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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5134Bug reportClosedLowExpression builder: missing help message is incomplete for some operators2012-03-09 08:53 AM
5119Bug reportClosedLowGPS Information Panel2012-03-07 03:18 AM
5135Bug reportClosedLowSpurious "Password" field in some GRASS modules2012-03-12 05:57 AM
3117Bug reportClosedLowGPS live tracking does not work for me2014-06-21 01:58 PM
3580Bug reportClosedLowNew symbols go wild for lines2015-11-05 01:00 PM
5140Bug reportClosedLowGeoreferencer demands unneeded filename2012-03-08 11:40 AM
2559Bug reportClosedLowI want to save a Projekt, then qGIS crashes and in 2 from 3 cases the project is ruined2010-03-23 11:01 AM
3342Bug exists twice in GRASS toolbox2015-11-19 05:33 AM
5084Bug reportClosedLowBlank tab on Grass Tool Module2015-12-15 08:29 AM
3115Bug reportClosedLowOld project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating2015-12-19 04:11 PM
5160Bug reportClosedLowError when checking for updates2014-06-23 10:03 AM
5830Bug reportClosedLowWhen using gdalwarp in batch mode, extensions of outfile are not correctly defined2017-02-07 01:33 AM
2976Bug reportClosedLowWrong properties display for GRASS Raster2012-12-30 08:30 AM
2578Bug reportClosedLowGUI for several GRASS modules wrong2015-12-15 08:04 AM
5193Bug reportClosedLowrasterize misses the -of parameter (output format)2017-01-24 02:53 AM
3233Bug reportClosedLowNon-latin characters not available2015-01-10 01:53 PM
16826Bug reportFeedbackLowRange widget: ridiculously large minimum and maximum values2019-03-09 04:28 PM
5184Bug reportRejectedLowGoogleLayersPlugin 0.7.2 crash with 1.74 and QGIS-master2012-05-23 06:15 AM
5182Bug reportClosedLowfTools Merge Shapefiles command object type checking2017-05-01 01:22 AM
2203Bug reportClosedLowGPS Tools: spaces in Output File path2010-06-12 10:59 AM
3131Bug reportClosedLowGRASS toolbox: shows 100% while still creating topology2016-02-22 11:42 PM
2569Bug reportClosedLowsuppress blank lines in GRASS output2016-02-15 12:23 AM
5195Bug reportClosedLowAdd saved file to the map requires the file extension2012-03-19 08:05 AM
3162Bug reportClosedLowGRASS raster display inaccurate2016-02-22 11:50 AM
3251Bug reportClosedLowPDF export creates a PDF with strange text encoding (or something)2011-12-13 07:12 PM
2977Bug reportClosedLowMessy uninstallation of the standalone installer2011-12-10 05:55 AM
2656Bug reportClosedLowWMS layers sometimes do not display when render cache mode is active2012-01-28 03:11 PM
3250Bug reportClosedLowVector layers printed/exported as rasters, even when "Print as Raster" is unchecked2013-03-20 11:49 AM
6184Bug reportClosedLowMap canvas does not update after "paste style"2013-02-24 05:42 PM
2483Bug reportClosedLowWindow resize/zoom problem with large rasters2012-12-30 08:15 AM
5237Bug reportClosedLowUpdate r.mapcalc to be compatible with the GRASS 7 new syntax2014-06-20 05:40 AM
3130Bug reportClosedLowInternal SVG resources not selectable on OS X2011-07-03 11:39 AM
8604Bug reportClosedLowRepeated number of elements in legend2016-06-21 01:53 PM
3422Bug reportClosedLowUnreadable icons in TOC2015-06-14 08:29 AM
3002Bug reportClosedLowSlow conversion to spatialite using "Save as"2012-01-23 11:30 PM
3595Bug reportClosedLowKML files do not show in "add vector layer" dialog2011-03-11 12:50 PM
2733Bug reportClosedLowfTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file or PostGIS Layer2017-05-01 01:23 AM
3412Bug reportClosedLowcrash when double clicking edit table button2011-12-23 07:00 AM
3667Bug reportClosedLowWhen opening a Version 1.4.0 project file (*.qgs) with Version 1.6.0 QGIS crashes2011-12-23 07:38 AM
3495Bug reportClosedLowError while saving vector layer into folder with cyrillic2011-02-16 03:04 AM
8179Bug reportClosedLowinconsistent way of disabling the histogram stretch buttons on unsupported layers2013-06-29 02:48 AM
5305Bug reportClosedLowsvg fill symbols are presented in a wrong way2014-06-12 04:12 PM
19033Bug reportClosedLowError report join attributes by location2018-06-05 04:06 AM
