Bug reportClosedLowinfinite loop2012-12-14 09:06 AM
3696Bug reportClosedLowclassification keeps remembering a removed feature class2011-11-12 05:08 AM
3698Bug reportClosedLowkml import skipping lines2015-11-20 06:21 AM
3733Bug reportClosedLowDummy transparency and nodata values2012-10-04 04:53 PM
3713Bug reportClosedLowMemory layer's fields not shown in attribute table (and layer properties) unless refreshed by entering the edit mode2011-04-09 05:50 AM
3727Bug reportClosedLowFeatures not represented with rule-based renderer still get labelled2012-08-12 01:18 AM
3731Bug reportClosedLowRaster stats calculated twice2012-10-05 05:54 AM
3743Bug reportClosedSevere/Regression[OsX] Georeferencer: can't set map coords from map canvas, and other odd behavior2013-06-01 03:46 PM
3744Bug reportClosedLowDifferent behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rendering2015-11-20 08:05 AM
3750Bug reportClosedLowField calaculator: $x and $y functions always return result as integer values2011-04-17 06:40 AM
2766Bug reportClosedNormalQuery failed if field value contains apostrophe2012-04-18 12:15 AM
3847Bug reportClosedLowprint composer: Export image doesn't refresh window when done2013-06-01 09:00 AM
3761Bug reportClosedLow"Cancel" button in Symbol properties dialogue has the same effect as "OK" button.2015-08-21 12:03 PM
3458Bug reportClosedNormalNew Symbology: Simple Markers don't allow to specify stroke-width2013-05-27 06:08 AM
3422Bug reportClosedLowUnreadable icons in TOC2015-06-14 08:29 AM
3412Bug reportClosedLowcrash when double clicking edit table button2011-12-23 07:00 AM
3446Bug reportClosedLow"Layers" panel issue2012-10-31 02:57 AM
3470Bug reportClosedLowGRASS error(s?) missing error details2016-05-18 05:29 AM
3543Bug reportClosedLowOn windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it2015-11-20 04:09 AM
14947Bug reportClosedNormalPlugin's syntax errors in are not reported2019-03-09 04:10 PM
16716Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS MSSQL connection creation issue2017-10-16 09:08 AM
9653Bug reportClosedNormal"Output layer" default for raster calculator2019-03-09 03:11 PM
3380Bug reportClosedLowCrash when repeatedly switching symbology renderer2012-01-28 03:04 PM
3349Bug reportClosedHighHistogram is wrong if raster has negative values2012-10-05 05:52 AM
3346Bug reportClosedLowBug: composer legend - symbols and labels are not vertically aligned2012-04-23 02:40 AM
20281Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.4: Python error when running "r.texture" on Windows2018-11-11 10:42 PM
3400Bug reportClosedLowOn project load the Selection color is not properly set.2015-11-10 11:33 AM
3315Bug reportClosedLowediting the attribute table POSTGIS in QGis via VPN2012-01-31 03:41 PM
3314Bug reportClosedLowNode tool does not allow multiple-selection when geometry is invalid2012-12-30 08:41 AM
3330Bug reportClosedNormalBug: Glitches in Pretty Breaks graduated rendering2012-10-01 03:48 PM
20531Bug reportClosedNormalOpen new attributes tables as docked windows - not retained2018-11-19 10:47 AM
3496Bug reportClosedLowPrint Composer in QGIS 1.6.0 does no longer select the rows of the visible features2014-01-27 01:33 AM
3294Bug reportClosedLowNode tool not working well2011-12-10 05:46 AM
3333Bug reportClosedLowGdalTools: strange responsivenes of multiple files selector2015-12-22 05:18 AM
3407Bug reportClosedNormalGeoreferencer asks for output file name even if only tfw is selected2015-06-18 05:53 AM
17984Bug reportClosedNormalVery slow rendering of layouts with grids in other CRS than project2018-02-21 09:29 PM
3495Bug reportClosedLowError while saving vector layer into folder with cyrillic2011-02-16 03:04 AM
17982Bug reportClosedHighReference point property in Layout move rotated elements2018-02-21 09:30 PM
3251Bug reportClosedLowPDF export creates a PDF with strange text encoding (or something)2011-12-13 07:12 PM
3250Bug reportClosedLowVector layers printed/exported as rasters, even when "Print as Raster" is unchecked2013-03-20 11:49 AM
16714Bug reportClosedNormalSymbols in layer panel resize on zooming map if they are in map units2019-03-09 03:10 PM
3272Bug reportClosedLowKML export is malformed2015-11-19 02:41 AM
3228Bug reportClosedLowList of widgets not working with custom ui forms2015-06-01 07:34 AM
281Bug reportClosedLowSelecting features causing abnormal exit2014-06-29 10:12 AM
3233Bug reportClosedLowNon-latin characters not available2015-01-10 01:53 PM
3205Bug reportClosedLowGRASS toolbox: don't allow for operations on a vector with broken topology2016-05-18 05:34 AM
96Bug reportClosedLowidentify tool: there are spaces in the numeric fields2014-06-29 10:12 AM
14549Bug reportClosedNormalPreserve trailing zeros in print composer attribute table2019-03-09 04:10 PM
3238Bug reportClosedLowLong name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted2015-11-18 08:45 AM
3273Bug reportClosedNormalMinimum Dialog Size Standard2012-10-24 04:22 AM
10521Bug reportClosedLoworder of reading svg paths2018-02-24 03:53 PM
3791Bug reportClosedLow(windows): qgis trunk/osgeo4w crashes if "HKCU\\Software\\QuantumGIS" is removed from registry2011-12-23 07:41 AM
3821Bug reportClosedLowSaving to DXF results in a file with incomplete extension2011-05-11 11:43 AM
3164Bug reportClosedLowGibberish in output tab of GRASS tools2014-06-29 10:13 AM
3162Bug reportClosedLowGRASS raster display inaccurate2016-02-22 11:50 AM
3181Bug reportClosedLowv.clean.prune command without key2012-01-06 05:46 AM
17770Bug reportClosedHighCrash during editing layout in Print Composer2018-02-22 09:17 AM
3133Bug reportClosedLowMenus too large for small screens2015-11-18 08:37 AM
3155Bug reportClosedLowZoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing2016-02-25 09:23 AM

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