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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
14150Bug reportRejectedNormaltuple index out of range when trying to launch Command: load from commander 2016-05-26 05:50 AM
17546Bug reportRejectedNormalCouldn't load plugin 'processing' due to an error when calling its classFactory() method 2017-11-25 09:00 PM
14579Bug reportRejectedNormalWeird OGR Error using MMQGIS to geocode2017-09-22 10:05 AM
16410Bug reportRejectedNormalClear cache button doesn't work2017-09-22 09:53 AM
16442Bug reportRejectedNormalNavigationToolbar2Qt symbols missing?2017-04-19 06:10 AM
19941Bug reportRejectedNormalQgsLineString unexpected behaviour when constructed2018-09-25 07:01 PM
14086Bug reportRejectedNormalgdal tools - proximity (non-ascii characters)2016-01-13 09:23 AM
6936Bug reportRejectedNormalGRASS plugin missing from qgis 1.8/osgeo4w2013-01-03 12:23 PM
11174Bug reportRejectedNormalQgis processing toolbox is breaking encoding of output shapefile2015-06-07 04:33 AM
11268Bug reportRejectedNormalError when importing matplotlib 1.42014-09-25 09:47 AM
7047Bug reportRejectedNormalPython support broken/disabled on QGIS' quantal master builds when running on ubuntu's upcoming ringtail 13.042013-01-25 03:40 AM
15564Bug reportRejectedNormalChange default value in Vector | Research Tools | Grid | Parameters2016-09-15 01:15 AM
11171Bug reportRejectedNormalOpenLayers3 plugin not loading basemap in firefox- google chrome works fine2014-10-04 12:59 AM
11083Bug reportRejectedNormalError QSphere plugin started 2014-08-20 11:18 PM
11172Bug reportRejectedNormalExport to OpenLayers3 crash Qgis when Label uses Field Expression 2014-09-15 06:25 AM
11314Bug reportRejectedNormalgdal-python 1.11.1-12014-10-05 01:37 AM
6380Bug reportRejectedNormalPrimary Key with multiple columns are not 2012-09-20 01:38 PM
10105Bug reportRejectedNormalHow to sent coordinates in the right projection to PostGIS2014-06-21 02:36 AM
10139Bug reportRejectedNormalSaving queries option missing?2016-05-24 10:53 PM
9997Bug reportRejectedNormalCommit changes to database creates invalid geometry2014-10-02 09:39 AM
8272Bug reportRejectedNormalBad size request with a georeferenced raster2019-01-29 01:56 PM
10577Bug reportRejectedNormalWFS data provaider crashes when "Cache Feature" is activated2014-06-13 06:51 AM
17436Bug reportRejectedNormalMenus appear in wrong place2017-11-10 01:25 AM
16126Bug reportRejectedNormalProcessing: Tools for LiDAR data2017-05-03 07:28 PM
8980Bug reportRejectedNormalsvg fill issue: lines not rendered correctly2014-05-19 07:52 AM
8915Bug reportRejectedNormalNewline character of Python output is forced to LF only2014-03-24 09:01 AM
9036Bug reportRejectedNormaldb manager's spatialite node gone in latest qgis master 2014-01-23 11:31 PM
9056Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS Userlist Mailinglist reject my reply2013-11-12 02:06 PM
4120Bug reportRejectedNormalcannot use the plugin installer when installed using osgeo4w setup2011-08-01 01:02 AM
4118Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS 1.8 uses gdal 1.6 instead of gdal 1.8 under ubuntu2011-08-29 10:06 PM
8684Bug reportRejectedNormalsearching for help and documentation in the QGIS site - search tool bug (any lowercase and uppercase distinction) ?2013-09-26 06:10 AM
9860Bug reportRejectedNormalopenlayers plugin crashes qgis master2014-03-24 01:53 PM
6261Bug reportRejectedNormalTrusted connected2012-08-27 11:31 PM
10049Bug reportRejectedNormaltoc: point symbols not visible if in map units2014-04-15 06:56 AM
6298Bug reportRejectedNormalGdal Tools and OSX Mountain Lion (OSX 10.8.1)2012-09-03 02:13 AM
6334Bug reportRejectedNormalprint composer - add a tsblr2012-09-11 11:34 PM
4209Bug reportRejectedNormalFail when using clipper from Gdal Tools2011-08-23 12:37 AM
4215Bug reportRejectedNormalAbfragen auf Layer aufheben2011-11-01 03:31 AM
11108Bug reportRejectedNormalSemi-Automatic Classification Plugin error2014-08-27 09:31 AM
20867Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS 3.4.2 - Extension disabled because it caused QGIS to crash2019-03-09 10:59 PM
4292Bug reportRejectedNormalHow is it possible....2011-09-16 03:10 AM
11173Bug reportRejectedNormalOpenLayers3 not showing nothing when Style is Rule-Based2014-10-04 12:59 AM
6636Bug reportRejectedNormalLatest gdal update leads to crash with mrsid-layer2012-11-06 03:38 AM
6623Bug reportRejectedNormalSorting of columns wrong2012-11-05 03:43 AM
16797Bug reportRejectedNormalOverwriting GeoJOSN file is confirmed only via dialog "OK"2017-07-06 06:26 AM
12015Bug reportRejectedNormalAllow transfer of rasters from QGIS to PostGIS through DBManager2015-01-20 08:27 AM
8162Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS master error matplotlib2013-06-26 04:29 AM
19515Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS Rapidly Uses RAM on Fedora 28 When Adding Layer2018-08-01 04:43 AM
4065Bug reportRejectedNormalPostGIS connection from PGAdmin - troublesome on win7?2011-07-10 12:43 AM
8789Bug reportRejectedNormalQGIS failing to load semi automatic classification plugin and otb and saga not configured2013-10-07 11:49 AM

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