7949Bug reportClosedLowPoint / Line layer properties initial size value does not reflect actual width / size of feature in preview2015-07-12 08:04 PM
2176Bug reportClosedLowOGR converter: CSV export is broken2011-03-04 09:52 AM
5311Bug reportClosedLowremove the "-s" option (used silently) in "" and/or add it as option2014-06-20 04:49 AM
5306Bug reportClosedLowr.lake.xy does not allow pasting coordinate into the "seed coordinate point" fields2014-06-20 05:42 AM
3164Bug reportClosedLowGibberish in output tab of GRASS tools2014-06-29 10:13 AM
5310Bug reportClosedLowAllow the nviz module to select more than one raster map (for elevation)2014-06-20 04:44 AM
5307Bug reportClosedLowr.patch do not allow selecting multiple raster maps as input2014-06-20 05:39 AM
5308Bug reportClosedLowAdd the module2014-06-20 05:38 AM
3272Bug reportClosedLowKML export is malformed2015-11-19 02:41 AM
6204Bug reportClosedLow"Restore Default Style" error text2014-06-21 05:26 AM
10521Bug reportClosedLoworder of reading svg paths2018-02-24 03:53 PM
3446Bug reportClosedLow"Layers" panel issue2012-10-31 02:57 AM
5422Bug reportClosedLoweVis database connection broken on Linux?2012-08-02 04:52 AM
3133Bug reportClosedLowMenus too large for small screens2015-11-18 08:37 AM
19072Bug reportOpenLowsaving a virtual layer makes qgis crash2018-05-31 10:02 AM
1253Bug reportClosedLowdisable some tools when editing a GRASS vector2015-11-14 04:03 AM
5508Bug reportClosedLowDBF encoding and cyrillic values2012-04-27 04:38 AM
5498Bug reportClosedLowMake the default directory to the users "home" directory after a fresh install2015-12-26 10:29 AM
2760Bug reportClosedLowSpatiaLite Layers Not Displaying in PPC Mac2012-04-20 09:29 AM
3455Bug reportClosedLowOTF or save as in another projection not work no more2012-10-31 02:56 AM
5524Bug reportClosedLowErratic behaviour of Union tool 2017-05-01 01:22 AM
3109Bug reportClosedLowswitching layers does not work2012-12-30 08:28 AM
3604Bug reportClosedLowpaste doesn't convert geometry or give error on incompatible geometry2014-03-03 12:38 AM
6234Bug reportClosedLowStrikeout Font not applied using "modify label" dialog2012-08-28 03:09 PM
5570Bug reportClosedLowmissed errors using `Check geometry validity` tool2012-05-11 02:03 AM
3480Bug reportClosedLowComposer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed2014-06-03 03:30 AM
2336Bug reportClosedLowloading a project from the command line results in broken rendering2015-11-14 05:40 AM
5616Bug reportClosedLow"Add" button is enabled when no PostGIS layers are selected2016-05-28 01:43 AM
1302Bug reportClosedLowImpossible to add more than 128 rasters in OSX2012-02-07 01:03 AM
7725Bug reportClosedLowthe qgis 1.9 import from 1.8 lost the transparency2016-01-20 12:17 AM
5609Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer probably generating pdf even if user canceled the file dialog2013-09-22 03:17 AM
3004Bug reportClosedLowDXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work2011-06-19 07:44 AM
5621Bug reportClosedLowmake browser remove the file extensions when dragging and dropping layers into the canvas2012-05-28 04:41 PM
5632Bug reportClosedLowGrammar mistake in CRS dialogue - "coordinate references systems"2012-05-23 09:40 PM
4975Bug reportClosedLowGRASS modules present twice2015-12-15 08:46 AM
5641Bug reportClosedLowEmpty query does not get processed in query builder2012-06-16 02:29 AM
1329Bug reportClosedLowVector Properties dialog - Labels tab - several minor problems2012-01-28 03:08 PM
3470Bug reportClosedLowGRASS error(s?) missing error details2016-05-18 05:29 AM
1343Bug reportClosedLowdxf2shp plugin does not distinguish between polygon and polyline correctly2011-12-09 09:04 AM
281Bug reportClosedLowSelecting features causing abnormal exit2014-06-29 10:12 AM
3496Bug reportClosedLowPrint Composer in QGIS 1.6.0 does no longer select the rows of the visible features2014-01-27 01:33 AM
17894Bug reportClosedLowTest2018-01-22 12:02 PM
1356Bug reportClosedLowcreate index incorrect for MapInfo files2011-12-25 11:25 AM

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