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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
16990Bug reportClosedHighDeleting QGIS bookmarks may leave blank rows or appear to have not deleted a bookmarkAlessandro Pasotti2017-12-21 03:56 PM
21150Bug reportClosedHighDelimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path modeAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-08 02:53 PM
16935Bug reportClosedHighEditing a Spatiallite/GPKG layer added by d&d (or DB Manager) leads to error and data corruptionAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-24 07:30 PM
21428Bug reportOpenHighEnabling acceleration crashes QGISAlessandro Pasotti2019-03-12 09:29 AM
20094Bug reportClosedHighExtracting z-coordinates takes ages and makes the system unresponsiveAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-18 08:19 PM
18204Bug reportClosedHighFailure to load PostGIS raster without bandsAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-27 09:50 AM
17610Bug reportClosedHighFrozen on Coordinate System WindowAlessandro Pasotti2018-01-05 03:12 AM
21259Bug reportClosedHighGeometry Checker CrashesAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-18 02:14 PM
17539Bug reportClosedHighI can only create one spatial Bookmark in current masterAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-30 04:27 AM
17410Bug reportClosedHighIdentify tool->download in a not authorised folder block qgisAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-08 01:51 PM
20255Bug reportClosedHighImpossible to enter a decimal value for the geometry precision in French (comma as decimal separator)Alessandro Pasotti2018-10-29 02:31 PM
18620Bug reportClosedHighLayer rendering order broken in QGIS 3xAlessandro Pasotti2018-04-05 02:41 PM
16802Bug reportClosedHighMaster crashes with 2 WMTS layers and scrollwheel useAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-23 05:55 PM
17385Bug reportClosedHighNo auth-db savedAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-30 04:38 PM
21303Bug reportClosedHighPostgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table if the table has a large number of columnsAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-21 08:31 AM
16991Bug reportClosedHighProject bookmarks can't be moved to QGIS (main) bookmarksAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-29 02:38 PM
16242Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 2.18.4 saves always with absolute pathsAlessandro Pasotti2018-01-09 11:58 AM
17878Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing IconAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-02 07:40 PM
18007Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point FeatureAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-02 07:42 PM
18344Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a join where the "Custom Field Name Prefix" is left blankAlessandro Pasotti2018-09-18 03:18 PM
20363Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3.4.1 : CRASH : Settings->Options (OpenCL related)Alessandro Pasotti2019-01-25 01:22 PM
20810Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server 3 - drawing order of grouped layerAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-09 09:41 AM
20961Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server 3.4 can't reset numeric field using WFS Update Alessandro Pasotti2019-01-24 05:42 PM
21059Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server POST processing broken after modifications from commit:dedbbd4Alessandro Pasotti2019-01-22 02:55 PM
20198Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server WFS DescribeFeatureType not following TYPENAME parameterAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-23 08:44 AM
21697Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server: GetFeatureInfo Requests impossible on layer groups or top layerAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-05 07:46 AM
20927Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Server: WFS issue using the EXP_FILTER parameterAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-22 08:04 AM
17673Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floating windowAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-22 11:43 AM
21856Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriterAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-17 08:21 AM
17388Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes on featureCount()Alessandro Pasotti2017-11-10 05:04 PM
17636Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when a layer is removed while loading the attribute tableAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-22 11:44 AM
21270Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when createInstance() uses wrong constructor in a QgsProcessingAlgorithm subclassAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-20 07:43 AM
21858Bug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes with PostgreSQL viewsAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 01:55 PM
17116Bug reportClosedHighQGIS master saves always with absolute pathsAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-23 10:31 AM
17977Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS requestAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:31 PM
18089Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server 2.99 error on every WMS request (except GetCapabilities)Alessandro Pasotti2018-02-26 03:36 PM
17975Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groupsAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-21 09:39 PM
18230Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)Alessandro Pasotti2018-11-27 11:02 PM
21917Bug reportClosedHighQGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent groupAlessandro Pasotti2019-04-27 05:36 PM
17915Bug reportClosedHighQGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layerAlessandro Pasotti2018-01-23 05:08 PM
17600Bug reportClosedHighQgsCoordinateTransform.transform() doesn't work anymore in QGIS masterAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-22 11:45 AM
21405Bug reportClosedHighRaster Calculator wrong resultsAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-20 12:45 PM
19760Bug reportClosedHighRaster calculator crashes QGIS 3Alessandro Pasotti2018-11-28 08:35 AM
22071Bug reportClosedHighRelation reference widget wrong feature when "on map identification"Alessandro Pasotti2019-05-22 11:01 AM
11266Bug reportClosedHighRelations "Subforms" - delete records in form viewAlessandro Pasotti2015-11-04 02:22 AM
15974Bug reportClosedHighRows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shapefileAlessandro Pasotti2017-05-12 03:11 PM
18981Bug reportClosedHighSave QLR crashes QGIS 3Alessandro Pasotti2018-06-07 09:55 AM
18292Bug reportClosedHighServer GetFeatureInfo FILTER search fails when WIDTH, HEIGHT and CRS are not specified Alessandro Pasotti2018-03-16 04:06 PM
17845Bug reportClosedHighSetting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't workAlessandro Pasotti2018-02-12 09:09 AM
17584Bug reportClosedHighSpatial Bookmarks checkbox is not synced with project statusAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-30 06:31 PM

1 2 3 4 ... 310 (51-100/15485) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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